Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
So, no comment on personal choices...but, is it good for a civilisation for 40 percent of children to be born out of wedlock? Can't think that it would be very good.

Bristol Palin is mentioned in that article. There's the role models our kids have.

Cam, its not good. However, I agree with Giga, the more reasonable, responsible adults a child has in his/her life, the better. Marriage is probably the best choice for ensuring this, at least until something better comes along. But I'd rather two decent common-law parents than one single or two married disasters running the pack.

FWIW, we took both a pre-marriage course AND a parenting course before we did either. There weren't any epiphanies in either, but I think a lot of ppl could benefit.

I'm still for government-required contraceptive implants and limits on childbirth until both adults demonstrate an ability to be responsible. Look at China. Every Chinese child I have seen born to parents from there are extremely well-cared for and loved. For those that aren't aware, Chinese couples are only allowed one child. I'm not saying that's the standard that should be adopted, but just something to consider.

In contrast to the cow I saw recently at the local mall w/3 under-5 and another on the way. They were running amok in the local passport photo shop. I wanted to slap her & take her kids away, the way she was treating them.