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Thread: Ladies...what would you say love is?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by intrepido View Post
    Love is a completion of sorts, a completion of two people by one another.
    I think it is a human misconception to believe that we need someone to be complete in the first place. I am complete by myself, I am one healthy human being and don't need anyone to "complete me".

    Anyways, I think what you described to me sounds like you really care for this girl that has the anxiety and panic dis-order...if you love her or not I could never know since I can not see through your eyes. The part of you that wants a wife that makes great money to send your kids to a good school and etc sounds like the business arrangement ... you should be less thinking about finding someone to help you pay for things and spend more time trying to figure out how to do it yourself. I think kids should be the product of love.

    My biggest problem with all this is that people try to ADD everything to the meaning of love and that is where the problem arises. Love is love...everything else is everything else. Love is the Euphoric feeling you get for someone...it is the ORIGINAL meaning of the word in the English language...why do people try to tack other things onto it? I may have a clue, because the love feeling is so powerful that trying to imply the word to something else gives it equal power...for example when people say " I love this food!" ...it is because they know that it is instantly and mutually understood by all parties that she has an EXTREMELY powerful feeling for that food...but I think it is an insult to the word. In anything...love is not having identical likes with someone, matching, completion of some bogus soul, taking care of each other, hell...it even has nothing to do with honesty...love is just a feeling..and that feeling is the only thing that is love.

    I didn't pull the meaning of love out of my a$$ to make this opinion, I researched for a paper in an English class the meaning of the word love and its origins. If someone prefers a relationship with someone who they do not love but have all these other matches and think they are great together..than more power to them..but never the less they misuse the word love in the English language.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 17-12-07 at 06:02 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Aussie Aussie Aussie
    The word "Love" itself is pretty open to interprettation and can mean different things to different people. What is love really when you can love:

    1. Your parents
    2. A piece of fruit
    3. A partner
    4. A sunsent
    5. Your enemy

    Someone saying "I love you" can mean as many things as "I love your hair before you get a hair cut" to "I want to be with you foreever".
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    ...but I think it is an insult to the word.

    I think thats great. Many people misuse the word love in this way but this doesnt concern me as much as the people who equate love with the things that modern culture has somehow put in the place of feelings and emotion. People grow up thinking that they want to marry this person or that person based on social preconceptions of how that person will be. When they meet the person that fits that sort of description theyre, in a way, fooled into feeling a certain way for them because of what they have learned earlier in their life. My ex spoke about this openly and has never been materialistic.

    She herself said when she told me that she didnt think we could work out that "i am willing to settle for someone less desirable who makes a little more money than me, so I can send my kids to good schools when they are little." At this point she needs someone who does not want to travel, someone who lives very local, like in her town who she probably would have met by this point, and someone that is understanding to her problem. I think she might just be looking for just anyone that she can get along with to have a family. Shes got guy friends, some of which Id say might want to do this with her. Is that what its all about though? I think we have something much more special than that. She talks about true love and how its possible. She talks about chivalry and being romantic but wont sign on the dotted line it seems.

    It is not I who want HER to make money so we can send our kids to good schools. Its her, haha. On the contrary it is her who does not make very much money, although we are workin on getting her better, she actually just got a job all on her own. I am 6 years younger than she is but will be going to medical school in about two years. She wants to start a family, or so she says, before she is 35, she is 30 now. I didnt give into my feelings enough early on in the relationship because I didnt think it would work due to our age, she did. Now she seems to think its not a good idea, while I do, but I think she is just trying to be more realistic and protecting herself from me leaving her when she gets older and then will be unable to have kids. She tells me that she still loves me more than anything in the whole world and that it just doesnt feel right RIGHT now...which is a clue
    Last edited by intrepido; 17-12-07 at 07:38 AM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    LOVE (wikipedia)


    If you are stupid enough and not know what love is, and even more st**** by asking the "definition", then read the article
    "You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess"

  5. #20
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    Sep 2006

    I also do feel that there could and or should be a completion aspect to love in the sense that the other person brings out the best way in which you find to express yourself by means of who they are. An undeniable passion results from this and you are concerned more with the other person than yourself. This is ideal, I believe.

  6. #21
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    Jun 2007
    love should not be about any outside factors like wanting children. that's just a means to something, that's not real love.
    real love is natural, it can make a person calculating.
    love does make sacrifices and is unconditional BUT it does not condone everything and does not make one stay in that situation.
    love is just this feeling where you are overwhelemed. it's something where you see a person and smile sometimes to yourself even if you see them in your head. love is just about the same all the way around for whoever you feel it if you really feel it. sometimes it makes you very sad. because you can love but not be in control of another person, even one who loves you back. it's hard to share something so personal because if it IS in fact real love, you give over the reigns in that situation to a certain degree. you have to be willing to give up and lose sometimes.

    wow, if i continue on, i will slit my wrists (figuratively of course, i would vomit before i spilt blood at my own hands, and barf makes me barf haha)

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yes...it should not be about outside factors like wanting children.

    What did you mean when you said that "real love is natural, it can make a person calculating."

    Love is all the things you have said and it is so true and ironic that it really is love, I feel, when you DO have to let go, even when two people love each other very much.

    It makes you wonder though if it is really true love whether or not people can forever deny their feelings.

    Quote Originally Posted by alidile View Post
    love should not be about any outside factors like wanting children. that's just a means to something, that's not real love.
    real love is natural, it can make a person calculating.
    love does make sacrifices and is unconditional BUT it does not condone everything and does not make one stay in that situation.
    love is just this feeling where you are overwhelemed. it's something where you see a person and smile sometimes to yourself even if you see them in your head. love is just about the same all the way around for whoever you feel it if you really feel it. sometimes it makes you very sad. because you can love but not be in control of another person, even one who loves you back. it's hard to share something so personal because if it IS in fact real love, you give over the reigns in that situation to a certain degree. you have to be willing to give up and lose sometimes.

    wow, if i continue on, i will slit my wrists (figuratively of course, i would vomit before i spilt blood at my own hands, and barf makes me barf haha)

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    by that i mean that i think love is something you feel... not just feel, but live innately.
    from personal experience, i think it makes you crazy, and i'm not talking about lust....
    it's like doing acid in that it totally rewires everything you everthought to a certan degree. you have to have your own life in the first place to start a relationship but even when you have "gotten over" someone, you have taken something from that experience and it stays with you forever. anyways all these factors can make a person very calculating and careful, that's the personal experience part.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Aussie Aussie Aussie
    Quote Originally Posted by nuevo View Post
    LOVE (wikipedia)


    If you are stupid enough and not know what love is, and even more st**** by asking the "definition", then read the article

    Those definitions create more questions than they answer
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  10. #25
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    Sep 2006
    Yea, each experience completely changes the way you see the world and how you live your life in the future.

    So basically you mean that with each love lost you become more jaded? and that bad experiences with the opposite sex and with love would cause you to be very selective/calculating in how you approach situations? This should not affect love though, by your and my definition, but perhaps the continuation and survival of said love.

    Quote Originally Posted by alidile View Post
    by that i mean that i think love is something you feel... not just feel, but live innately.
    from personal experience, i think it makes you crazy, and i'm not talking about lust....
    it's like doing acid in that it totally rewires everything you everthought to a certan degree. you have to have your own life in the first place to start a relationship but even when you have "gotten over" someone, you have taken something from that experience and it stays with you forever. anyways all these factors can make a person very calculating and careful, that's the personal experience part.

  11. #26
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    Jun 2007
    or that you won't let yourself have love... that's what i've decided today.

  12. #27
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    Sep 2006
    Right right...with each lost love one could and would, in most cases, become more cynical about what love actually is. This would allow for an imitation love, of sorts, to step in and replace real love in this persons eyes.

    I wonder if Id be doing the right thing to go with my heart. My ex will always be 6 years older than I and she may have problems forever but I do love her very very much. It would be a great story if nothing else.

    Quote Originally Posted by alidile View Post
    or that you won't let yourself have love... that's what i've decided today.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think that the feeling of true love is a feeling that cannot be described. You can try to relate it to other things, but nothing could ever come close to how it actually feels.
    Love can be so many things to so many people. For me, love is being able to look at my man and the sight of him can make me smile, even when I am mega-pissed at him (and that ticks me off even more). It is that happiness that he has brought to my life, that will always be there, even if he is not. Love is opening yourself to another, being comfortable enough with them, more than any of your friends, and letting them see the real you, imperfections and all, and not worrying about how that one person judges you, because you know they won't, and even if they do, they will still love you. Love is never being afraid to say anything to the other person, because saying something that you feel should never endanger a relationship. Love is when other people can see that the two fo you make each other happy, not that it matters if other people can see it. Love is incredible and worth every tear you may cry. Love hurts sometimes, but it all should have been worth the journey, and if you had the chance to do it all over again, you would.
    Yeah, I know my opinion of what love is is probably naive, but it is what my love makes me feel. There are times when I think that it is not worth any of the pain, but I know I wouldn't trade the actual feeling of love for anything. I don't need material things to be in love, as long as I can get by, it's all good.
    While I was reading some of the replies, the movie Moulin Rouge was plaing in my head, anyone else get that?

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bak2885 View Post
    I think that the feeling of true love is a feeling that cannot be described. You can try to relate it to other things, but nothing could ever come close to how it actually feels.
    Love can be so many things to so many people. For me, love is being able to look at my man and the sight of him can make me smile, even when I am mega-pissed at him (and that ticks me off even more). It is that happiness that he has brought to my life, that will always be there, even if he is not. Love is opening yourself to another, being comfortable enough with them, more than any of your friends, and letting them see the real you, imperfections and all, and not worrying about how that one person judges you, because you know they won't, and even if they do, they will still love you. Love is never being afraid to say anything to the other person, because saying something that you feel should never endanger a relationship. Love is when other people can see that the two fo you make each other happy, not that it matters if other people can see it. Love is incredible and worth every tear you may cry. Love hurts sometimes, but it all should have been worth the journey, and if you had the chance to do it all over again, you would.
    Yeah, I know my opinion of what love is is probably naive, but it is what my love makes me feel. There are times when I think that it is not worth any of the pain, but I know I wouldn't trade the actual feeling of love for anything. I don't need material things to be in love, as long as I can get by, it's all good.
    While I was reading some of the replies, the movie Moulin Rouge was plaing in my head, anyone else get that?

    Bak...you seem to be thinking along the same lines as me. My ex doesnt want to get hurt. She always thought I was going to leave her and now has decided that she wants kids before or at the age of 35, shes 30 now and since Im going to be in school for another 5-6 years she cant be with me. She doesnt want to "ruin" my life. How can I prove to her that I love her more than anything else in the whole world? We were supposed to hang out this wednesday but now she says she might not be ready to see me yet. She says that she has been sad about us for a while now and might not be ready. Why is she doing this!?! She says she loves me more than anyone else she has ever loved and more than words could ever express. She told me it she hopes I am ok but that she hates to think of what i am doing and who i see(other women). Why would she say this if were broken up and shes the one who broke it off? She is not interested in dating anyone, says she is just bored and whatnot in bed at 10 every nite. She has also said that she doesnt think it is a good idea "right" now...why would she say that also?

    She told me that she is willing to settle for someone less desirable that makes some money just so she can have kids and send them to good schools. Im goin to have a good job as a doctor in 5 years or so. Wont she regret throwing our love away? why does she not think she is good enough?

    I just want her back, I want to show her how much I love her. Help me to show her how love can conquer all.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nuevo View Post
    LOVE (wikipedia)


    If you are stupid enough and not know what love is, and even more st**** by asking the "definition", then read the article
    Wikipedia is a place where EVERYONE gets to contribute something about a term. It would only make sense that the garbage added on definitions to love that do not belong with it would make it on there. Wikipedia makes it sound like the freaking word was invented in the English language yesterday...who are the people making that stuff up? Looking at old English poetry and articles it is clear what the original meaning of the word is. William Shakespeare > Wikipedia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    The word "Love" itself is pretty open to interprettation and can mean different things to different people. What is love really when you can love:
    No it isn't, you can't alter and change the meaning of words to whatever you like. I guess if so than I can believe that a$$ means face too. Hey! its my interpretation ok!
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 18-12-07 at 07:18 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

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