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Thread: Should I ask him out or wait for him to ask me?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under your mothers pellowcase... and i like it so please assist in the love making.
    I had my friend tell him today that he should ask me out because I really like him and I guess he pretty much did the same thing as before where he just walked away and didn't say anything. I was talking to another friend about this and I find out from her later that she talked to him, even though I didn't ask her to. I just found out not too long ago from her that he might have a girlfriend because she went up to him and told him he should ask me out and he goes, "Rrrrrr!" and then this other guy who was there said, "Naw, he's in love with (this girl's name who was right there at the time)" and then later on when that girl saw my friend she pointed to my friend and said, "Nooo!" Yeah, just when I thought things were going pretty well...but I'm still not sure if he's going out with that girl. The guy who said he was "in love" I don't trust anyway because he likes to joke around and make up crap. To tell the truth, before I even started liking this guy a lot I questioned whether or not him and that girl were going out because I'd always see them walking to class together and she'd always get into the same car with him after school but since no one told me anything about those two going out (even my friend who asked the guy if he liked me and talks to that girl all the time), I just thought that they were really good friends who had classes not too far away from each other. The thing that I don't get is him flirting with me. Just recently he's been acting different towards me and even some of the stuff he's said makes it seem like he likes me. He even gave me a doll a while ago. I don't know what to do. This is so confusing...

    P.S. About what CalGal said, guys have just flat out asked me if I'd go out with them but the only ones who have done that are people I'm not into at all...

    P.S.S. kanzaki, what does "sms" mean?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I suspect you either waited too long, or misunderstood in the first place. Just in case he's taken, I'd start hunting again if I was you.
    The only way to guaruntee a 100% rejection rate is never to ask at all.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under your mothers pellowcase... and i like it so please assist in the love making.
    Whew! I found out that he doesn't have a girlfriend and that it was just an assumption my friend made because of that guy who made the remark about him being "in love" with that girl. My birthday party was tonight and it turns out that he didn't show up. Oh well. He was acting more different today than usual. We seem to be catching each other sneaking glances and he does this certain thing whenever he sees me in the hallway. I really want to tell him that I like him and want to go out with him but it feels like there's never a good time for me to do anything because he's always talking to somebody. On top of all that, I'm shy and don't know how I'd say it. I think my friends have done enough for me and it's time for me to come out of my shell, now that he knows I like him. Any suggestions?

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