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Thread: Is my girlfiend a whore?

  1. #16
    Gribble's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what the exchange rate is on Aussie bucks, and I'm too damn lazy to look it up. $200 is a lot of dinero for a meal for two. Hell, half that is a lot. You can't afford it? Boo-****ing-hoo. Take her someplace less expensive. Good dates aren't about dropping stacks of money. For less than 20 US dollars you can get yourself a rotisserie chicken, a bottle or two of your favorite beverage, and two sides. Take that out to a park on a beautiful day. Unless she really is a whore, she'll enjoy a good picnic every bit as much.

    I don't care what the trend is. Call me a traditionalist, but a woman should never, ever pay for a date, nor should she have to meet you there, or worse, pick your sorry ass up. Screw the feminist movement. If she wants to open doors, pull out chairs, or foot the bill, fine, she can do it with her bulldyke girlfriend. But she sure as hell ain't gonna do it when I take her out.

    And why don't you compliment her? I lavish my women with compliments. I turn them from modest, decent human beings to vain, materialistic bitches. I want men fawning over her. I want them salivating when she walks through a door. And then I want them to burn with envy when I wrap my arms around her. Sure, some have tried to use me, but the moment they take my generosity for granted is the moment I kick them to the curb. There are too many gorgeous women in this world to get hung up over one.
    Last edited by Gribble; 13-02-07 at 01:37 AM.

  2. #17
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    Why do I am getting the feeling that I am the only here that thinks females should pay or at least offer to pay every once awhile?

    And yes, boys pay. Perceived value determines market rates, and you have to pay to sleep with beautiful women, one way or another. Yes, you could demand that she not treat you like an ATM and pay her own way. Good luck with that.
    Sadly this is the truth, and why it is one of the reasons I tend to not play well with the beautiful women out there. I don't care if it was Jessica Alba I am not going to unload my money on her. I am going to run cheap on the more beautiful women to show them that I am not going to be an ATM for them, I don't care what they say about it. I earned my money and why should I have to unload it on her. Heck I might as well pay an escort if I wanted a beautiful women. Because then I would get my moneys worth.

  3. #18
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    Until then, you always have Jill.
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  4. #19
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Until then, you always have Jill.
    Ames has been feeling guilty about me visiting her.

    She thinks it's unfair that she just sits there while I pay 200+ dollars to visit her.

    When I got there we went to blockbuster, and I paid for the movies, which she said was unfair because I just paid to get there.

    I dunno, it was a small expense, and I just couldn't start our first evening with her paying.

    We've been talking about me coming down again and I told her if it makes her feel better, we can split the cost of the ticket. Which is what she's been thinking for a while but as she put it "didn't want to insult your ego".

    I'm down with that, I ain't got no money tree after all.

  5. #20
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    I don't think there is anything wrong with the man paying
    nor do I think there is anything wrong with the woman paying
    you might start out the relationship courting period, by .... courting, which will probably involve some expenses.
    once a relationship is established it's pretty easy to work out how you want to split expenses, and if you can't talk about it, then you have a pretty crap relationship.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Until then, you always have Jill.
    Uh? Do you mean "Jill" the average girl? If so then you are most certainly correct.

    But to add to what I said in my last post. It is like buying a car. If you want certain features and looks your going to have to pay more for them. And if the car you want has a name for it it will also cost you. And I guess it is to say that car shopping is much like girl shopping. To get the "better" car/girl the more it will cost you. But a car that cost 40k may not be better than the 25k one and maybe the 25k one may be in fact better than the 40k one. It may also be true the other way around. You never know until you actually buy the car as the test drive will never tell you for sure.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jurupa View Post
    Uh? Do you mean "Jill" the average girl? If so then you are most certainly correct.
    Heh heh, no, Jurupa. Hold up your left hand, palm facing you. Your thumb and forefinger make a "J". The other three fingers make up the other letters in the name "Jill".

    That's her. That's your date until you loosen up that pinche wallet of yours.
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  8. #23
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    yeah, I've always thought of women as inanimate objects, kind of just a commodity really.
    not like men, who are real people with thoughts and preferences for things and junk.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kbot View Post
    yeah, I've always thought of women as inanimate objects, kind of just a commodity really.
    not like men, who are real people with thoughts and preferences for things and junk.
    What are you talking about? Men are just big lugs who carry heavy things for me and pay for everything.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Heh heh, no, Jurupa. Hold up your left hand, palm facing you. Your thumb and forefinger make a "J". The other three fingers make up the other letters in the name "Jill".

    That's her. That's your date until you loosen up that pinche wallet of yours.
    lol. I am not saying that my wallet is under lock and key, but more that I am not going to really spend over $50 on a girl per date. I know that may seem low, but I know a couple of restaurants (not fast food joints lol), where I can buy dinner for two for $20 and the food is not bad at all. I basically value non-material things more than material things, so I rather spend $20 on dinner and have kick ass conversation, than $80 on dinner and an okay conversation. Plus I don't think I have to go to a more expensive place or pay more just because the girl is beautiful. Looks don't last, what is inside does.

  11. #26
    Gribble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    What are you talking about? Men are just big lugs who carry heavy things for me and pay for everything.
    So true...

  12. #27
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    What's all this talk of paying for things and not paying for things??? who cares about that. That's not the issue. It's like complaining about baldness in a cancer patient - once the cancer is removed the hair will grow back.

    Samantha's "cancer" is her enormous ego. Her "chemotheraphy" is being taken down a few pegs. If the treatment is successful she will at least offer to pay for things sometimes and be a nicer person and a better girlfriend and more generous in the bedroom. All that will be part of the "cure".

    So, the help I need from the females is: what can I use as a scalpel to cut-out my girlfriend's "cancer"?

    When all's said and done she is a pretty cool chick and I'm very attracted to her I so don't want to end it. She's just a little bit full of herself.

    P.S. I have clearly said that insecurity is NOT the source of her bad behaviour. Why do some idiots persist in blaming this red herring? Don't you trust me? Where is the trust? If there is no trust we may as well just end this thing right now
    Last edited by Charlie Boy; 13-02-07 at 12:42 PM.

  13. #28
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    Are you calling us idiots? We, who have actually *been* 19 year old girls? I bet you any amount of money she has some insecurities, else she wouldn't be trying so hard to prove her worth to you.

    Anyway, I am not in the business of breaking down egos. I think most of us hate ourselves enough as it is.
    Last edited by vashti; 13-02-07 at 12:43 PM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  14. #29
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    Do you actually deserve a better girlfriend, Charlie Boy, or do you just want one?
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  15. #30
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    So what you girls are saying is you're not going to help me with my "cure"?

    Is it so hard to believe that a female can posess arrogance? Is it so far outside the realms of possibilit?

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