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Thread: what turns women on?

  1. #16
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    you can tell her... your a... handy man heh heh. heh...

  2. #17
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    yea iv heard the hand things ... but i dont think they want them all glittery and soft . I think what she means is man hands , to be rugged with some scars . well thats what my ex's used to say .

  3. #18
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    Late vamp, exactly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  4. #19
    vashti's Avatar
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    OV - your hands would look masculine, and that is definitely good.

    As for me, I like when a man looks you directly in the eye when he speaks to you...
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    OV - your hands would look masculine, and that is definitely good.

    As for me, I like when a man looks you directly in the eye when he speaks to you...
    Ahhh, I get scared/shy when men look at me in the eye's I never know where to look. ::cringes::

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  6. #21
    vashti's Avatar
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    What about looking back into his? The eyes are the window to the soul, you know. You can tell an awful lot about a person by looking into their eyes. They will tell you whether or not you should be cautious or can throw caution to the wind. You can see intelligence and compassion... I am really all about the eyes. Besides, if you ever want to experience "chemistry" with another person, you will HAVE to look them in the eye.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    What about looking back into his? The eyes are the window to the soul, you know. You can tell an awful lot about a person by looking into their eyes. They will tell you whether or not you should be cautious or can throw caution to the wind. You can see intelligence and compassion... I am really all about the eyes. Besides, if you ever want to experience "chemistry" with another person, you will HAVE to look them in the eye.
    I like this. If I'm in a relasionship I can do it, probably just shyness I guess, it's just with new people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  8. #23
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    What about looking back into his? The eyes are the window to the soul, you know. You can tell an awful lot about a person by looking into their eyes. They will tell you whether or not you should be cautious or can throw caution to the wind. You can see intelligence and compassion... I am really all about the eyes. Besides, if you ever want to experience "chemistry" with another person, you will HAVE to look them in the eye.
    omg i feel this way too lol. the eye is the most beautiful organ on the body.
    thats a quote by da vinci too.. nice try shh lol

    the thing about the hands.. my gf told me she likes it when i have calluses from playing guitar. i thought it was pretty strange but ok, if she likes it im gonna have the biggest calluses.

    she also likes how i have(no pun intended; quoted from what she said) 'the perfect jawbone'

    and broad shoulders

    and how im so 'hott without my shirt' (another quote)

    and how my eyes are 'so pretty'(nother quote)

    and how my muscles are so big...notehr quote lol.

    prolly sounds like im rubbin it in..

    but what i was relaly askin was like do girls ever get 'horny' like guys do and when if they do?

  9. #24
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    SO you aren't asking what attributes about a guy turn you on, but what kind of thoughts of cetain things turn you on/get you going?

    btw, I also like hands, I like them rough thuogh.....otherwise your a pansy...it shows you know how to work.

    I get hot an bothered when laying out in the sun. I don't know why, I think it's the breeze caressing you or something.

    Generally the biggest turn on is turning on a guy.....example my guy likes his neck kissed...and he's vocal about it when I do...and that turns me on.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    yea iv heard the hand things ... but i dont think they want them all glittery and soft . I think what she means is man hands , to be rugged with some scars . well thats what my ex's used to say .

    seems about time to grab my trusty razorblade and have at it
    On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...

  11. #26
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    When I'm built up for something....

    ie: make plans a week or longer in advance. I have something special to look forward to, to anticipate, to imagine.

    That excites me.

  12. #27
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    And to the Gigabitch, confidence is for hitler, Confidence is the attitude of an a$$hole[/QUOTE]

    No, no, no... that's the swaggering. Confidence is the real deal, not the dark side!

  13. #28
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    innsbruck, austria
    And to the Gigabitch, confidence is for hitler, Confidence is the attitude of an a$$hole
    well, i think that's exactly the problem hitler had: his absolute lack of confidence (as in self-esteem). and his desperate attempt to hide this made him act the way he did.

  14. #29
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    well, you can say about the man what you want......but seeing where he got, he was a master in hiding it. Shame that his little insecurity problem had disastrous repercussions. From now on, I shun everybody with insecurity problems.
    On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...

  15. #30
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    Feb 2006
    Yes, they do tend to punish others for their own problems. They can be very violent and frightening. A confident man is safer to be around, and sexier.

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