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Thread: Frustration Frustration Frustration

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Feelin ya on this one too man. Every day seems like the same ol repeat of yesterday, been there for quite a while now too, dont go out much anymore to the bars or clubs, everybody there's just lookin for a fling and its all immaturity and shallowness. Getting bored with life, not much I can do to make myself happy lately, kinda depressed, stressed out from work and a "friend" situation that is a real mess. Shes a great friend, very close for a couple years now, work with her and shes "stuck" in an abusive relationship. Blah blah blah, I know Im stupid to let myself think about it but I want to be with her and she wants to be with me but is too weak and afraid to leave her current situation, so its the same old "She gets beat again, or he does something terrible to piss her off, she doesnt talk to him for a week or two, we hang out and remember why we like each other so much, then she falls back into his snare again because he is a psycho freak show that stalks her, follows her, comes to her house at all hours of the night screaming and threatening, same old, same old..." Im not really "waiting for her" because if something else came up Id be game but I live in a fairly small town with not a lot to do to meet people so its like "When is this gonna turn a corner??" I've seen a couple people here and there, generally end up being childish game players which I dont tolerate and I walk away. But I feel the same thing man... like "When is MY time?" Just keep busy, take your time away when you need it and try to focus on helping others and being there for people, kinda helps with the loneliness aspect and gives you a feeling of being able to make a difference in somebodies life. It sucks, it gets old, but makes you appreciate the positive things that DO happen every now and then a whole bunch more

  2. #17
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Hey thanks for the comments... and wow - see this is what I mean when I know people are goin through things a little more serious than I am right now...

    How big are you dude? How big is the girls b/f? Maybe it's just me.. but there's no way I could sit around and let anyone I'm interested in and shows interest in me sit around in an abusive relationship... even if he was bigger 'n me I'd get the message out that he's not going to get away with that kind of bullshit anymore. Don't get me wrong I don't like when I have to get physical - but I don't let anyone disrespect me or disrespect a woman. If you're not very big - lift weights and get buff like me, so you can help her out this relationship. That is - if she even wants to really leave... there's only so much you can do...

    Anyways man - get out my thread with that!! LoL - go post it in another forum to get some better opinions and advice.

    And I guess it's that daily routine and just dealin with all life's BS.. is what makes those few moments in life when that all gets turned upside down worthwhile eh? All about perspective.

  3. #18
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    LOL Tone, not looking for advice in the situation, just sharing mine as you shared yours I'm 6'4 220lbs, not a small fry by any means... I'm not one to run somebodies life man, she keeps going back for whatever her reasons. Sure, I could turn him into a tent-stake, but if she keeps going back, she obviously hasnt learned her lesson, you know? If I ever end up being with her it will be after she leaves on her own free will, shes 30 she can certainly think for herself. It just hurts to watch her do it, you know? Knowing how good she could have it with me? She chooses her own path, sad as it may be, its still her choice I am in no position to "make" her do anything, all I can do is be here for her as the closest friend she has. Eventually if it dont change I will have to stop being there for her, that will hurt but not as much as watching. Oh well, dont need advice like I said... know what it is and what I can and cant do. If he hit her in front of me, a trip to the hospital would definately be in order for him but what happens in the privacy of her life is her responsibility.

    Like I said bro, just sharing my story so you know you're not alone


  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I think you and Tone should move to a city. City girls could use some nice guys around like the two of you...

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks for the kind words shh I've found that most girls dont want "nice guys" these days, if I moved to a big city with multitudes of women readily available I may get frustrated quickly with the games and turn into the type of men I'm up against!! LoL Just a thought.

    Thanks again.

  6. #21
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    Dude I just found a big ass spider makin' it's web on my mailbox.

    Think like...a half dollar coin.

    Yeah it's pretty big, and pretty hairy.

  7. #22
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    Feb 2005
    Tone----I can relate to alot of what you're going through.

    "so I'm hoping some of those credits could roll over towards a university degree. But I have no clue what I want to study. What do I like? ..........but I can't think of anything I'd want to study relating to them to make a career out of"

    You have two options:
    a) Major in something you are really interested in - eg. Astronomy, Classics. Learn about all the stars, moons, greek gods, whatever. Who cares whether you get a job later, you will enjoy college tremendously.
    OR.....b) Major in something useful and marketable - eg. accountancy, law. Boring stuff and you'll fall asleep during lectures. BUT...guaranteed to put food on the table in the future.

    Oh and most people I know, are in jobs totally unrelated to their college degree. People change their minds all the time.

  8. #23
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    Thanks for the advice, Chlorine... my boss suggested that I just get some kind of business major - since what I would be able to use it for is pretty open.

  9. #24
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    hey tone. keep your head up my friend. things will change but you have to stop telling yourself that the things you want are out of reach. if you do that then will get out of reach because you're pushing them away. things have to come in their own time tone. you are only 23 years old. to a lot of people in this forum you're older but i swear you're young! believe me i have felt stuck many times in my life wondering what i should be doing. you can't force things to come whenever you want them. you have to wait it out and live your life at the same time. don't hold yourself back. but don't sit around thinking about the future and how you're going to be doing the same thing all your life. a lot of things didn't come to me until i was a little older. you know i just got promoted at work right? well i've been there for almost 9 years already. and i applied 3 times for a promotion but everything is falling into place now. just give it a chance tone you're not alone. and you can vent all you want we're here to listen.

  10. #25
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    Stressed, frustrated, annoyed. Thats my daily routine...fits right in with whacking off, sleeping, eating.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Great post man... Ironically, i just got back from vacation, and i cant help but feel frustrated. So, i went on this forum to keep my mind busy.

    I feel you in so many ways man. Life seems soo shitty sometimes. Im going to consider some volunteering too.

    Its good to hear that your not the only one in the world that's going thru some times like these.

    I'm gonna PM you tomorrow at work.


  12. #27
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    chill Tone, nothing lasts forever, including ****ing jerkoffs like the one mentioned above and frustration. you will seek happiness someday.

    lets just hope it is soon. lol. im a bit frustrated as too but hey thats life, you know, you just gotta ignore the dickheads and walk through life manically.

  13. #28
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by inkeepingsecret
    Its good to hear that your not the only one in the world that's going thru some times like these.
    Yeah man I hear you... that's how I feel when I read the responses here. It's like, I know what I'm goin through is nothin new and a lot of people go through similair feelings, but like you said - it's just nice to hear sometimes.

    Lilwing you're absolutely right - gotta just keep goin.

  14. #29
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    yes, keep on keepin on...

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Well, I guess you've had enough comments by now, but as I take weekends off I just now saw your post and wanted to let you know I read it and I agree with most people: We all feel the funk sometimes, and I'm confident in your ability to deal with it your own way..and it takes guts to lay it out like you did to vent a little. Some of us lack the courage to admit frustrations (myself included) and instead deal with it in a much unhealthier manner (on our own).

    In any case..something I often do to deal with it is think about it (like you did) and in the end, I've figured I tend to live in the future as it is, so I make sure my future plans include fun and exciting things..things that make me happy.

    About volunteer work, for instance, definitely do something that will fulfill you. As for myself, I like to learn new things, so Habitat for Humanity would be something I would look into. I'd like to learn about house building because I really don't know much about it. A co-worker volunteers here and he gets the benefit of learning and trying out things before he does something in his own house..like repairing his own roof or tile work or whatever. I'd also like to learn about auto repair (another area I'm weak on), and I like to feel creative, so I would look into doing my own thing like going to a shop and asking to volunteer there in exchange for lowering labor costs to disadvantaged clients...

    In any case, these are just my ideas..as I said, I'm not worried about you or your ability to resolve your own issues, regardless of how big or small they are.

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