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Thread: Knowing it's the right thing, but hurting - well just because it always does

  1. #16
    Tone's Avatar
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    What a great way to look at it... that is how I'd hope I can look at it if/when I'm ever in that situation again. Like yeah it hurts, yeah I miss her, but I'm just gonna sit tight, endure the storm, let it chisel my character, and know that one day the hurt will be gone, or at least buried enough to allow me to go through the day without thinkin of it. Just moving on with your life.

    And don't worry - the age range really varies here.

  2. #17
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    Ike! I finally found your post sorry it was late! You know you really are being strong about all this and I give you props for this. The best thing you can do is take those good memories you have of the times you were together and realize your next relationship is going to be even better. You will and have learned a lot from this relationship and you will continue to do better in each realtionship you have. This will take time but there are a whole world of opportunities out there for you, it's just up to you to grab the ones you want.

    Yes, there is a wide range of ages on here from 14 all the way to.... well older! lol, but everyone has had experiences in different areas, some younger have experienced quite a bit as myself and some older have not experienced as much... and Vice versa, it all varies. But that's why LF is so great, you have a wide range of advice that you get based one veryone's own experiences and mind set. You should stick around, I'm sure you'll find this place quite amusing at times...
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  3. #18
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    To everyone who's....

    ... well, been around for the last couple of weeks or there abouts, all of your thoughts have been great.

    Tone, thankyou, from time to time I feel as though over the last year or so, my self confidence has taken a beating, but then why is it that in the warm light of the day, it seems I help and joy the company of so many different people. I've been unhappy for such a very long time, but for my sins, I have always wanted to make others happy; easing their woe's, alleviating their stresses and enlightening their hearts. I know now that I must draw on the kind person that I am, the strong person I am, but have not felt for some time and make sure that for all of the things I still have left to do and dream of in my life, that I keep a balance between what is best for me and what is best for those around me. Throughout my life I know that i've taken some very hard decisions, all have been for the benefit of myself or others, many of these decisions have been hard to take, lots of them have reaped their rewards, but what I have learned only quite recently is the addage of 'If you truly seek the best for yourself and others around you, you must be very prepared to live with the way this has to happen'. I hope this makes some kind of sense.

    The chiseling is proving to be hard, the absence is difficult, the hurt is losing its edge, my heart is healing - all in good time.

    Rosebud, you have the apologies of a relative newbie for my absence from 'Introduce yourself', I'm going to post a couple of photos in the gallery this evening, hope you and every body else will take a look. As i've read somewhere before, 'the gallery will at least know my face' - or something similar. You have my thanks for offering kind words over the last few days, for helping to ease a newbie in to the LF - and that goes to everybody else just as much.

    If all else fails, I'm now on a 6-day weekend from work , though my front door is broken and I have to call a locksmith to get it fixed , the window in my shed broke a couple of weeks ago , molly my puppy is really really smelly at the minute and so needs a bath immediately , but still not back at work until Wednesday

  4. #19
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LOL, well at least you still have your sense of humor through all. Don't worry about not introducing yourself that was before I new you had posted a thread. I was just trying to ease you into the process. I'm glad I helped you feel welcome here, as lately we have run off quite a few newbies...

    You have a very strong outlook and I think you'll be fine! Your doing really good! So congrats to you!
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  5. #20
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    in all jest and with great respect...

    ... darn those newbies, this LF is only big enough for lots of us.

    "I think a couple of nights of restless sleep have taken their tone on my sanity, just a little" forgive the random ramblings of a guy who's probably quite tired, i'm sure it'll all be better soon.

    Evil laptop, bad laptop, naughty laptop - keeps disconnecting and re-connecting to network, how inconvenient and selfish of it

  6. #21
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LOL... It's all good Ike, don't worry about it! Your actually making me laugh pretty hard over here.

    I feel your sleepless pain, I have a young daughter who has been sick since the weekend and so neither one of us have gotten much sleep at all.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  7. #22
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    ...at last!!! what appears to be a really really complicated gallery, only just found the upload pics link - doh. Put up a couple for people to have a look at. Will dig out some more tomorrow, when i can find them and after i've slept, alot, hopefully with some excellent dreams.

  8. #23
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    Oh by the way, LOL, forgot to mention...

    you have to log in to the gallery and then you can upload the pictures....lol sorry it's confused everyone else too when they first put it up...lol
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  9. #24
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    ... you're great to have around. It's only taken me an hour or so to realise I had to login again.

    I hope you're little girl is feeling better

  10. #25
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LOL...sorry about that! An hour oh god....lol

    Thank you! She seems to be doing better today so that's a good sign.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  11. #26
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    I've felt like pulling my arm for a couple of days now. For about a week or so before the other 'thursday' i'd been trying to give up smoking and was gobsmacked at how totally great nicotine patches are.

    My trials to stop something i'm not a huge fan of anymore have been postponed because of the other 'thursday', but on monday where i'd had a couple of patches, my arm went red and like with chicken pocks, where all you want to do is rub, rub, rub, they've been driving me crazy. Doctor says i'm alergic to the glue, which is totally bonkers, coz the chewing gum tastes like you're chewing dirt.

    ... I might yet be able to get in my front door some time this week.

  12. #27
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    Your kitty and puppy are soooo cute!

  13. #28
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LOL Ike, I was going to tell you that you might be allergic to the sticky stuff on those..lol And yes the gum tastes like crap. Actually, I have heard the hypnosis for smoking works really well. I have two friends and my mother that did that and threw their packs away as they left the building and never picked up again.

    I can also sympathise with the not wuitting while this has happened, I too have been in the same boat.

    And what the heck is up with the doors??? 2 in a week are busted?? lol
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  14. #29
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    the puppy is totally great, found her in a rescue centre on 7th january three years ago, she'd been abandoned in the cold. I saw her, but cos you have to wait 7 days in case their owners show up, I told her she'd have to bark at anybody else that came to see her and that i'd be back in a week.

    When the week was up and because I couldn't put my name on a list or anything, I was waiting outside the rescue centre at about 7:15 and it didn't open until 10:00. I had to almost wrestle this bug burly man who'd also come to get her, but i was there first.

    She is a little treasure and loved by so many people. I walked her through town some time last year and a stranger offered to buy her off me, but she's not going anywhere other than in a little ball in her bed, or upside down in the garden.

    Pooka, is a friends kitten, formally known as a girl because boy tortoise shell cats according to many are only a myth, even stumped the vet when we took her/him for first injections and the vet found his equipment.

    He can totally be a little monster when he wants to, but most of the time he's great.

    I've got a pic of molly in a conservatory, i'll dig it out and put it in the gallery tomorrow.

    I'll give them both a 'pat' for you.
    Last edited by ike; 02-12-05 at 10:03 AM.

  15. #30
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    I'll have another bash at quitting in a while, but i've had my faith renewed by how great the patches were until they started driving me crazy.

    I gonna catch some sleep, but will call by the LF again tomorrow

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