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Thread: How do you stop this?

  1. #16
    vashti's Avatar
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    Sorry you are feeling blue. Lots of people do during the holidays.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  2. #17
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    So Ellynn, just curious... now that it is worked out and you said that you know how you are going to work through it, how are you going to work through it?
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  3. #18
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    Did you see the single guy at work today? Are you intentionally encouraging yourself to have a crush on him? Wellllll?
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prodigal View Post
    So Ellynn, just curious... now that it is worked out and you said that you know how you are going to work through it, how are you going to work through it?
    Well I didn't exactly work thru it, but I really thought about it and you guys are right. There are too many odds with this guy for anything to happen. First he's a person of authority over me. I doubt he would want to jeopardize his job seeing as he is a temp right now and really hopes to stay on. Second, he is taken. Whether its a LD relationship or not, obviously he is with her for a reason. Surprisingly the age difference doesn't matter to me (cuz he looks younger and acts younger), but realistically im looking for someone closer to my age. Plus, he definately is not the type I normally go for. So, I've decided its a big world and there are other people out there. Eventually someone else is bound to come along and it will work out. Just have to be patient I guess. I need to focus on school for the right reasons and not let it get too personal. It will also help with my break coming up. Seeing him less, and being reminded less.

    I just wish it was easier to control your feelings. I always manage to fall for the wrong guys. Oh well.
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  5. #20
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Did you see the single guy at work today? Are you intentionally encouraging yourself to have a crush on him? Wellllll?
    No I didn't! Im pissed! lol. Well, I usually see him on the weekends when I work, so maybe this weekend. Plus, I've kinda liked this guy for awhile. Just nothing ever happened. I just chickened out with getting to know him better and took the easy route by ignoring him and my interest in him. But, he definately would be a better option. We'll just see how things go. I just need to learn to flirt instead of run away in the opposite direction. He really is a sweet guy. Plus he has ambition. Thats defintely hot.
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  6. #21
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    Well, it is the weekend and Im hoping to see the hottie at work!

    But yesterday was interesting. I was at my clinical and had my eval with the (other guy). He gave me super high points even though I think I still need to improve on my performance. He also told me some background about himself and how he got into his career and how he felt in the beginning was probalby similiar to how I feel. He told me he noticed how Im kinda like him....introverted. There was lots of eye contact and smiling, we were sitting down in a private area. I was kinda nervous at first, but found myself very comfortable after 10 min. I was also telling him about some of the people who worked there and how they treated us kinda shitty. He told me straight how he thought they were "snobs" and told me not to worry and to come to him if I have any problems. Well at least he's on my side, and the other students sides.

    Then, since its such a small world, one of the people that works at my clinical site knows this hottie at my work thru her mom. She says she will find out if hes single etc and let me know. I was all happy bout this and I stressed to her that I wouldn't ask him out if he was taken, but my instructor heard everything and walked up closer to us. He had a strange look on his face. Anyways, maybe if he hears im into someone else, things will go back to normal. I hope so anyways.

    At least today I have something to look forward to. I will keep you updated.
    Last edited by Ellynn; 10-12-06 at 02:36 AM.
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  7. #22
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    No updates to report other then the guy in authority over me makes me nervous. No one else does, but him. I think he's starting to see a pattern. I don't even think im that nervous and then suddenly hes all like "relax Ellynn", and it just makes me more nervous. WEll at least I don't have to deal with it until next yr.

    As for the guy at my work. I've seen him a few times, but I was busy. So therefore, I don't know how thats gonna turn out.

    Question for the guys. Do you normally touch a girl on the back you barely know? Reason I ask this is that there is this other guy that I have seen at work a few times who does this to me. Really friendly and usually appears out of nowhere. Another employee, but Im not sure exactly where he works.

    So what do you make of this touchy behavior?
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  8. #23
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    Some guys are just like that. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, either. I don't really appreciate it. You have to have permission to touch me.
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  9. #24
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    Yeah first it happened a month ago in the elevator. I was just on my way to my car and this guy starts talking to me and as I left, he put his arm around me. I had never seen him before or anything. Basically I forgot about it until he came up to our floor w/ a patient. When he passed me, he put his hand on the middle of my back. That immediately triggered my memory to the day in the elevator. He was cute too! If he wasn't, I would have been offended.

    The funny thing is that my coworker noticed this. I asked her if he did the same to her and she said no, never! So i dunno what to make of it. He could just be the flirty type. Or maybe he is gay. Some gay guys are touchy with girls because theres nothing intended.
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  10. #25
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    Is your gadar any good? And why would a gay guy touch you and not your friend? I'd have to see him in action, but I suspect he might be copping a feel if he doesn't do it to everyone. Does it make you uncomfortable?
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Some guys are just like that. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, either.

    *raises hand*

  12. #27
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Is your gadar any good? And why would a gay guy touch you and not your friend? I'd have to see him in action, but I suspect he might be copping a feel if he doesn't do it to everyone. Does it make you uncomfortable?
    Nah, not uncomfortable, but I wanna know why? Is it just subtle flirting or does he have a thing for me. And true, gay guys usually aren't that way with girls. But my friend is gay and he's like that with just about anyone.

    About two yrs ago, I had a random guy IM me one day and tell me how he thought I was beautiful and saw me at work all of the time. I was kinda creeped out but yet flattered. So im like, ok why don't you approach me? He was like, I just can't. Then that was the end of that. Never heard from him again. So, if someone is interested, I kind of would like to know. It fustrating when you have no clue they are interested. Then at least then I can decide if I want anything with them.
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  13. #28
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    Did you know who this random guy even was? Could it have been that guy who's getting you all torqued up now, your supervisor, and he couldn't approach you because he was married?
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  14. #29
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Did you know who this random guy even was? Could it have been that guy who's getting you all torqued up now, your supervisor, and he couldn't approach you because he was married?
    No, I have no clue who it was! And no its NOT that guy. (that is someone else NOT connected with work that I have just met in the past few months!) (BTW, he's not married!) My supervisor is a female, so well......

    Anyways, yeah this guy never approached me, but it was weird how he IMed me out of the blue and then never did anything about it. Oh well. I just thought it was pointless to even say anything to me thru IM if he wasn't gonna do anything about it.
    Last edited by Ellynn; 14-12-06 at 06:44 PM.
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