Don't worry about it. First of all, put your mind at ease by accepting the fact that you will likely screw up. Once you've accepted that, then you realize that the one you will end up dating is the one that thinks your strange ways are actually endearing.

Went to the bank today. The teller was this drop-dead gorgeous 20-something woman. Looked very much like a model. Her face was unbelievable, eyes were like tigers eyes, lips pouty. Okay, right away she asks me "How are you?" I said, "Fine." and then, "You look exactly like Tyra Banks when she was a young model."

She totally took it in stride and we had a very brief chit chat while she dealt with my bank matters. But, you could tell that she found my comment to be quite pleasant because she made it a point of saying my first name very clearly and with the full eye contact and smile, "Thank Cameron (big smile). See you again soon."

Okay, no pressure because she's just the bank teller. There's no way I'm going to ask her out--kind of awkward when you have a line of octagenarians waiting behind you, wanting to deposit their Social Security cheques!

At any rate--the point is, just be yourself. I'm just my quirky self and say things spontaneously and elicit a nice response. That's enough. One day, I'll say something like that to the right person at the right time, and good things will happen. It has worked in the past--being myself, that is.

Give it a shot and as long as you don't stink or are rude, it is perfect okay to just be you. Hopefully, she'll like you for it.

Quote Originally Posted by TvOnTheRadio View Post
Ok so I have a problem...and that problem is forgetting. For some weird reason I just can't stop forgetting things I do, now I understand that might be a good thing but things that I want to forget, I just can't (ex.doing something really stupid around a girl I like). Also when ever I talk to a girl I'm attracted to I really get nervous, my palms start to dampen, my speech starts to speed up and I try to end the conversation as fast as possible. Now I'm not going to give you 3 paragraphs about a story on forgetting or talking to an attractive person, and yes I might just be paranoid about this thing, but I just want to ask if you guys have the same problem or have any advice on this so PLEASE HELP ME!