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Thread: Attractive or unattractive?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What is wrong with you people?It's not like I have killed someone ... If ur ugly ur ugly, I don't understand ur drama u may have other qualities that could replace that or make u attractive but that won't make u beautiful.I won't say that ur skin colour is blue if it's white. I haven't mocked anyone, I was the one who was persecuted.Damn... Everybody on this forum has a freaking phrase like : "Looks doesn't matter.". What u all blind robots or what?Only looking for people who do what u want?What about arts?Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa.Do you think that he painted her for her what you call "moral" qualities. And he was gay, i can only imagine, how u would all have had him criticized.Respect other people' s way of being and their will.Huh, and that guy telling me that maybe ill be a parent one day and ill be in diar pain when my child will be called ugly...That's not pain, pain would've been for a swan to be called ugly in a group of ducks.And about ego, i guess that the majority of u here are just ignorants.Surviving great suffering makes u stronger, then it's impossible for one to not have higher confidence than a ignorant person eating trash food and looking only for the next pleasure.Imagine how happy would a f**ked up person who had always been livin the "happy life" to be in the same picture with the "punched" and "beaten" by life guy.Glory for the winner and honour for the beaten.You know nothing about that or martial arts, where you can truly find real values, not your "how to be noone" lessons.U expect everyone to be equal?Then suffer the same and u shall be.U defy nature where the strongest survives.Give me a break...

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Here's what we'll do. You take some pictures of yourself, I'll confirm you're butt-ugly and we can call it a day.
    No, but seriously, photos.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What about confirming me doing yur mom?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Doubt it, considering you're so "unattractive".

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Los Angeles, U.S.A
    You have to move to the United States, all the A-Holes and Douchebags are getting the hot girls here.
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Los Angeles, U.S.A
    Quote Originally Posted by xmarksthespot View Post
    What is wrong with you people?It's not like I have killed someone ... If ur ugly ur ugly, I don't understand ur drama u may have other qualities that could replace that or make u attractive but that won't make u beautiful.I won't say that ur skin colour is blue if it's white. I haven't mocked anyone, I was the one who was persecuted.Damn... Everybody on this forum has a freaking phrase like : "Looks doesn't matter.". What u all blind robots or what?Only looking for people who do what u want?What about arts?Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa.Do you think that he painted her for her what you call "moral" qualities. And he was gay, i can only imagine, how u would all have had him criticized.Respect other people' s way of being and their will.Huh, and that guy telling me that maybe ill be a parent one day and ill be in diar pain when my child will be called ugly...That's not pain, pain would've been for a swan to be called ugly in a group of ducks.And about ego, i guess that the majority of u here are just ignorants.Surviving great suffering makes u stronger, then it's impossible for one to not have higher confidence than a ignorant person eating trash food and looking only for the next pleasure.Imagine how happy would a f**ked up person who had always been livin the "happy life" to be in the same picture with the "punched" and "beaten" by life guy.Glory for the winner and honour for the beaten.You know nothing about that or martial arts, where you can truly find real values, not your "how to be noone" lessons.U expect everyone to be equal?Then suffer the same and u shall be.U defy nature where the strongest survives.Give me a break...
    Relax man, some people around here try to change the world while the world is telling it how it is. I know what your saying. I'll tell you something. I'm the type of guy that needs to be around women. Not just any women, but beautiful women to make me feel that I earn to be around such beauty because I am rather good looking and in good shape. Now this makes me cocky and a lot of "innocent" people don't like hanging around cocky guys like me but in this new society cocky things get the girls. Now, you say you think your not that attractive but you also are saying that your body physique should be the attraction to sell you to the ladies, well then sell it! Most of my guy friends who are ugly and in good shape get girls because it's a simple matter of charm and character that the girls are also buying. If a girl see's an ugly guy but with a nice body, they pay attention to the body but facial looks is everything, in my opinion. So, the body itself sols but who knows what kind of character and charm can the guy make up for being so darn ugly because girls want to be entertain and feel special. So what can you provide to the girls? How can you make them feel special? Don't wait for them to hit on you, hit on them. If they reject you, f*ck it and move on to the next one. Your young and I have been rejected many times but been with the most beautiful girls afterwards.
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    There's at least someone not hating me, huh.Totally agree with u , nice lover boy except the thing that cocky guys get the best things in society, it's TOTALLY BULSHIT , where I live, in Romania.Here people who know the lick other people's assess get everything and those who work and proud of themselves are considered trash.It doesn't matter cuz ill be leaving far away, 95%.There have been so many haterz around here who went offtopic that u probabably couldn't really understand why i've opened this topic.I did it because i didn't really understand why only ulgy girls hit on me and i wanted to know if I could ever have a chance to hit a hot one.Im bad or low skilled at dealing with girls maybe cuz i've been concentrating in obtaining other skilles that people seem to don't even give a f**k.I think that' s all. Never understood how could a womanl have a WHR bigger than a man's and to say that they fit(whacking my head against the wall).Not saying that's all there is to a couple but some are paying attention more than others to this aspect.But, really i've begun to bore myself on this forum, i've only answered to you because u seem to understand at least a little of what im saying if not, even more.I would have ended my quest on this site ...so haterz ...uhm.... i mean people, stop wasting time. ... ...

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    You two should get together. You'd make a great couple.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Waterloo Ontario
    First off not every woman is a 10 and your a little judgemental maybe these girls are ugly to you and the attractive girls think your ugly beauty is within looks only skin deep maybe these not so attrctive girls have twice the personality and smarts eye candy is not always the best and if you treat ppl bad it will come back to haunt you
    Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
    Oscar Wilde

    What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
    ~ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What strikes me as odd is the emphasis on girls (ugly or otherwise) hitting on you. As the male, your job is hitting on the women. Are you too busy admiring your biceps?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I think there were more than 10 harrassing me.DAMN IT!!!

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I admire you so much! 10! Couldn't you like date them all at the same time so they could add up to like three attractive ones? And they could all play tic-tac-toe on your perfect six-pack abs.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I think you have to use what you have right now as the previous replies from the people her says: "sell" the good things to the girls. If you find it to be hard and it doesn't work out start from scratch and do sone searching in your head and see what you can make instead of just bodybuilding.

    Do some soulsearch and find what you want as it is seems you want a attractive women and to get this you have to sacrifice thibgs and your thing may be bodybuilding and you might have to drop it, before you do that try to see what you want from the future.

    I have never started at a gym or anything like that in fact I played tennis but that is what I sacrified to get my gf, so if it doesn't work with you being a bodybuilder try to consider CHANGING to a more attractive way.

    P.s never say to anyone straight up that they are ugly, try to explain in away that doesn't hurt maybe like "you are not my type" because indirectly you are causing problems in your mind to be used to similar situations.
    After all who knows you may fall in love with someone you didn't think you would fall in love with.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    So you're awkward in interacting with girls and don't know how to approach them, you have a horrible arrogant attitude going on, and you're wondering why hot girls aren't hitting on you? Idiot.

    Just for the record, bodybuilders aren't considered that attractive by women precisely because of that WHR of yours you feel so proud about.

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