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Thread: Girl persues relationship, then totally changes up on me....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ZG123
    Agreed. And Im honestly not trying to sound "cool", but I really have no problem meeting women. Its honestly very easy when I go out, so its not like Im some pathetic guy who cant get a girl, I just legitimately dont want any other girl. My mind is telling me that logically, I shouldnt put up with this and I should go out and meet other girls, but my heart tells me this is the most awesome girl Ive ever met....
    I couldn't agree more ZG123. I have no trouble meeting attractive women, but I go more for attitude than looks.

    This is gonna be taken the wrong way and I'm not trying to sound cool or brag either but Saturday night I went out to my favorite club and within ten minutes I had a bachlorette party of six beautiful girls ask me if I would take a picture with them because 'you are so cute.' And the place was packed with good-looking guys. Later I hung out with my buddy and his girl-friend who is always trying to fix me up with her single friends, some quite nice I might add. I wasn't interested, I wanted to be home with my 'lady' watching TV and eating popcorn.

    Why do I put up with shit from any woman? I'm the damn prize, not them. And my current was the one that slipped her number in my pocket six months ago. Guess I made the mistake of calling her, falling for her and thinking that she was 'the one.'

    Maybe she is, time will tell. I love the potential we have. But if this hot/cold continues, it's gotta be...next.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    WOw, I need advice ASAP. So like I said I took the day off to hang with this girl all day for her B-day. I call her at 12:30 and she says shes getting ready to go to Chipotle cuz her friend (a guy) is taking her for her birthday. She says shes getting ready and she'll call me as soon as shes done eating. I give her like 2.5 hours to do her stuff and call me, get no call. So I call her, now shes at the tanning place and "she'll call me right back". I wait 40 minutes and send out a text of just her name. Then she says "Im gonna hang out with "friend" for a bit can we hang out tonight?"

    I reply back that thats really messed up and we had plans. She says now shes at the hair salon with this dude. I ask her "seriously, whats the deal here' to which she replies there is no deal dont get crazy. I say you would be pissed to.

    WTF is this about? What do I do here? Ive known about this friend and she says that hes like a brother and he has sex with anything that walks so she doesnt even look at him like that. But this is really messed up.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Gigabitch, help!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Oh my God! Who cares WTF it's about, it's just messed up! Look, I know you think she's awesome, but from my perspective, she's freaking mental.

    Is she punishing you for something? For liking her in the first place, maybe, because she's, you know, mental?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I guess so, this ****ing blows that I work with her. If I didnt work with her it would be easier to say "F her" and move on.

    Like I said, this girl has alot of guy friends because shes in to import tuners, so Ive always taken what she says as the truth and never really thought she was doing anything with them. But do you think something is going on with this Brian dude?

    Should I even agree to hang out with her? I ****ing bought her $100 Diesel shoes that I was gonna give her, on top of those roses I sent to work, I feel like shit right now.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Who gives a shit about Brian, actually. This is about the fact that she's blowing you off and treating you like crap. What if she was spending the day with Brenda? Would that change things?

    Separate your concerns about other guys from the real issue. It will make it much easier to win the argument when you call her later and say, "Hey, why don't I just be another one of your many guy friends, and I'll take my hot, good-in-bed self off to find someone who deserves me."

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    True, thanks. The last text I sent was "I wanna hang out even though I feel very disrepsected, but at the very least call me when you leave the hair salon"....to which I got no reply.

    Should I wait for her to call, or call her later?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Call her tomorrow. Turn off your phone right now.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Why turn off the phone Giga?

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hmmm. I guess you're right- she won't call anyway.

    The point of turning the phone off is to shut off even the hope that she will. Close that door. Go to the movies or something.

    The less torqued up you get over how she's acting right now, the calmer you'll be when you do actually see her. If she doesn't have the good grace to be ashamed of herself about this, she's a waste of time anyway.

    About the shoes. I would wait and see what she does. You shouldn't have to chase her down to give her a nice present.

    I assume you live in a town with more than one girl, right? I wonder if she knows it.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Didnt turn my phone off, she sent me a text letting me know that "shes just gonna stay in with her mom". Thanks, I really thought you were still coming over, rigghhhtttt. Just ignored it, whatever, she knows shes wrong and obviously doesnt give a damn, Ill give her what her actions tell me she wants, for me not to persue her anymore. Im going out for some drinks with friends....

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch
    The point of turning the phone off is to shut off even the hope that she will. Close that door. Go to the movies or something.
    I do that often. The silence of the phone not ringing can be deafening.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I hope you meet somebody tonight with better manners and the same shoe size as Miss Mental.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch
    I hope you meet somebody tonight with better manners and the same shoe size as Miss Mental.
    You and me both...

    And on that note, is there anyway, and should I, somehow let her know that I bought her shoes? I know blatently saying "I bought you shoes and everything" would be a bad idea....or should I just save face and pretend like I never bought them?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I don't think there's anything to be gained by scoring points off of her now. You won't make her feel bad for acting like an asshole by telling her about the shoes. Can you take them back to the store?

    I can't believe she was asking you to move in with her and then totally blew it like that. She actually did you a huge favor.

    It's important to keep things cordial because you work together, but I think anything beyond that is a mistake. IMO, you can't date her any more and you can't really be friends, beacuse she's a crappy friend. I think you should end it in a very non-emotional way and just try to look for warning signs next time.

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