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Thread: Share your college stories

  1. #16
    vashti's Avatar
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    I agree with everything Giga said.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  2. #17
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    No, he was just a little better than average.

    He was really flattering, though. Focused on me like a tiger after it's prey. God, I loved it! I'm reasonably cute, but I don't usually get men coming up to me and saying things like that. FYI, it's very effective.

    You know the first thing my boyfriend ever said to me was, "You know you're a total babe, right?" I'm sure I posted that. Well, clearly, that cheesy line went a long way with me. I'm STILL sleeping with that guy.

    Don't try to slide in sideways as a friend, checking to see if you've got a green light every two steps. Confidence is riveting.
    I didn't try to slide in sideways as a friend with that other girl, I didn't even start liking her until after I knew her for like half of a year. I couldn't help that.

    I really don't think I would be able to come out so bold like that. One of the hardest things I have with girls I like is that I sometimes panic when I try being that direct and flirtatious. I used to get panic attacks after being in other situations, like being in the middle of a big open hall when someone started walking towards me. Now I get them more often in situations like that, which sucks because I turn as red as a ****ing tomato and sweat until my shirt is like a mop for about 5 minutes, which I know makes them think "WTF is wrong with this freak?". This happened at an old job I used to have, I got a panic attack and this one girl my age who worked there saw which is embarrassing as hell. Later when she walked past me she just said "You're weird". I should have killed that bitch. Comments like that got me upset more back then than they do now, obviously

  3. #18
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    i like to be friends with a girl before i take her out on a date. in the past, i have wasted a lot of money taking girls out that weren't worth my time.

    i've never just gone up to a girl and said 'you know you're a babe, right?' not because i'm nervous or anything, but i don't think it's polite. i would be offended if a girl came up to me and said 'you are a stud!'

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    i would be offended if a girl came up to me and said 'you are a stud!'
    Are you kidding me!?!? That would be ****ing AWESOME!

    I want to start weightlifting like Neo now and get a good body so that might happen

  5. #20
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    no, i'm not kidding you. i think it's very obnoxious and the tone disgusts me. i appreciate comments in a more polite tone but " LIKEOMG URRR SUCH A STUD!!!!!!11" no, shut the **** up, i don't want to hear that.

  6. #21
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    Heh, well I'd love to hear that. I guess we're all different

  7. #22
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    i don't understand. i would go out with an ugly girl that says "you're a really wonderful guy. i wish every guy was like you" than a sexy girl that says "you're a hot sexy stud!" wouldn't you? maybe i am crazy.

  8. #23
    vashti's Avatar
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    Not everybody is good at being flirty. If this is the case for you, then try being sincere and direct instead.

    (insert girl's name), the more time I spend with you, the more I find myself becoming attracted to you. What would you say if I were to ask you on a date to (insert cool date idea that you are sure she would enjoy).
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  9. #24
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    Giga the straight up thing actually works? If so I should try that. I basically do it with giving girls compliments if I do give one to them.

  10. #25
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    Well, I just finished freshman year.

    I dated for the first time in college, as I was too stressed out in high school to date... also I was one of them nerdy kids in high school that you just won't expect to find dates. Well, let me tell ya'll high schoolers, being nerdy in high school pays dividends later on. Anyways, I randomly met the girl while campaigning for class president in college. Chatted a bit, got her number, called her a few weeks later, hung out till like 3 am when I had a student council conference the following day... things went on from there, we became really good friends. Got some free tickets to a fancy orchestra performance from my school (we were really pampered), asked her out, went, treated her to dinner too. That was the first real date I had ever gone on in my life. Hung out even more, as the year dragged on, I began disliking the school. Academics were catching up to a lot of my time, student council was falling apart and as President, well, I took most of the shit. Nothing happened, as we remained good, chill friends.

    The night before I went home for winterbreak, she called me and told me she still owe'd me "teas and hugs" that she still owed me. She had refused to hug me before--interesting girl. I was hanging with a male friend that night, but i was like... sure... come on over. My male friend left at about 2 am, she stayed for another hour. She hugged me before I left for the airport, and it was a real embrace. ya know, not like one of those casual hugs you get. I also told her that night that she was pretty... or something along those lines when i was a little drunk and very tired.

    after winterbreak, we hung out more. One day, about 2-3 weeks before valentine's, i got so fed up with getting my emotions holed up... I asked her to read me the bible in a dorm stairwell (don't ask). then i just told her i found her attractive. then she ignored me. after-awhile, I'm like... "so what do you think?" she said "think of what?" i said "what I just said" then i told her i wanted to be in a relatioship with her. I said it's fine she rejected me, i expected it. She didn't.

    Next day, i was shocked at what I had gotten myself into (there are many, many reasons why I doubted the relationship. the majority had to do with myself) the next night, we watched a movie... cuddled in my bed (the night before was the first time I ever held-hands romantically with a girl before)... a friend walked in... kind of awkward since I'm still the stereotypically "nerdy" (well, 4.0) go-getter student council president dude. So later on, stuff happened between her and I. Nothing sexual, or anything like that... that made me realize i couldn't take this relationship, because I knew I was leaving the school by the end of the year as I didn't like it. I ended it that night.

    I tried getting back together with her twice. but got turned down twice. Regretted my decision pretty much every night since then, but the regret has gotten much better in recent days. After she turned me down the second time, we didn't see each other for the next 3 months. Instead of pursuing other girls, I began focusing on my academics. Learning more than I ever have in my life, in fact taking double the number of classes allowed. I am thankful that I took that time to explore academia. But I also spent many nights shivering at what I had done.

    fast forward to the end of freshman year. I was accepted as a transfer student into half-a-dozen of the most prestigious colleges in the country. I decided to forgo half of my euro-trip to go visit these colleges. I requested to stay at her house and have her drive me to visit one of the colleges. In reality, I just wanted to see her after not seeing her for 3 months. I stayed at her house, met her family. she drove me to the college. that night she told me she had gotten another boyfriend a month after we broke up. they split up before summer. she told me she never loved him, but instead still saw me as "more than a friend." I was heartbroken. The next day, on my way to visit another college i was accepted to, I cried on and off for hours. That was the first time I had actually cried other than from watching a movie in as long as I could remember. After my visit, she has completely ignored me online.

    Now it's mid-way through summer. I just finished stressing about which college to attend like literally last week (cause I received another acceptance after I had made my first decision). I will be taking summer courses. I've been working a stressful job, and engaging in my past-time of philosophy, trying to open my mind.

    I think I'm beginning to move on. Slowly, but long, long overdue.

    ps: I find this post interesting, because I created my Love Forum account in senior year high school, when I was first stressing out about asking girls out. Hence the name Off2College.
    Last edited by Off2College; 26-06-07 at 01:31 PM.

  11. #26
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Off2College I salute you, you are an inspiration to all of us recently graduated high schoolers who have never had a date.

    I'm sorry things didn't go better later on in your relationship though...

    So what college are you transferring to?

  12. #27
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    i saw a lot of women from my freshman college class today, at the orientation, and i gotta say, they all look like snobby bitches. i hope they're nicer than they seem...

    i feel for you, offtocollege. i had a lot of dates in high school though, but i am very introverted, and pursuing a double major.

  13. #28
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    My sister goes to college at MSU (Michigan State University), and I gotta say the girls there were ****ing HOT! They have a very high Swedish population (relative to here, at least) and I think Swedish girls are gorgeous. I want to do study abroad there for that reason. At Cornell there are a lot of nerdy looking girls, but they seem shy and therefore cute. Some hot ones too though.

    When my sister was checking out SUNY Albany I went there with them just for the hell of it, and there were way too many arrogant, snobby bitches from NYC.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    My sister goes to college at MSU (Michigan State University), and I gotta say the girls there were ****ing HOT! They have a very high Swedish population (relative to here, at least) and I think Swedish girls are gorgeous. I want to do study abroad there for that reason. At Cornell there are a lot of nerdy looking girls, but they seem shy and therefore cute. Some hot ones too though.

    When my sister was checking out SUNY Albany I went there with them just for the hell of it, and there were way too many arrogant, snobby bitches from NYC.
    Man, don't generalize too much, no matter where you go, there will be good/bad women. And don't choose a school becuz of ladies, make sure its what YOU want.. thats how you end up hating your classes in college and wishing you went into a dif program or wtv..

    And to lilwing, you never kno man, my orientation last yr i thought kind of the same thing about some girls in my program (about 40-45 of us with the same core classes together) and turned out that most of them are actually very nice, so you never kno..

  15. #30
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    all alone...I totally agree with you. I'm only 14 but i almost went to a private school that has an okay education just ot follow this girl that i liked. you just told my life story in that paragraph lol

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