Quote Originally Posted by daletom
As best I recall, the statistically most constant time interval in healthy women's cycles is that it takes 13-15 days from ovulation until the start of your period. So count back 14 days from when your period started as the best guess for your LAST ovulation. Now, count FORWARD by whatever your typical cycle time is. This is the ESTIMATED time of your NEXT ovulation. This is when you will be MOST fertile. Since it's variable, back up one day - this marks the start of your most likely ovulation window. Back up another 3 days, since your lover's sperm can live inside you for 48 - 72 hours.

If you are counting these days on a calendar, your finger is pointing to the (estimated) first day of your cycle when you might get pregnant from unprotected sex. Hopefully, this is still a few days in the future for you. The farther into the future, the less likely you are pregnant. And yes, this is based on all kinds of averages and typical behavior and statistics so it's NOT precise, but I think it works around 95% of the time. The biggest uncertainty in the calculation is the length of your cycle - which, as you probably know, can vary depending on a jillion thihgs you have no control over (including, ironically, worrying about getting pregnant!).

I hope this helps that "cold spear of terror" get a little warmer!

Great info....but that really didn't help that "cold spear of terror" for me....

As calculated, they day when I might most likely get pregnant was yesterday, or today. This happened 5 days ago..... Shit....