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Thread: Girlfriend Cheated on Me

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by excowho View Post
    But maybe you just haven't experienced, or don't invest as much into relationships as others do. You can rebuild a house, paint a scratched car. But losing something like a 2 year relationship in that manner isn't as easy to repair.
    I've lost longer relationships than that. It happens, you get over it. 2 years isn't really all that long. Hell, I dated one gal for 7 years starting in HS.

    Most people I know don't go looking at history logs, yes, she was stupid, yes she made a mistake, and no he still shouldn't have snooped. Pretty much you're missing the point of what I'm writing. Yes she's done something bad. That doesn't mean she's evil or horrible, just that she's human and severely ****ed up (and in the process ****ed over the submitter). Most sane people don't go out of their way to cheat in order to hurt someone else.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    @Lite: This has become a completely different argument. Although I will say that they obviously didn't go out of their way to save or take into thought the other persons feelings. Wether they go out of their way to cheat or it just happens its all the same. You don't cheat on someone you actually care about no matter what the conditions.

    @OP: My opinion is that you should end this as soon as possible, doesn't need to be a harsh ending but personally I don't think theres anything salvageable.

    /Im done in this thread.

  3. #18
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    excow i've gotta agree....i think the majority of ppl would have snooped. and i know, i get the whole trust issue here. But come on anyone who didn't snoop would have been lying to themselves in this situation, as far as i know she wanted him back, and he chose to continue the relationship....she better buckle up and prove herself to him if she wants things to get better, and i think it's reasonable to be checking the history on the computer especially in this case.

  4. #19
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    Dude. She says she "can't go on" without you, but I'm quite sure that she will.

    Face it. Your relationship is in tatters. You can't fix this shit. Well, I suppose you could, if it were really important and you had a long marriage and kids to consider, but you don't. All you have is a really crappy girlfriend and a lesson it took you two years to learn. Don't waste any more time. Learn the lesson and move on, already.
    Spammer Spanker

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