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Thread: Questioning the ICE BREAK?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dragondragon View Post
    I replied saying "I guess it's obvious you can't resist me."

    She said "Lol W/E"

    I then said "Someone's in denial."

    She said "I think that someone might be you."
    You should've stopped right there.. what should have followed, and what should be your attitude from now on is..

    "Listen, I think theres a point in a person's life where she's no longer a girl.. and that point is when she stops playing games, because they're both obvious and hilarious at the same time.. Until now, I thought you weren't that type of person, and I actually enjoyed talking to you.."

    - You leave it open-ended.. Here's what's going on when you do this..

    1. You imply that you're socially intelligent without flaunting/bragging

    2. You create a negative image which she doesn't want to see herself as

    3. You create a positive image in which she wants people to see her as and wants to feel like

    4. You (trap) her into stop playing games.. you do this because if she still does what she's been doing (playing games) she'll feel and appear negative.. but she wants to feel and appear positive.. and to do that, she must stop playing games.. And she won't go back to playing games soon because that negative image of someone who does that is still in her mind

    5. This last one is a false-lock-out.. you're not really walking away, but you're not really happy with her either.. This is more effective than an actual-lock-out (because that would cause anger, and she might not talk to you out of ego-spite).. with a FLO, you gauge her interest in you, you create a sense of loss of your value, you make her feel like she's done something wrong and has been seen through a negative light.. This gets her into the frame of mind of trying to win your favor..

    When you do this.. she'll probably text you back, and continue talking to you without the use of games.. But it's highly unlikely that she'll express any interest in you.. but for reasons contrary to what you're thinking..

    a. Yes, women are in a constant information struggle.. they never want to give out information that expresses to the guy how they feel until they are 200% positive the guy is interested.. In fact, put-on disinterest and resistance are signs that she's interested..

    b. She has a bf, friends that know this, and you.. (It's not the bf that's holding her back from you.. just the idea of her having a bf, and what it means for her image if she does anything with you).. Women will gladly cheat, they cheat all the time, more so then men.. her bf is not an issue.. Her social image is the issue, how she feels about it is the issue, and how she thinks you think about her is the issue!

    Note: Frame Control! (from her texts, she's trying to take over the frame and make it seem like you're chasing her.. don't let her do that.. especially since it's clear she's interested in you by her poor effort to deny that she likes you.. control the frame and make her fall into your frame.. YOU are the one SHE is chasing)

    How do you get women with bf's? (Strategy)

    - BF-Destruction (Important: Must be indirect, casual, and subtle.. and you must also constrast yourself against her "unattractive, wussy, boyish bf".. and feed into her needs, the needs she tells you she wants but her bf isn't giving her; Go back to my olds posts for an example of this.. but PM me if you want a unique-tailored BFD)

    - Free her from inhibitions (she's worried about how doing anything with you will make her feel, will make her friends think about her, and will make others in general think about her "including you".. This has to be more indirect and subtle that BFD, you have to make her feel that she herself is reaching that conclusion.. that she doesn't find him attractive anymore, that you're this great guy in front of her bf who is almost perfect and will give her exactly the satisfaction she's been looking for, that she would be an idiot to stay with a man who doesn't make her happy, that she deserved better, that there's nothing sluttly/bad about doing what she's about to do with you, that you won't judge her and it's perfectly normal, it's not a big deal, and that nobody will ever find out because you use "discretion" and don't talk to people about "who" you do stuff with)

    - Use her bf to your advantage! (Some people call this immoral, sneaky, not nice.. But those are all relative terms.. Quite honestly, if you can BFD him, that alone tells you that he's not giving her what she deserves, the way she deserves it, and where she deserves it the most! "i'm not going to get graphic".. But after you're at step 3, she'll realize just how boring and unattractive her bf is.. and how fun and attractive you are.. (And you don't have to do anything) That's right.. it's the cheating-effect.. why do people do it? Because it's fun.. (obviously, if you're a man, you don't cheat, it's against your male ego to do such things, even if you don't like the person, a strong identity a male holds is "loyalty".. but she's not a man.. she's a woman.. and women don't hold such an identity dear to their ego; "again, always exceptions")..

    There you go.. don't go overboard! It's one thing to know how to work around a bf for that girl you really like.. but don't make it a habit! You wouldn't want some other guy (let's say me) BFD-ing you and taking your gf.. So don't make it a habit..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    You should've stopped right there.. what should have followed, and what should be your attitude from now on is..

    "Listen, I think theres a point in a person's life where she's no longer a girl.. and that point is when she stops playing games, because they're both obvious and hilarious at the same time.. Until now, I thought you weren't that type of person, and I actually enjoyed talking to you.."

    - You leave it open-ended.. Here's what's going on when you do this..

    1. You imply that you're socially intelligent without flaunting/bragging

    2. You create a negative image which she doesn't want to see herself as

    3. You create a positive image in which she wants people to see her as and wants to feel like

    4. You (trap) her into stop playing games.. you do this because if she still does what she's been doing (playing games) she'll feel and appear negative.. but she wants to feel and appear positive.. and to do that, she must stop playing games.. And she won't go back to playing games soon because that negative image of someone who does that is still in her mind

    5. This last one is a false-lock-out.. you're not really walking away, but you're not really happy with her either.. This is more effective than an actual-lock-out (because that would cause anger, and she might not talk to you out of ego-spite).. with a FLO, you gauge her interest in you, you create a sense of loss of your value, you make her feel like she's done something wrong and has been seen through a negative light.. This gets her into the frame of mind of trying to win your favor..

    When you do this.. she'll probably text you back, and continue talking to you without the use of games.. But it's highly unlikely that she'll express any interest in you.. but for reasons contrary to what you're thinking..

    a. Yes, women are in a constant information struggle.. they never want to give out information that expresses to the guy how they feel until they are 200% positive the guy is interested.. In fact, put-on disinterest and resistance are signs that she's interested..

    b. She has a bf, friends that know this, and you.. (It's not the bf that's holding her back from you.. just the idea of her having a bf, and what it means for her image if she does anything with you).. Women will gladly cheat, they cheat all the time, more so then men.. her bf is not an issue.. Her social image is the issue, how she feels about it is the issue, and how she thinks you think about her is the issue!

    Note: Frame Control! (from her texts, she's trying to take over the frame and make it seem like you're chasing her.. don't let her do that.. especially since it's clear she's interested in you by her poor effort to deny that she likes you.. control the frame and make her fall into your frame.. YOU are the one SHE is chasing)

    How do you get women with bf's? (Strategy)

    - BF-Destruction (Important: Must be indirect, casual, and subtle.. and you must also constrast yourself against her "unattractive, wussy, boyish bf".. and feed into her needs, the needs she tells you she wants but her bf isn't giving her; Go back to my olds posts for an example of this.. but PM me if you want a unique-tailored BFD)

    - Free her from inhibitions (she's worried about how doing anything with you will make her feel, will make her friends think about her, and will make others in general think about her "including you".. This has to be more indirect and subtle that BFD, you have to make her feel that she herself is reaching that conclusion.. that she doesn't find him attractive anymore, that you're this great guy in front of her bf who is almost perfect and will give her exactly the satisfaction she's been looking for, that she would be an idiot to stay with a man who doesn't make her happy, that she deserved better, that there's nothing sluttly/bad about doing what she's about to do with you, that you won't judge her and it's perfectly normal, it's not a big deal, and that nobody will ever find out because you use "discretion" and don't talk to people about "who" you do stuff with)

    - Use her bf to your advantage! (Some people call this immoral, sneaky, not nice.. But those are all relative terms.. Quite honestly, if you can BFD him, that alone tells you that he's not giving her what she deserves, the way she deserves it, and where she deserves it the most! "i'm not going to get graphic".. But after you're at step 3, she'll realize just how boring and unattractive her bf is.. and how fun and attractive you are.. (And you don't have to do anything) That's right.. it's the cheating-effect.. why do people do it? Because it's fun.. (obviously, if you're a man, you don't cheat, it's against your male ego to do such things, even if you don't like the person, a strong identity a male holds is "loyalty".. but she's not a man.. she's a woman.. and women don't hold such an identity dear to their ego; "again, always exceptions")..

    There you go.. don't go overboard! It's one thing to know how to work around a bf for that girl you really like.. but don't make it a habit! You wouldn't want some other guy (let's say me) BFD-ing you and taking your gf.. So don't make it a habit..
    I need to read your post more often.

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