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Thread: Who Cares About Culture?

  1. #16
    Junket's Avatar
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    That's one of my points, tolerance leading to indifference.

    Anyone that questions either, being perceived as racist or intolerant.

    I'm beginning to wonder.

    There is a notable difference between rural cultures verse urban culture. Would this explain the narcist behavior of many Americans?

    My question to you Vash, is how often to you interact with your neighbors? Where I'm from, neighbors differ so much they just tend to keep to themselves.

  2. #17
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    I interact with the Asian neighbors more than any other neighbors, because I like them the best.

    Other than saying hello, I don't interact much with the Pakistani people, except the time I took a pie to their house because I felt so bad that their car had been vandalized. Their kid is a friend of my son's. Same for the Hispanic family.

    Other than kid-related things, I don't interact much more than friendly chit-chat, neighborly stuff when I see them, and the annual block party on the fourth of July. I'm not sure why that might be a problem. Maybe I am missing your point?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #18
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    The fact that you have Asian, Pakistani and Hispanic neighbors that live right next to you and interact with you indicates that neither they nor you are part of the problem.

    If I read him right, Fras is commenting about the kind of people who would move here and then never even speak to you.
    Last edited by Gigabitch; 21-08-07 at 07:43 AM.
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  4. #19
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    well that's not just ethnic people, that happens with all people. in fact i think it happens the other way around much more frequently.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  5. #20
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    Eh, if they aren't speaking to me, then I am likewise not speaking to them.

    Anyway, their children will be speaking to my children.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #21
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    Diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity! That is all I have heard in the last 4 days of orientation. Colleges are overrun by these douchebag administrators who shove their bullshit ideology down students throats. The liberal indoctrination has begun.

    Our summer reading assignment was about.. guess what.. diversity! The same topic it has been for the last I don't know how many years! And about a rich white girl running off to the native land of her illegal immigrant husband and adapting to their ways. The book makes the South African government look like a bunch of meanies for enforcing their immigrations laws that had been broken.

    Then some big-shot public speakers talked to us about the book. This one speaker starts bitching about how the US government is so biased for wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border and not the Canadian border. Hey dumbass, maybe there are 12 million illegal Mexicans here and HOW many illegal Canadians? ALL of the speakers were spewing their liberal garbage, the most lop-sided event I have ever seen. I was gagging.

    So then later we break into small groups and discuss the book, and just to piss off some of these liberal assclowns (the students) I bring up the immigration. They just bring up irrelevant point, one after another. "Canada has more desirable citizens, so the US discriminates the Mexicans". Umm, you still haven't addressed the fact that Canadians are NOT illegally immigrating to the US in droves. "A lot of marijuana comes in from Canada." No shit? And what comes through Mexico, do I wonder? That's a separate problem entirely. Maybe they should cut back some of the unusually lenient border benefits that certain Native Americans have in terms of crossing borders, for a start?

    They spent so much time addressing political correctness, such as what to do if someone makes a remark that can possibly, in some way, reference your race or orientation in one way or another. If someone files a complaint against you, you will have a meeting within 24 hours and face disciplinary action, of course.

    Some of the students here are such piss-offs, they can't grasp the real world. If they do reinstate the draft, I hope to God college students are not exempt. Some of these kids just need to be kicked in the face. They like ganging up on me when I tell them how it is, bunch of pussies. But you know, I'm not much for words, these people are wacked out. I just wish they would stop with the bullshit

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    So then later we break into small groups and discuss the book, and just to piss off some of these liberal assclowns (the students) I bring up the immigration. They just bring up irrelevant point, one after another. "Canada has more desirable citizens, so the US discriminates the Mexicans".
    Is the poli sci department at your college teaching people about HOW it came to be that the student population is viewing Canadians as being generally more "desirable" than Mexicans? What part the US has had in ensuring that Mexico is all ****ed up, thereby providing ourselves with cheap labor and a nearby place to locate our factories?

    I'm thinking not. I imagine you're all supposed to sit in a circle, holding hands and singing while everyone pretends that racial inequality is all due to stubborn whiteys who won't embrace the new rather than what everything actually comes down to:

    money and power.

    I'd like to hope that hammering in the threat of terrible repercussions should you be perceived in any way as being politically incorrect will eventually result in a population that doesn't require such shepherding, but somehow, I doubt that will be the case.

    It'll just become illegal to mention inequalities out loud.
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  8. #23
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    Yeah, a lot of college kids tend to be idealistic idiots.

    Those that have their diverse group of friends are most likely in an environment that caters and favors those kind of relationships.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    What part the US has had in ensuring that Mexico is all ****ed up, thereby providing ourselves with cheap labor and a nearby place to locate our factories?

    I'm thinking not. I imagine you're all supposed to sit in a circle, holding hands and singing while everyone pretends that racial inequality is all due to stubborn whiteys who won't embrace the new rather than what everything actually comes down to:

    It'll just become illegal to mention inequalities out loud.
    You are absolutely right, they never talk about why it is that we have such a big problem with immigration from the south. Gee, maybe the fact that Mexico is a pretty backwards country has something to do with it. Why is it Canadians aren't all dying to get into our country? Maybe because living in Canada is almost identical to living in the US? I feel more at home in Ontario than I do in South Carolina, TBH.

    Yeah, they LOVE blaming the white man for problems. My high school history teacher said that European's are responsible for Africa's condition because they gave them guns

    It pretty much is already illegal to mention any inequality. The super far left (the most vocal of anyone on the political spectrum) will shout you down, call you racist, say you do not have the right to speak (literally, I can think of several examples), etc. They won't hesitate to kick you off campus. If I were, say, to call someone a "fag" and they filed a complaint, I would have a talk with some school person within 24 hours. If the RA finds someone with weed or cocaine in their room, it is within 7 - 10 days. WHAT?!?

    Generally people still form their ethnic cliques regardless of all their efforts, it's just natural. My best friend is half Cuban, nobody forced a friendship upon us. It's better that way.
    Last edited by DoesntMatter; 21-08-07 at 05:24 AM.

  10. #25
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    Ya gotta understand that your liberal buddies are in their element.

    It's virtually the only place where they can spout their bullshit and have people held accountable on the terms they see fit. Nowhere else in the real world will they find that.

    Then again...it's probably these same college pussies that'll move into those big office buildings...I'm glad I'm goin' blue collar.

    "What up negro??"

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    My best friend is half Cuban, nobody forced a friendship upon us. It's better that way.
    My best friend is half Malamute.
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  12. #27
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    All of my best friends are white.

    It's easier to crack racist jokes that way.

  13. #28
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Y'know how ethnics will immigrate to a different country and then fight the assimilation into the domestic culture? What's up with that? In fact it seems many groups try to assimilate the domestics into their culture.

    Why can't people just let their cultures die?

    Worse is when individuals will try to change common law to accommodate their groups "needs".
    you need to go visit a few other cultures, frasbee. it's always good to get outside of america. apparently being in americorps did not help you to understand this.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    you need to go visit a few other cultures, frasbee. it's always good to get outside of america. apparently being in americorps did not help you to understand this.
    Oh shut up, and don't bring AmeriCorps into this.

    This has little to do with cultures outside of the US.

    The original post is about people who carry their culture into a different country and refuse to assimilate. I'm referring to the extreme side of things.

  15. #30
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Oh shut up, and don't bring AmeriCorps into this.

    This has little to do with cultures outside of the US.

    The original post is about people who carry their culture into a different country and refuse to assimilate. I'm referring to the extreme side of things.
    oh so if you went to japan would you turn into like a buddhist monk or something? would you start dressing differently and being different?

    put yourself in the shoes. walk a little.

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