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Thread: Do woman care about mens feelings

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asip4u View Post
    You ever see loser looking guys with hot girls? That's cause they act very manly. They act like they have 10 inch cocks!
    Sorry the acting so manly thing is just not me. I crave a lot on feelings. I do get sad very easily when feelings come into play.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by malarkey101 View Post
    Sorry the acting so manly thing is just not me. I crave a lot on feelings. I do get sad very easily when feelings come into play.
    You know, I do too, but even as a woman, i recognize that being overly-emotional is repelling to most people (male OR female).

    You need to toughen up a bit. Learn to fake it.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by malarkey101 View Post
    Yes very emotional. I see a situation and try to see where i went wrong. But the trouble is i can't see where i went wrong. So now i try to see what she thinks i did wrong. But women won't respond that way and just ignore me. But i need to now the real reason. Not some make up bs. So i can never shake the situation. It's to hurtful.
    Put on your best Sherminator game face, mate.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by malarkey101 View Post
    Sorry the acting so manly thing is just not me. I crave a lot on feelings. I do get sad very easily when feelings come into play.
    Ok but it won't get you anywhere. You wanted answers to why it's not working, we gave you. People dont' like being around those who are negative and always touchy-feely. If you don't man-up, you'll keep getting rejected.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  5. #20
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    You can still be a sook, fellow. Just hide it and let it come out when you get mildly ill.

    It's the acceptable method of being a man.

    Tough when well, sooky with the sniffles.

  6. #21
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    Women look for men who can make them feel safe and secure, not men who they have to nurture like a child. You seem to fall into the latter category on this one.

    The best thing you can do is just learn when it is appropriate to let these feelings come out. Sounds to me like they're coming out at the wrong times.
    Last edited by Neomic; 09-03-10 at 07:10 PM.

  7. #22
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    Yes i see that i should be tough. Learn to not let my emotions run my life. But then i get to know a girl. Then straight away my emotions come straight into it. Because i can't see a bad thing. Is this my problem. Trying to see good in everyone i know. Wanting more out of it. When it doesn't happen things tend to go south.

  8. #23
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    You don't have to be a total dick...women do like when a guy opens up some and is vulnerable...just at certain times though...not all the time. So keep that in mind.

    I did wanta say though that I do appreciate if I'm going to be shot down I get shot down right away...don't give me false hope if I never had a shot...I'm not in love just tell me to keep walking...I'll get over it and start talking to the woman next to you.

  9. #24
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    I like a man who reveals he has feelings so that I know he is human but I don't like it when he collapses in the mere sight of difficulties like it is the end of the world. Do you enjoy dwelling in your own feeling of weakness? We are all human and we have moments of weakness but you should learn to bounce back from it.

  10. #25
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    I've always thought that good girls get good guys and bad guys get bad girls.

    From my knowledge, girls don't want a guy that's completely emotional; I've even got an aquantance who seriously, would cry over the tiniest thing. All the girls I know that I've met and who know him, think of him as a wuss, so not a good idea. I wouldn't say to be completely emotional or emotionless, but just show your emotions now and again to show that you are human and do feel. I'm sure any girl would like a man that can open up at the right time
    Quote Originally Posted by UNKNOWN
    When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.

  11. #26
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    "Rude" would be if you asked someone out and they told you to piss off. Telling you they're busy is either a nice way of letting you down or, believe it or not, it could be the truth. Has it ever occurred to you that girls don't actually sit by the phone holding their breath, waiting for someone to call?

    You're obviously asking the wrong girls. The kind of guy you are is... let's call you special. You're a special, beautiful, sensitive soul. Not like the average guy. So why would you go for the average girl? You should find some emo betty hiding under her bangs and show her the cuts on your arm or something. Offer to go shopping with her for skinny jeans and eyeliner. Leave the cheerleaders alone. They don't "get" you.
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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    You're obviously asking the wrong girls. The kind of guy you are is... let's call you special. You're a special, beautiful, sensitive soul. Not like the average guy. So why would you go for the average girl? You should find some emo betty hiding under her bangs and show her the cuts on your arm or something. Offer to go shopping with her for skinny jeans and eyeliner. Leave the cheerleaders alone. They don't "get" you.
    That's some tact you've got there.

  13. #28
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    Gee, thanks! Nothing brings it out of me like a guy who thinks girls owe him something just because he asks them out.
    Spammer Spanker

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    So girls don't like guys that are overly emotional. If a girl rejects you don't get to emotional. Try to still act confident. Is it a rejection because you asked the wrong way without confidence. So if you ask a girl out with confidence in your voice. Will you get a better response? Is it the confidence alone that would help you out?

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