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Thread: Seriously, how to approach a stranger girl

  1. #16
    Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    FYI- Mathias gets laid these days and CAM doesn't.
    Consistently, to a great girl at that.

    I'm not saying it's bad for girls to pursue you. But, you widen your chances of getting the girl you want if you show at least initial interest to...say, a girl you're interested in.

    Not every girl is going to chase you without a clue that you're into her. Sorry.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
    Consistently, to a great girl at that.

    Not every girl is going to chase you without a clue that you're into her. Sorry.
    Well, congrats on your very happy sex life.

    Of course, I never said that "every girl is going to chase"...you have taken my point and exaggerated it.

    Thanks, Mis...for agreeing with my point and actually adding something important to it. Namely, that you chose the guy you went out with...you pursued them.

    Yes, Mathias, I can show interest (or openness, willingness)to the woman whom I am interested in, but in many cases in the past, she then pursued me.

    In my case, it's a moot point now, of course, since I'm not around to show interest, willingness or openness. I'm reclusive, as I've said before.

    Mathias, "The 13th Apostle" ? Wasn't the 13th Apostle a guy named "Judas"?

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Mathias, "The 13th Apostle" ? Wasn't the 13th Apostle a guy named "Judas"?
    Nope. In Acts, after Judas' suicide (post-betrayal), Mathias is elected into the group.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
    Nope. In Acts, after Judas' suicide (post-betrayal), Mathias is elected into the group.
    Interesting. Thanks for the clarification. A biblical scholar, I am not

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Interesting. Thanks for the clarification. A biblical scholar, I am not
    Actually, I'm not either, but my real name is Matt, and I'm named for my grandfather, who's middle name was Mathias. So, I looked it up. Interesting story, actually...weird that there was a 13th apostle.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    You just talk to them, huh? I never use that approach. I make myself almost completely inaccessible and most are intimidated by me because I appear totally disinterested.

    The emotionally strong ones, the woman that are really interested...they approach me and ask me out.

    My approach. Success rate: it was actually pretty good, until around 2003 when I became so completely inaccessible that it would be impossible to even know I exist.

    I wouldn't suggest my approach--I wouldn't just go and talk with them either, however. Something in between solicitous and reclusive. Something more natural.
    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Oh, and the one's that did approach me. Very good looking. Very smart. The good looking ones get tired of guys who hit on them; it is refreshing for them to take the initiative. The smart ones see me as another smarty-pants and so they take the initiative.

    Anyway, the key is to make yourself a luxury good--a rare and valuable commodity. Sell yourself as a normal good and you'll be treated as a normal good. That goes for women and men these days.

    I don't approach women and women don't approach me. I don't know how to smile unless I am happy and that is rare...very rare. I am who I am and I would never change for some pussy. If I intimidate women with my social behavior because they assume that I look "disinterested" than I take pleasure in that. Just as I would in intimidating anyone for any reason. What would be better? Walking around with my tongue hanging out to show interest? I don't think so. I have been with women because I have usually met them for other reasons than just dating/sex interests...usually work or school. What the heck is a luxury good when referring to humans?
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 03-01-08 at 05:19 AM.
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    What the heck is a luxury good when referring to humans?
    Meaning that you make yourself so unique as to be a commodity that only a small percentage could possess because you are "high-priced"--you pricetag being that you require something extra special on your partner.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Well, congrats on your very happy sex life.

    Of course, I never said that "every girl is going to chase"...you have taken my point and exaggerated it.
    Well.. i've just spent over $600 tonight.. like.. just right now.. lol.. on accessories..

    Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces

    I also have 2-3 really great-looking hats lying around.. and a great pair of glasses..

    If you want to improve your chances with women, accessorize.. Dressing is also important, but after a women looks at you walking, who you're with, what you're wearing (shirt, pants), looks at your shoes, (now she's going to start looking at your accessories "usually your watch, any necklace or bracelet you have on, and she's going to check that you're not married by looking at your ring finger")

    Subtle Subcommunication: Dressing well just means that you value your appearance and that you know how to take care of yourself (and have perhaps the social intellegence and money to do so, which demonstrates value).. that's good, but what SCREAMS "high-value" is showing that you're not afraid to accessorize tastefully..

    Have a thing going on, incorporate it into your style.. casual-formal-modern style.. very typical.. now spice it up and stand out by adding some (stainless-steel/silver rings (no more than 3, don't cross into GAY land), silver/black or brown leather bracelets (no more than 4, don't look EMO), and some unique necklace (no more than 2)).. skip the hat and glasses unless you're on the beach or at a casual party.. (no glasses if it's night-time or you're in a dark setting, that just screams, "i'm trying too hard because i'm insecure")

    I go for 2 typical looks:

    Abercrombie & Fitch/Surfer/Beach/casual/relaxed look: Shirt colors are light colors, preferably white, light jeans or light-brown rugged-vitage-looking pants, and casual vintage-looking shoes.. you can throw a hat on if you like, usually 2 rings on one hand, 1 ring on the other, 2 necklaces (tan/brown coral necklace, turquoise coral necklase, or your classic white shell necklace), brown-leather, brown-leather w/ rope, brown-leather w/ silver metal, and brown-leather w/ stainless-steel watch (bracelets) 2 on each arm.

    Modern/casual/formal-ish/sophistocated look: shirt colors are dark, regular or dark colored jeans, you can even go with black dress pants if you like, black leather dress shoes, no hat, either 1 ring on one hand, or 1 ring on each hand.. 1 necklace, either metalic or black leather chain with a unique pendant, and for bracelets (black leather w/ silver charm hanging, black leather w/ metal, metalic "preferably stainless-steel, silver, or titanium, don't add gold it kills the look", and a regular watch) 2 items per hand.

    The Theory: Men don't pick women, Women pick men.. ever notice a woman make and hold eye-contact, "it's not a mistake, it's calculated".. ever notice a woman checking you out or trying to stand next to you (but not within 2-3 feet of you) just so you can notice her? Women pick men, but don't want it to appear that way, and they sure as hell don't want to give indications of interest, so they have to get creative (but also don't want to appear as if they thought too hard or got too creative to get his attention, because that would also appear to be an indicator of interest on her part)

    So what this is doing is helping the process.. Women don't have to get too creative or think too hard if they want to approach you.. You have more stuff on display than Sax Fifth Ave at this point, but it's tasteful and not overkill.. she can easily come up to you and comment about ANYTHING (your necklace, your ring, your bracelet).. it can be good or bad.. what she says isn't important, only that she had a motive to come over and say it is what's important! so by doing this, you're giving women more green-lights to come over and speak to you (just to get your attention), from there on, it's your turn to keep it going, but I obviously know you already know that..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Meaning that you make yourself so unique as to be a commodity that only a small percentage could possess because you are "high-priced"--you pricetag being that you require something extra special on your partner.
    Like their attempt to do the initiative? Still makes no sense at all. Your saying by being picky it gives you a higher chance of meeting someone.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    Like their attempt to do the initiative? Still makes no sense at all. Your saying by being picky it gives you a higher chance of meeting someone.
    Awww.. no no.. I don't think that's what he's saying..

    I think he means, as a guy.. you need to build up a STRONG "frame" for yourself.. a clear, well-defined, congruent "identity" that everyone can see and at the same time, wants to get to know.. I think that's what he means by "unique"..

    As for "high priced".. again, that touches on "cat theory".. for instance.. in NYC, JAPs could care less about anything else.. the only thing that gets them "turned on" so to speak, is "high value"..

    It's very counter-intuitive.. and it's all about indirect & subtle subcommunication that demostrates your high value..

    For instance, when talking to them, and the conversation gets at a high-point; turn away and get distracted.. as if they don't exists (not in a snobish way, but as if you seriously found something more interesting).. WHAT?!?!?!??

    Think about the message you're sending out.. (even though the conversation was at a high-point, and you were both enjoying it, I really don't find you guys interesting enough, so there's something/someone else that's caught my attention).. Cat theory states that they're going to come chasing after you; (because you were the stimulus of this high-point in communication and fun, and you just took it away, they want it back).. so the chase is on.. and you have to resist, until they "win you over".. that's NYC game in a nutshell..

    Also.. don't feel you're being rude.. and put your manners aside.. remove and delete from your habits anything you deem you "should do" to be "polite".. the message you want to convey is that; I really don't care what you think, because i'm not trying to impress you or attract you, because you've done NOTHING to grab my interest or attention..

    Here's the powerful subcommunication that takes place when you do that.. (your looks don't blow me away, you obviously know you're beautiful, but beauty is very common in my world, and beautiful women are all too common to me, so i'm not blown away by your looks, which indicates that you don't have my interest or attention, but if you want my interest and attention, you're going to have to work for it, because i'm not an easy-push-over like beta-males, i'm alpha, i'm high-value, and women come up to me all the time, so don't think for a second that i'm needy or that i'm going to feel compelled to chase after you, because in my world that's what you're going to have to do if you want my attention, or else, you can't enjoy the fun & stimulation I provide and i'll just move along)..

    This actually intimidates women; (but they'll never admit this).. and it intimidates them because they feel that they've lost control over you.. their female-sexual control over you doesn't even exist.. so then they're going to try and manipulate you with Signs of Interest and see how you respond or how easily you can be pushed-over.. but AGAIN you don't respond (because, it's as if to say that beautiful women are interested in me by the dozen, and hit on me all the time, this isn't anything out of the ordinary).. so now she's LOST, she has no idea what else to do, because this is all she knows.. her last attempt would normally be to pretend to go away and show resistance as if you don't interest her (too bad you beat her to her own game).. it's YOU that turns around and gets distracted first.. taking her off SCREANING mode and putting her into CHASE mode..

    So what is she chasing? Well, after a STRONG & UNIQUE "frame".. so you have to be a guy she can "sum up" to her friends in no more than 2-3 sentenses.. "That Investment Banker who loves to cook and wants to open up his own club", or "That Attorney who's a musician & likes to design & build houses".. so you have to build that "identity" that she can easily process (god forbid she has to think too hard).. and that she WANTS to get to know and be part of (your life that is)..

    I think this is stuff almost every guy knows.. it just takes some digging and deeper thinking to go further into the inner-layers of attraction-logic.. you almost have to attract women and take a step back and think (what just happened, why?) "reverse engineer" in a way.. it's not enough to simply observe that something worked.. you should always take the extra step and ask WHY did it work, WHAT's going on here?
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Awww.. no no.. I don't think that's what he's saying..

    I think he means, as a guy.. you need to build up a STRONG "frame" for yourself.. a clear, well-defined, congruent "identity" that everyone can see and at the same time, wants to get to know.. I think that's what he means by "unique"..

    As for "high priced".. again, that touches on "cat theory".. for instance.. in NYC, JAPs could care less about anything else.. the only thing that gets them "turned on" so to speak, is "high value"..

    It's very counter-intuitive.. and it's all about indirect & subtle subcommunication that demostrates your high value..

    For instance, when talking to them, and the conversation gets at a high-point; turn away and get distracted.. as if they don't exists (not in a snobish way, but as if you seriously found something more interesting).. WHAT?!?!?!??

    Think about the message you're sending out.. (even though the conversation was at a high-point, and you were both enjoying it, I really don't find you guys interesting enough, so there's something/someone else that's caught my attention).. Cat theory states that they're going to come chasing after you; (because you were the stimulus of this high-point in communication and fun, and you just took it away, they want it back).. so the chase is on.. and you have to resist, until they "win you over".. that's NYC game in a nutshell..

    Also.. don't feel you're being rude.. and put your manners aside.. remove and delete from your habits anything you deem you "should do" to be "polite".. the message you want to convey is that; I really don't care what you think, because i'm not trying to impress you or attract you, because you've done NOTHING to grab my interest or attention..

    Here's the powerful subcommunication that takes place when you do that.. (your looks don't blow me away, you obviously know you're beautiful, but beauty is very common in my world, and beautiful women are all too common to me, so i'm not blown away by your looks, which indicates that you don't have my interest or attention, but if you want my interest and attention, you're going to have to work for it, because i'm not an easy-push-over like beta-males, i'm alpha, i'm high-value, and women come up to me all the time, so don't think for a second that i'm needy or that i'm going to feel compelled to chase after you, because in my world that's what you're going to have to do if you want my attention, or else, you can't enjoy the fun & stimulation I provide and i'll just move along)..

    This actually intimidates women; (but they'll never admit this).. and it intimidates them because they feel that they've lost control over you.. their female-sexual control over you doesn't even exist.. so then they're going to try and manipulate you with Signs of Interest and see how you respond or how easily you can be pushed-over.. but AGAIN you don't respond (because, it's as if to say that beautiful women are interested in me by the dozen, and hit on me all the time, this isn't anything out of the ordinary).. so now she's LOST, she has no idea what else to do, because this is all she knows.. her last attempt would normally be to pretend to go away and show resistance as if you don't interest her (too bad you beat her to her own game).. it's YOU that turns around and gets distracted first.. taking her off SCREANING mode and putting her into CHASE mode..

    So what is she chasing? Well, after a STRONG & UNIQUE "frame".. so you have to be a guy she can "sum up" to her friends in no more than 2-3 sentenses.. "That Investment Banker who loves to cook and wants to open up his own club", or "That Attorney who's a musician & likes to design & build houses".. so you have to build that "identity" that she can easily process (god forbid she has to think too hard).. and that she WANTS to get to know and be part of (your life that is)..

    I think this is stuff almost every guy knows.. it just takes some digging and deeper thinking to go further into the inner-layers of attraction-logic.. you almost have to attract women and take a step back and think (what just happened, why?) "reverse engineer" in a way.. it's not enough to simply observe that something worked.. you should always take the extra step and ask WHY did it work, WHAT's going on here?
    Sounds like a bunch of kids games. **** that. I am just straight forward and honest and I stay who I am. I don't change for pussy. Thanks for clarifying it for me though I think. Sounds to me like women are stupid and shallow...a lot more shallow than men actually. If I was a women I would be offended..but I am not...wohhoo. If I can sum someone up in 2-3 sentences than I think that person is pathetic and needs to get off the nut sack of that one or two single hobbies he has. Another reason for me to hate New York ...and I already hated it.

    Let me tell you how it happens here in Chicago. If you approach a women than you pretty much gave it away that you think they are attractive and this "ignore them" BS won't work. If you don't approach JACK SHIT happens and you never meet women.

    How about if I just find an Alpha male and punch him in the face? will that work? lol
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 04-01-08 at 02:55 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    Let me tell you how it happens here in Chicago. If you approach a women than you pretty much gave it away that you think they are attractive and this "ignore them" BS won't work. If you don't approach JACK SHIT happens and you never meet women.

    How about if I just find an Alpha male and punch him in the face? will that work? lol
    O.K. I can see a trend here..

    First of all, I agree with you on nearly everything you said.. yes.. we all think men have this ego.. but anything you can consider to be male ego is dwarfed in the face of female ego.. don't know what i'm talking about? here are some examples of female ego that won't quit (women are just complicated, don't try to understand them, you never will.. you don't know what it feels like, you're lucky you don't have to go through what we do, i'd gladly trade places, it beats giving childbirth "makes horrid childbirth analogy".. thought so)

    But, the problem lies in the fact that women want to feel like they are in control and selecting the best possible mate.. (now, nobody is saying to NOT APPROACH WOMEN).. just be careful how you approach..

    When you approach a woman, and you send out indications of interest, (think about subcommunication; it's NOT flattering).. have you ever been in a bar, and had this piss-drunk ugly girl approach you, "hello, how are you tonight, you're cute, I just wanted to tell you, it's finally nice to see some quality guys in this place, what's you're name?".. you can see where it's going, and while the flattery is great for the ego, you're trying to not puke on her face as she's talking and want to run away.. this is you (as a guy) feeling uncomfortable.. but for more subtle reasons than you can understand.. (it's because SHE has selected you, prior to you feeling any attraction for her, so when she continues with her rushed advances, you go into autopilot mode and reject, you're not even open to the idea of acceptance).. think of it like being in a store and having a saleman pushing this item on you (you try to find a trillion reasons to say no to it; BUT if it's the last item in the store, you may even buy it on impulse)

    Think about this for a second.. Women want to feel like they're getting the better deal; that's natural, afterall, greed is in their nature.. as it must be.. so when men DO approach women, the BIGGEST mistake they do (and i've seen it plenty) is they send out indicators of interest and send the woman into (auto-reject-get-away-from-me-please-leave-me-alone mode).. that's because on a subtle level this is what the man is implying (you are above my social value level; and I am very interested in mating with you, so I simply cannot resist this urge to tell you and gain your acceptance since I am not sure I may ever find someone like you again).. YES, this is exactly what you convey if you do this.. so the woman thinks (he's below my social level, he obviously wants me, but he's needy, and his quick indication of interest shows me that he's insecure about finding someone else like me, so i'm above him, so it's pointless to be with someone like him, eww).. and, any chance of attraction dies instantly!

    The point of accessorizing IS NOT so that you don't have to approach women.. (women will give you signals), that's all nice and dandy, but even if they don't, you still have to be able to go up to women and drop something like "hey guys, I actually have to leave in 2 minutes, my friends are getting ready for hunting tomorrow morning, but I just had to ask before we all go because we need a woman's opinion on something and it would actually be better to get a lesbian's opinion, so I saw you guys and I had to come over.. (her; we're not lesbians).. oh, well.. hmm.. shoot.. well I guess I could still ask for your opinion as a woman; unless I was wrong about that too (notice how you convey lack of interest; and disqualify yourself as someone comming over to hit on two girls).. "run your story" but i'm a guy.. and I don't know about these things, I just wanna hear how you feel as a girl.."

    The conversation naturally follows.. but females in the group will need to first have the following things happen in sequence:

    1. Gain Trust (trust in the sense that you're not there to pick them up; this is why it's easier to pick up girls if you act gay, say you're gay, say you're into women outside their age range, anything to disqualify yourself.. you can also do this non-verbally "example: blow your nose in front of them; that's something nobody interested would do")
    2. Knock thier ego down (Indirectly & with subtlety; make them self-concious, don't give your "target" validation and attention; things she's used to.. but befriend her friends "objects" so that they like you and don't want you to leave because you're having a fun time)
    3. Lock-in (The "target" usually has a huge ego, and can't take the lack of attention and validation, so she may want to leave.. to prevent this.. lock her in by making her or someone else hold onto something.. "pictures, a hat, a scarf, a watch, your drink, etc." then continue talking)
    4. Build Interest (your target is pretty pissed at this point, and craves group attention and validation; too bad you've taken over the group.. so at this point, allow her to get involved in the conversations, but don't let her take them over; YOU have to lead them, and then take them over again; once again, make her crave that attention by validating her friends' opinions or stories and giving them attention while ignoring her)
    5. Start to bait her (she's been in this desert long enough, start teasing her with some drops of water.. and small meaningless hints of validation and attention now will spark her desire to gain more and more from you.. but you have to slowly open up, and make her feel like she can't win you over that easily.. she has to work for it.. REALLY work for it!)

    Where does accessorizing come in? It comes in while you're trying to "hook" the group.. when the conversation is running dry (which should never happen; you should instead turn away like you're bored or in search of more interesting stimulation after you share a great story/joke whatever, always leave them at a high-point, making them want more, then turn away, do something else, and have them chase after you); they're going to comment on something you're wearing (what's that thing on your necklace mean? that's a cool ____).. also, you can even rock your body and start looking around the room as if YOU are bored and distracted (after the hook), they will sense you're near-future plans of leaving them, and if they're interested, one will not hesitate to say (hey, what's up with that ___ you're wearing?)..

    So, don't overlook accessorizing; it's a powerful tool..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 04-01-08 at 04:34 AM.
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    O.K. I can see a trend here..

    First of all, I agree with you on nearly everything you said.. yes.. we all think men have this ego.. but anything you can consider to be male ego is dwarfed in the face of female ego.. don't know what i'm talking about? here are some examples of female ego that won't quit (women are just complicated, don't try to understand them, you never will.. you don't know what it feels like, you're lucky you don't have to go through what we do, i'd gladly trade places, it beats giving childbirth "makes horrid childbirth analogy".. thought so)

    But, the problem lies in the fact that women want to feel like they are in control and selecting the best possible mate.. (now, nobody is saying to NOT APPROACH WOMEN).. just be careful how you approach..

    When you approach a woman, and you send out indications of interest, (think about subcommunication; it's NOT flattering).. have you ever been in a bar, and had this piss-drunk ugly girl approach you, "hello, how are you tonight, you're cute, I just wanted to tell you, it's finally nice to see some quality guys in this place, what's you're name?".. you can see where it's going, and while the flattery is great for the ego, you're trying to not puke on her face as she's talking and want to run away.. this is you (as a guy) feeling uncomfortable.. but for more subtle reasons than you can understand.. (it's because SHE has selected you, prior to you feeling any attraction for her, so when she continues with her rushed advances, you go into autopilot mode and reject, you're not even open to the idea of acceptance).. think of it like being in a store and having a saleman pushing this item on you (you try to find a trillion reasons to say no to it; BUT if it's the last item in the store, you may even buy it on impulse)

    Think about this for a second.. Women want to feel like they're getting the better deal; that's natural, afterall, greed is in their nature.. as it must be.. so when men DO approach women, the BIGGEST mistake they do (and i've seen it plenty) is they send out indicators of interest and send the woman into (auto-reject-get-away-from-me-please-leave-me-alone mode).. that's because on a subtle level this is what the man is implying (you are above my social value level; and I am very interested in mating with you, so I simply cannot resist this urge to tell you and gain your acceptance since I am not sure I may ever find someone like you again).. YES, this is exactly what you convey if you do this.. so the woman thinks (he's below my social level, he obviously wants me, but he's needy, and his quick indication of interest shows me that he's insecure about finding someone else like me, so i'm above him, so it's pointless to be with someone like him, eww).. and, any chance of attraction dies instantly!

    The point of accessorizing IS NOT so that you don't have to approach women.. (women will give you signals), that's all nice and dandy, but even if they don't, you still have to be able to go up to women and drop something like "hey guys, I actually have to leave in 2 minutes, my friends are getting ready for hunting tomorrow morning, but I just had to ask before we all go because we need a woman's opinion on something and it would actually be better to get a lesbian's opinion, so I saw you guys and I had to come over.. (her; we're not lesbians).. oh, well.. hmm.. shoot.. well I guess I could still ask for your opinion as a woman; unless I was wrong about that too (notice how you convey lack of interest; and disqualify yourself as someone comming over to hit on two girls).. "run your story" but i'm a guy.. and I don't know about these things, I just wanna hear how you feel as a girl.."

    The conversation naturally follows.. but females in the group will need to first have the following things happen in sequence:

    1. Gain Trust (trust in the sense that you're not there to pick them up; this is why it's easier to pick up girls if you act gay, say you're gay, say you're into women outside their age range, anything to disqualify yourself.. you can also do this non-verbally "example: blow your nose in front of them; that's something nobody interested would do")
    2. Knock thier ego down (Indirectly & with subtlety; make them self-concious, don't give your "target" validation and attention; things she's used to.. but befriend her friends "objects" so that they like you and don't want you to leave because you're having a fun time)
    3. Lock-in (The "target" usually has a huge ego, and can't take the lack of attention and validation, so she may want to leave.. to prevent this.. lock her in by making her or someone else hold onto something.. "pictures, a hat, a scarf, a watch, your drink, etc." then continue talking)
    4. Build Interest (your target is pretty pissed at this point, and craves group attention and validation; too bad you've taken over the group.. so at this point, allow her to get involved in the conversations, but don't let her take them over; YOU have to lead them, and then take them over again; once again, make her crave that attention by validating her friends' opinions or stories and giving them attention while ignoring her)
    5. Start to bait her (she's been in this desert long enough, start teasing her with some drops of water.. and small meaningless hints of validation and attention now will spark her desire to gain more and more from you.. but you have to slowly open up, and make her feel like she can't win you over that easily.. she has to work for it.. REALLY work for it!)

    Where does accessorizing come in? It comes in while you're trying to "hook" the group.. when the conversation is running dry (which should never happen; you should instead turn away like you're bored or in search of more interesting stimulation after you share a great story/joke whatever, always leave them at a high-point, making them want more, then turn away, do something else, and have them chase after you); they're going to comment on something you're wearing (what's that thing on your necklace mean? that's a cool ____).. also, you can even rock your body and start looking around the room as if YOU are bored and distracted (after the hook), they will sense you're near-future plans of leaving them, and if they're interested, one will not hesitate to say (hey, what's up with that ___ you're wearing?)..

    So, don't overlook accessorizing; it's a powerful tool..
    That sounds like something plausible but I am not into bars or the group thing. Usually avoid groups, someone always gets left out. Either way good points but sure seems like a hell of a lot of work and seems extremely fake...at some point when the idea of a relationship comes up all this BSing around has to stop and at that point wtf happens?

    I'm more interested in that ..."girl standing over by the microscope that looks really damn good in school" approach. When there is just nothing in common to talk about.

    Women may send signals but I just don't pick them up...or just don't get any...from at least women that interest me.

    The barf thing on her face made me laugh. Man, you sure go out of your way to get a girls attention...I don't even find it worth all this trouble...you know how some guys say they don't care enough...they are lying compared to me. I want to **** and have a girlfriend...but honestly I believe it is natural...it supposed to happen naturally...you should just meet someone and love them and bang...than people had to f*ck it up with all this socializing BS.

    I can't believe that women actually fall for this "I am not interested all that much" BS but at the same time will BS how honesty is all important and shit. WTF is wrong seriously with being attracted to someone and showing it?

    One more thing, while I do agree with you I don't think this is always the case. I went out of my way to catch up to a girl one day after class...she was even on the phone with what sounded more likely her boyfriend...I came up to her to talk to her with clear intentions of interest..I mean there was no other way to show it...and she straight up hung up the phone and showed interest back.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 04-01-08 at 05:25 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    I went out of my way to catch up to a girl one day after class...she was even on the phone with what sounded more likely her boyfriend...I came up to her to talk to her with clear intentions of interest..I mean there was no other way to show it...and she straight up hung up the phone and showed interest back.
    It depends on age, (and prior to hitting 17-18, their perception of their own value is pretty low)..

    Now, i'm not one to spit stuff out there for the heck of making someone feel bad.. and quite honestly.. I like you OV.. you're a really good guy, and you say it like it is.. I totally agree with you, it would be a much better place if everyone would be honest, no games, and everything would be strait-up..

    However, consider this.. women want to feel protected, want a man who has a high Survival & Replication value, and at least three trillion other things.. it would undoubtably be efficient for women to simply just ask; but notice the incentive for men who don't fit the bill to just lie in order to get with these women.. so instead, they have to play games and test.. and in doing so, women are constantly on "screaning" mode.. where attraction doesn't stand a chance.. they may see a nice guy (and by nice, I mean that hot, sexy, badass jock, which every guy looks up to and every girl wants to be with).. and he'll pay no attention to her yet.. and it'll drive her nuts.. maybe he'll say hi.. and then leave, all of a sudden she's thinking (omg! he talked to me, that felt awsome! ugh, if only he liked me..) and she's out of screaning mode and into "chase" mode..

    Think of a cat, I know i've beaten this theory down to nothing at this point.. but it works.. if you toss it a rubber mouse, it won't play with it.. it's not fun playing with something that doesn't run away or present some kind of challenge, it's just not interesting.. the cat will either just sit there, or go away.. but tease the cat with it, then take it away, then tease it again, and take it away, now you got the cat interested, it will tear the house apart trying to play with that toy

    Anyway, so for the phone-girl.. like I said, it's not her husband, it's her bf.. (but in either case, women are still willing to cheat, as long as it won't hold any consequences, and for as long as you don't make them think that you'll think less of them or judge them if they do).. women cheat far more than men do.. it's just that when women do it (it doesn't count.. tee hee)

    WARNING: I don't think this is the case, but just watch out for it, because it's a really rough heartbreak avoided early.. (Imagine some girl who you're not interested in, but you know is interested in you constantly comes up to you; at first she's annoying, but she makes you feel good about yourself.. instead of throw her away and ignore her, you keep her around, ONLY because she makes you feel good about yourself.. she makes you feel that someone wants you, that someone likes you, that someone things you look good, etc) Now, imagine, that.. maybe.. just maybe.. "you're this girl".. ouch! This is exactly the situation you don't want to be in.. so be careful (not all signs of interest are legitimate; women often use them to get easily-manipulated guys to do things for them.. and guys often do.. which is why girls still use them)
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    Like their attempt to do the initiative? Still makes no sense at all. Your saying by being picky it gives you a higher chance of meeting someone.
    Making another live up to you. Be classy; have a sense of being; have a sense of worth. Be happy in your life and with yourself.

    There are tons of women and men who have no sense of worth; are unhappy, have no class. You don't want them. You want someone who will see your true value and will want to be with you because they share the same values, the same level of class and intelligence.

    Live up rather than down.

    There's a big difference between being "picky" and just living up.

    Living up is mentally healthy. Slumming it is not mentally healthy.

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