Happy for you to take the step to at least go and get yourself someone to talk to about how this is all making you feel, even if he won't take that step to do it himself...I am now talking to a therapist have been for awhile off situations from my long term relationship break up. My therapist is really kind, thoughtful and understanding .. I feel he has helped me in lots of ways. I think this will definitely benefit you, woody. Wishing you the best for yourself and for your partner.

There used to be some administrative thing we had on our own threads where we could delete our own threads if we wanted, I know I had it before the changes and still had it after, I thought but I went to look and I don't see it now, but this work and appear and don't work and disappear on here for functions for me, so Idk.

Check top of your own threads and see if anything says administrative, around header that says rate thread and other stuff, if so there will be a delete thread function, if you wanted your threads completely removed and not just locked.