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Thread: whats your point of view?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    i used to work for a coporation...infact i adored working there...and no its not the poor that are jealous....it has nothing to do with jealousy.... the thing is.. its always a good idea to have a perspective on things......you come into this world with nothing and you leave with nothing....u can't take your profits with you....why is it we let establishments and coporations decide for profit and not for people...profit....is that so important?....what about all the coporations and the trouble they get into....is it moral...is it ethical....maybe that doesnt matter?
    Not all corporations are out there trying to ruin everyone but themselves. Just because a few have practiced unethically doesn't mean that they all do.

    Yeah, the wealth we have in this life won't carry over with us to the next. So what? Why shouldn't this life be as enjoyable as you can make it?

    Like I said, I'll be creating a corporation in the future, even if I don't have many if any employees. It's a form of protection for me and a way for me to shield my income.

    I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I'll make my money and I'll enjoy my life.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  2. #17
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    Feed them? You mean take a piss in the food dish right? Okay, yes I do that.
    You buy shit. Most of the time, pointless shit.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    Just because a few have practiced unethically doesn't mean that they all do.

    I’m not sure....I question the fact that they are legally bound to the bottom line which can be at the expense of the environment and people...and I think that a lot of companies just haven’t been caught yet...or the law or interested parties protect them....how do you know whether the companies that own the voting machines don’t have an agenda? i think it is healthy to ask a few questions rather than letting it just be the way it is just because you may have an plan that disagrees with the thought of questioning....people generally dont want to question...because they want to 'trust'...and they have grown up with marketing that makes them 'trust'

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    I’m not sure....I question the fact that they are legally bound to the bottom line which can be at the expense of the environment and people...and I think that a lot of companies just haven’t been caught yet...or the law or interested parties protect them....how do you know whether the companies that own the voting machines don’t have an agenda? i think it is healthy to ask a few questions rather than letting it just be the way it is just because you may have an plan that disagrees with the thought of questioning....people generally dont want to question...because they want to 'trust'...and they have grown up with marketing that makes them 'trust'
    Because there's no point in me worrying about everything. Polling machines were created to make tallying the votes quicker. Would it really make you feel that much better if the government owned them?

    You can't say that every corporation is corrupt and willing to ruin the world for their own benefit. Stop it.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  5. #20
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    I'm curious as to why everyone is so against pharmaceutical companies.
    You don't know and you are in the healthcare field?

    J/k they can be good or bad..it depends on the situation I'm also surprised at the number of people viewing the pharmaceutical companies as negative.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    Spoken as a swede who's pretty international about stuff, I guess.

    1) How do you feel about voting machines? Do you know anything about them?
    Last time I voted was at a foreign embassy with a slip of paper, so never used one.

    2) How do you feel about pharmaceutical companies?
    Don't really have a problem with them, but of course there's always hope that some of them would be more ethical and provide a much-needed service for the needy rather than profiting as much as possible from the poor.

    3) Have you ever managed to see the film ‘The Corporation?’ its banned in America as far as I know but im sure some people would have managed to see it
    Nope, though might look it up now that it's mentioned. If its banned it has a fair chance of being accurate, perhaps.

    4) What do you think of corporations…good….bad …apathetic?
    Well, they're alright, but sometimes you just get sickened by the methods and practices that they take to maximize their profit.

    For example, supermarkets using bonus cards to track people's buying habits and raise prices on those goods, downright stupid "deals" such as "If you dont love this product, you get your money back" which obviously doesnt hold any real agreement and printers being sold for a great price while the ink cartridges that people then buy are severely overpriced.

    It's just helluva annoying, making profit is one thing, being misleading or disturbing is another.
    5) How do you feel about climate change? Is oil more/less important to u?
    I believe that it does exist, and would be for changes as long as we don't sink into hysteria, greatly in favour of a sustainable approach to development rather than what we currently got.

    I go by bike / tram / train, so doesn't affect me, and its a non-replenishable item that is so high in use and demand that it surely will reach critical limits, so the sooner we phase it out with other technologies the better.

    6) Do you have a belief system unique to you?…as in a bit of this and a bit of that….
    No, atheist. I think religion is a bit like santa claus, it's potentionally rewarding to believe in him but obvious enough that it's fake, so its fine as long as you take it with a grain of salt rather than being zealous about it all.

    7) Are you optimistic for the future?
    We'll probably pull through one way or another, but trouble's on the horizon for sure, don't think we'll slow down in time so some parts of the world will really become troublesome. If things get bad Ill head back to sweden just in case.

    We have a tendency of not being able to learn from our mistakes before we make them.
    8) Do you conform or campaign?
    Conform if it works, campaign if it is faulty and I got a better idea.
    9) Do you know of any of Ron Pauls ideas for change? Did you care?
    Who is Ron Paul anyway?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post

    You can't say that every corporation is corrupt and willing to ruin the world for their own benefit..
    i agree not all companies are...i myself own my own business there is nothing wrong with being an entrepreneur...but i am still going to question what goes on around me and the world...i am not going to allow my company to make any decisions that harm people or the environment for the sake of profit. maybe that makes me a fool...but i'd rather be a fool with a clear conscience

  8. #23
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    Your posts are really frustrating me!

    Strong and powerful do not matter. Objective and understanding matter. All of our resources are wasted for what? For what. A couple of extra bucks. Weapons. Automobiles. Shitty methods of processing food. Producing 'drugs' instead of finding cures. It's all about money. Money this and money that. I don't want to type it out and prove my points all over again. Do some research, kiddo.
    Frustrating? What? Not what you want to hear?

    Resources wasted on weapons, automobiles and shitty methods of processing food? I wouldn't say that's completely true.

    I'll start with weapons. The government contracts to various companies to build them different things they need. That money the corporation receives goes towards bettering the company and more jobs, bettering American lives. Wasting resources? I don't know if that's really a waste of money...I see it as stimulating the economy. The government is throwing money back into circulation. I know for a fact that the corporation I had an intern at is hiring like mad. And I spoke with a friend at Lockheed Martin who said the exact same thing.

    Automobiles. I'll be honest, cars are probably the worst investment anyone could make. But what are we going to do? Have everyone stop buying and making cars? There are people that commute far distances, distances farther than most people could bike. I for one would be all for that, because I love cycling everywhere. But that is not practical, and it isn't something that's going to happen.

    Food. I agree that there are some problems and there is a lot of waste in the way we produce, transport, and consume food. I like to buy from local grocers at our farmers market. Plus it tends to be a bit more fresh.

    I've done plenty of research. I never said all corporations are good. But you did say all corporations are bad. Do some research before you make claims. Yes there is a need for finding cures, but there are plenty of organizations and fundraisers throwing money at research. You can't tell me that pharmaceutical companies aren't finding cures. lol. And like what Cain said in the other thread, there's quite a bit of government support behind it.

    Sad but true, money is what makes the world go round. What do you expect? Corporations to throw half of their earnings away to do something differently? Imagine all the people that would be out of jobs. There's a balance between what needs to be done and what should be done.

    What's immoral and what is moral is defined differently by everyone. So far I think the majority of what corporations in America do is moral.
    Last edited by 1averagejoe; 06-09-08 at 07:03 AM.

  9. #24
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    there's a lot of beauty in not having a lot of money.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  10. #25
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    if anyone is interested u can view part of the movie on this link

    [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3969792790081230711"]The Corporation Movie Part 1[/ame]

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    i agree not all companies are...i myself own my own business there is nothing wrong with being an entrepreneur...but i am still going to question what goes on around me and the world...i am not going to allow my company to make any decisions that harm people or the environment for the sake of profit. maybe that makes me a fool...but i'd rather be a fool with a clear conscience
    Good for you.

    But that doesn't mean that every other company is making decisions without ethics.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    So do you think things should change? Do you think it can or will change? Or is it not worth thinking about?

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by anachronistic View Post
    Well I don't know why you are talking about it. The only idea you seem to have is that the government is taking over the world by controlling who becomes president through private voting company machines or some shit like that.

    That's just not my cup 'o tea.
    no thats not what i am saying at all, i'm saying the government has the ability to change laws....corporations dont want laws to change...comon you've seen the way government heads behave...this is not meant to be some weird conspiracy where one government rules the world...corporation structure needs to change in my opinion and the only people allowed to do that are the government...but unfortunately there are too many games being played. Ron Paul had an idea to change the power corporations have and i think he would have changed things for the better. anyway my point seems to be lost...but it was interesting to see peoples responses

  14. #29
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    This guy is an idiot. No movie is banned in the US, this isn't China

  15. #30
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    Oh yeah, and my dad works for a big evil corporation

    And I'm glad pharmaceutical companies developed drugs useful to me

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