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Thread: Very sweet video

  1. #16
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Lions are just beautiful animals aren't they. So sad when they show Christian's parents pacing back and forth behind bars in a zoo. I don't like going to zoo's for that very reason. These animals belong out in the wild.

    It checks out at snopes.com, boobaa.

    I saw a special on a lioness that adopted an orphaned gazelle. She had lost her own cub and still had the strong motherly instinct. It was sad though because the gazelle became very weak and dehydrated after not having it's mother's milk... eventually a rogue male lion found it and killed it... but they said shortly after that the same lioness kept adopting gazelle calf's. Multiple calf's and each one died due to dehydration. Very strange that this lioness kept trying to adopt gazelle calf's.

  2. #17
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    Yes, the story I meant was the same one, with a gazelle. That was strange indeed. Heh, jokingly I may think maybe she wanted to be a framer like we humans do, to have constant food on the table.

    Anyway, were there, by any means, some Christian propaganda with that video you posted here, Tone?
    Don't expect anything.

  3. #18
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Convert to Christianity and get 72 plus 1 virgins!

  4. #19
    Tone's Avatar
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    LoL no.

    I'm not religious.

    I think that just happened to be his name. Like you, boobaa, I am an animal lover and I found this video touching.

  5. #20
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    I didn't ask precisely because of his name. But more, as I saw there was church involved, to understand from where and how such video may have originated.
    Don't expect anything.

  6. #21
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    You know what boils my blood? When people say stuff like "I like animals too... cooked and dipped in A1 sauce." You know what? We all are carnivorous to a certain point... but to have no sympathy towards the well being of other creatures is so ****ing cruel.

  7. #22
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    It's not that they're unsympathetic as much as they are basically pointing out that there does exist a food chain and it has its conveniences. Plus it's fun to poke care-bears. Except for Tiay. She's a care-bear that bites when poked, lol.

  8. #23
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    I think this is my favorite cute animal vid
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUk3T2Kfno"]YouTube - Otters holding hands[/ame]

  9. #24
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    1:18 was priceless!

  10. #25
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    You know what boils my blood? When people say stuff like "I like animals too... cooked and dipped in A1 sauce." You know what? We all are carnivorous to a certain point... but to have no sympathy towards the well being of other creatures is so ****ing cruel.
    There's room for ALL God's Creatures.....

    right next to the mashed potatoes.
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  11. #26
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    You know what boils my blood? When people say stuff like "I like animals too... cooked and dipped in A1 sauce." You know what? We all are carnivorous to a certain point... but to have no sympathy towards the well being of other creatures is so ****ing cruel.
    I hear ya man.

    I hate when ppl say "Well they're just stupid animals. Humans are smarter than animals therefore we can do whatever we want"

    People think just because we have superior intellect that it gives us the right to just enslave and destroy. Just because we can doesn't mean it's right.

    Sure our intellect gives us dominion over the earth, but with that comes a lot of responsibility to find ways to peacefully coexist with the rest of the flora and fauna.

    I get in a lot of heated arguments at work.

    I've been thinking lately though what if the main purpose of human beings and our destructive & careless ways is to spawn a new species.. the next species that will dominate the earth. Maybe not in yours or my lifetime.

    I think it would be ironic and actually deserved.

  12. #27
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    I can't help but think everything is just a bunch of self-sustaining chemical reactions running around operating as they see fit, with survival as guidelines and whims as motivators.

  13. #28
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Well they're just stupid animals. Humans are smarter than animals therefore we can do whatever we want

    I like animals too... cooked and dipped in A1 sauce

  14. #29
    Tone's Avatar
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    And I also find it funny that we are considered the smartest beings on this planet.

    When we go out and destroy our ozone layer. We go out and cut down cypress tree's which are Louisiana's best defense against hurricanes. We continue to tear down forests despite the fact that tree's help absorb the massive amounts of CO2 we pump into the air. We upset natural ecosystems, we cause species to become extinct every day, we will sell our souls and our planet for what...? For survival? To ensure continuation of our species? No, for money. Something so utterly worthless yet so important.

  15. #30
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    I like animals, as long as they aren't in my house and I don't have to take care of them.

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