Thank you very much. I am afraid that my husband soes not love me anymore, but he only tells me when he is drunk and angry. I am really hurting and that helped alot.
But if a girl rejects you then she is probably interchangeable. I had many rejections before, this is why I think that some women but by no means all are replaceable. Good and lasting relationships which ended are probably not interchangable, in that you are right, but women who reject you even before they get to know you are perfectly interchangable.
Last edited by uri; 11-07-09 at 07:18 AM.
It may sound shocking at first but I honestly believe that everything we do is in someway indirectly related to our individual survival (and the survival of our offspring shall we have any) and reproduction. Anyone who studied a bit evolutionary biology knows this simple fact.
This is why I tend to trust David DeAngelo who takes the biological approach toward women and dating
And in case you have wondered why good-looking girls reject nice men, please visit this links:
Last edited by uri; 14-07-09 at 07:13 AM.
Why would you want to forget someone. They helped shape who you are. Learn from it.
You can never really forget someone!
Time will heal bs is a myth.
But you can try to at least just remember all the good times you had.
You do move on as they say, but I don't believe you ever forget.
Just love the one your with!
The right attitude should be: Everything that happened if for the best.
Even the list seems exhausted but forgetting someone you love is very very difficult.But never the less a great post.
This kind of helps me.
Although 5 mins I laugh, 5 mins I smile and 5 mins I look at others and wanna get laid.
I went out this night, and 30 mins after I decided to go home, after I bugged all the people how stupid I am for letting him threat me that way.
But, back to the thing, a good post. I think especially writing helps, It makes you feel valuable. To me , talking with a special friend I have helps me a lot. She is into big chaos now, but I just write a big facebook message with title"You dont have to read it,just knowing I wrote it kind of helps me"
I think that people should be supportive in those times, times heal everything, but advices like "kill him", "burn his top", "tell him to **** off" aint so good. Thats my opinion.
Thanks for all the tips's not gonna be easy, though; I love my SQUIRREL!
genius, i've put this up as my wallpaper, much love
Uri, im definitely with you on the biological evolutionary approach, i do belive that many people reject these theories because they make humans look more like animals and nothing really divine and special, but in reality...we are animals...a specie that is called humans, and one of our survival traits happend to be a more developed brain than in other species, but we still have all the basic needs as other aninals do.
very good post..will fwd this link to ma freinds
Best thing I've read all night. Number three really resonates with me, love does conquer all. It is because of this man, who was less than perfect and whom I broke up with, that i know I will love again.
My ex-husban cheated on me, I do believe I'm a better person for it, yet getting close to someone was very hard. It was sexem and leave them, until I met him. Because of him I am no longer
in that place, because of him I know I will love again. He taught me self-respect, he taught me what unconditional love is. I am better for having known him.
And thank you for number 13, I was ready to copy and paste number 3 and email it to HIM just to thank him. Even if I know its just a ploy to reach out to him. I need to move on because
as loving as he may be its not real, he is numer 10, he doenst know how to truly love and give of himself.