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Thread: thinking it's time to end it

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    Premature ejaculation is a BIG problem for men, funsounds. Also, in order for women to like you IN bed, they have to like you OUT of bed. We are not animals, and sex is definitely tied to the brain for women (not to mention our rapidly shifting hormones). True, some women don't know how (or what) to ask for, but I think blaming her entirely is very simplistic.
    now...is that really true? cuz i've heard it both ways from various girls. i've heard some gals say like you...that they really gotta feel connected to you on a non-physical level before they can really like you in bed. and i've heard other gals say...as far as sex goes, they just wanna big dick that can pound them till they orgasm which had nothing to do with how the girl feels about the guy.

    i know for me, as a guy, i can honestly say i've had GREAT sex with people i did not know very well and/or people who i did not particularly like. i mean...they were smoking hot...and the were tight...responsive...and really had some skill in the sack. some of my best sex ever was with nobodies.

    as for premature ejacuation...that's on the guy. he can learn to control that if he wants! shoot...i can last about 30 minutes of actual thrusting if need be...or i can be done if 2 minutes if we need a quickee (like at the grad library!!! LOL! ahem...anways...). for me...the more sex i had, the better i learned to control myself. i remember when i first started having sex...i'd be done in less than 5 minutes every time! but then you keeping having sex...and make a concerted conscious effort to last longer...and eventually you learn how. it took a while for me though...i think the only reason the girls had the patience with me was cuz they were inexperienced...and also because i can get it back up pretty quick for round 2 and 3 and 4. so even when i couldn't last long for one shot...i was able to offer many shots. and all the rounds after round 1 naturally last a lot longer. but eventually...if you try...a guy can learn to make round 1 last a long time.
    Last edited by funsounds; 08-01-06 at 02:56 AM.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by funsounds
    ...as far as sex goes, they just wanna big dick that can pound them till they orgasm which had nothing to do with how the girl feels about the guy.
    i've tried that out – once. wasn't able to walk or sit down for days.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    14 months without sex in a marriage? End it now before you become a shell of the man you once were.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by funsounds
    if you try...a guy can learn to make round 1 last a long time.
    IF he is motivated to. All to often, a guy will just complain that she takes too long. Of course, it is easier for him to blame her if there is a problem, because, as you can see from the posters on these boards, men never are the problem. They can all go for hours, can all give girls multiple orgasms, and can all be ready to perform a second, third or even fourth time if need be, and every single one of them know exactly how to pleasure a woman. Ahh, so many satisfied women in the world! That is why we women are all such happy, uncomplicated creatures!

    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  5. #20
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    i'm not "blaming" her for anything. i just feel as though she isn't attracted to me physically, which i can live with, but if that is the case, we should part ways so i can find someone that "wants" to be with me. well, i will TRY bringing it up again. she is in FL right now, and should be home tomorrow night. will keep interested parties posted.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    IF he is motivated to. All to often, a guy will just complain that she takes too long. Of course, it is easier for him to blame her if there is a problem, because, as you can see from the posters on these boards, men never are the problem. They can all go for hours, can all give girls multiple orgasms, and can all be ready to perform a second, third or even fourth time if need be, and every single one of them know exactly how to pleasure a woman. Ahh, so many satisfied women in the world! That is why we women are all such happy, uncomplicated creatures!

    what guy blames her for not finishing fast enough? shoot...i knew at the age of 15 that i had to last longer. you know how i knew? from porn. you watch porn, you have sex for the first time...and you're like, "oh crap! i suck!!!!!"

    i tried lasting longer from almost the same time as i started having sex. took a while...but it's not that hard. i think guys that refuse to get better at sex are selfish!!! they just wanna get off and get out. that makes no sense to me...a lot of the arousal factor for me during sex is knowing my partner is getting off! that's hot!

    as for these boards...these boards are sorta stupid for sex...cuz it seems as though MANY of the posters are high school kids. they won't own up to anything. take a look at some mens boards...with adults...men have problems, admit they have problems, and go to other men to figure out how they worked through problems. you'll find a bunch of guys that used to suck at sex...and got better. and you'll find HOARDS of guys asking these guys how they did it. mature males will fess up in a heartbeat if they think they can be helped...

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by alice
    i've tried that out – once. wasn't able to walk or sit down for days.
    fer real? how do like being with normal size guys after being with a freak of nature?

    i gotta admit...i get insecure about my penis size. i was talking with my gf...and i don't know how this came up, and i sooooooo regret that it actually came up...but apparently, her ex was a solid 8.5"-9.0"...and apparently it was great great sex. i'm TINY compared to 9"!!!! ****...the dudes dick was as long as my friggin forearm, and probably nearly as thick!!!!

    now...i'm fairly certain sure i'm getting her off...and she initiates sex often enough to make me think she really likes it. but man...every once in a while, i'll remember than conversation and i get all insecure...like i am doing right now. i keep thinking, "sure, she might be enoying it with me quite a bit. but i bet it was better with her ex!!!!! aaaaaahhhhggggg!!!!!! liuahsdjnavdsiuase!!!!!!"

    but as usual i digress from the thread...
    Last edited by funsounds; 08-01-06 at 05:10 AM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    innsbruck, austria
    yes, for real. but this is really getting off topic now and will be of no use to jon at all. you can always start your own thread, you know …

  9. #24
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    Dec 2005

    14 months is way too long. I'm sure that must be very difficult. You said that you love her, plus you both have a child to think about. So I think you should try everything you possibly can to make your marriage work. I know it's easily said but not easily done. It sounds like you've already made an effort, but don't give up just yet. I think the most important thing to do is to talk to her and tell her everything you told us and then some. Here's a thought... When she gets back from Florida tell her you'd like to have a serious talk and suggest that it occur later in the day or the next day (sometime when the baby is asleep or at grandma's) so there won't be any distractions and so that your wife fully understands just how serious you are about it. Start off by telling her that you love her and then lay out the rest. She needs to know that it's very important to you and that you have even wondered if your marriage can continue. If she's willing to work on it, then together you two need to figure how to make sex desirable/pleasurable for her and you. Just a thought. I wish you the best.

    Last edited by kawaii; 08-01-06 at 04:28 AM.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by alice
    yes, for real. but this is really getting off topic now and will be of no use to jon at all. you can always start your own thread, you know …
    the board regulars got all pissed at my two size threads...one that i started and one that i hijacked...

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    innsbruck, austria
    why might that be? they envy you?

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alice
    why might that be? they envy you?
    i don't think so...my size is merely average, maybe a hair bigger than average. many of them went on about, "oh great, yet another size thread! yipee! kill me now..." and that sort of attitude. so i'm guessing it's just been done to death but i haven't been around long enough to be a part of those other penis size threads.

  13. #28
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    How do you connect emotionally? Do you otherwise get along well? Are there issues around the baby/childcare? Are you both getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night?

    It could simply be you suck at sex as others suggest. Or that you aren't fulfilling some emotional need of hers. For some women, the two (emotional and sexual interest) are connected.

    Or she could be depressed or have some other physical issue going on.

    More info needed.

    ::one of the married folk around here, BTW::

  14. #29
    Teezy's Avatar
    Teezy Guest
    Have you ever heard of a man named Tom Leykis?

    Tom Leykis 101 right here: She's probably cheating on you.


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Teezy
    Have you ever heard of a man named Tom Leykis?

    Tom Leykis 101 right here: She's probably cheating on you.

    that would have been the most obvious conclusion...but if your SO is cheating, there's usually a lot of other signs or you just have a feeling. the original poster didn't mention anything else or any suspicious things or any suspicions...

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