Not pursing Pharmacy was all me...I have worked in a pharmacy for 6yrs w/ plenty of reasons why the career is just not for me...the main reason is b/c I don't think I will be helping people the way that I want to. I have decided to either become a PA or NP because I want to be able to practice medicine, so I am in the process of applying to schools. He is very supportive of my decisions and he is a great guy. My career is the number one reason why I'm not sure if I should move with him...and I am very focused on it, more so than our wedding. He is a great all around guy and I don't want to break up and that is why I am considering moving with him....I know that there are plenty of other guys out there, but it's going to be hard for me to find someone else this great.

I just needed an outsiders thoughts on my situation. Eventhough we've had such a long engagement, we are both still very much in love...even more so than we were when we first got engaged. Our relationship is not on shaky grounds, it's great, I'm just more than ready for the next step and WILL NOT move with him if we do not commit to a date this year that's all. He is all for our wedding being this year, he just has to confirm with his new job that he can get the time off before we book anything.