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Thread: I could use some help analyzing this situation...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    New England
    This was only the second time we've been out so far. I'm not going to start petting her, but there was definitely a lot of flirting. She kept asking me questions about myself and I did the same to her. She noticed that I had a pierced ear and I told her that when I was in high school I had it gauged and dyed my hair all different colors. She kept laughing and giggling throughout the night and saying that she was just picturing me with gauged ears and colored hair. She was using a bowling ball that was too heavy for her, so I convinced her to use a lighter ball and kept hiding the one that was too heavy because she wanted to use it because it was "shiny" and had the name Paul engraved in it. I would hide it behind my back and she would try to get it. Stuff like that. The two hours felt like 10 mins and it seemed like she had a great time. I know I should have given her a hug but it just didn't feel right in the situation. You really had to be there, so I sent her that message to kind of make up for it.

    At least i went over and talked to her at the dining hall. We have practice tonight so I'll talk to her more there when I can. I'm the president and lead the entire club through stretches, drills, etc. So when I have time I'll talk to her.

    And thanks for the friendly, classy way you finished your post.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Women want excitement, I am saying it appears boring if you just follow her lead.
    If you are that sensitive about what a stranger tells you over the internet: I could only imagine what happens in real life?

    If you feel a text message (devoid of all major senses) was an adequate/sufficient alternative for physical touching/hugging, then cool, man.

    I think the flirting is good and it's a healthy indication she likes you but to your point: it's only the 2nd time you've been out together and you two
    do not know each other that well...So while you are reading too deeply into what happens each time and seemingly analyze everything she does towards you:
    She could in fact not be too interested, and/or she possibly may have been, but subsequent actions may have swayed her mind in another direction...

    Point I'm making: you only live once, man...Be bold, daring and adventurous.
    Don't play the script too close to the chest. If what you do feels natural: then this is all that matters.
    If it doesn't work out: don't get too bummed about it. You don't even know each other that well, and one thing she finds out about (you) may be the last.

    People can be fickle. Have fun and enjoy the time you have been given with her.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    New England
    No, I don't think a text message was an adequate alternative, but it was the least I could do and she's crazy about texting. I felt like I had to do something to close out the night after I knew I should have hugged her. I know I'm over-analyzing everything and I'm trying to work on that. Thanks.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by magicalhobo View Post
    No, I don't think a text message was an adequate alternative, but it was the least I could do and she's crazy about texting. I felt like I had to do something to close out the night after I knew I should have hugged her. I know I'm over-analyzing everything and I'm trying to work on that. Thanks.
    K, great...Good luck to you. If she loves texting then I change my opinion of it in this case.
    I keep forgetting we're in this new time of texting/facebook and virtual relationships.

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