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Thread: Crushed By Ex's True Colors

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Forget him, you women are so lucky...you get over guys so fast.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    To help myself figure out where I went wrong, I'm gonna break this down. Things I'd bring up to Colin/issues that came up/problems in the relationship:

    1) Flirting with other girls in front of me. If you're gonna do it, at least do it when I'm not five feet away..and not in front of my friends where you disrespect me and make me look like a fool.
    2) Bringing up his ex & making me pay for how she made him feel by second-guessing every intention I had since she'd "hold things over him." This one just hurt more than anything b/c I was constantly on eggshells.
    3) Giving my interests a chance, at least once in awhile.
    4) Putting down my friends/family when he'd do so
    5) Paying once in awhile cuz if I didn't pay, we didn't go out =/
    6) Talking to me instead of bottling everything inside...what ultimately ended us. He waits until after we're on the verge of breaking up or broken up to tell me how much he cares about me, how much he wants for us, how I'm worth trying again with...everything that I'd waited 10 1/2 months to hear, he waits to say until we're no longer together.
    7) If you're not comfortable having sex, for any reason, don't put me down or criticize my body when I'm working out 4X a week and am nowhere near overweight KNOWING I have a history of anorexia/put me down for not having big enough breasts.
    Not wanting to watch any movies I wanted to, not wanting to learn more about my music, not wanting to learn about me as a person.
    9) If a girl does something nice for you just for the sake of showing she cares, don't look at her and say, "What were you expecting to get out of this?"
    10) Don't tell me you think I could find some guy that I'm crazy about because it hurts to know no matter how much I love you, no matter how much I try to show you I care, you still think I don't want you. =(
    11) Accuse me of always having an agenda. Down to the way I take a sip of your drink because my expression "looks rehearsed."
    12) Say that I fight with you for no reason, when all I'm doing is expressing my feelings without so much as raising my voice and when I say "If you did something wrong, so did I. Its 50/50."
    13) When I tell you to make more of an effort with your friends, but when we break up you tell everyone we worked with that I never gave you space to hang out with them. I ALWAYS said friends come first, and you complained that they went home at midnight so you'd prefer hanging out with me instead. But yet...I kept you from going out. Okay...
    14) What did I do wrong? I thought too much because I'm an analytical person, and when I tried to talk about my feelings and tried to say what I felt about our relationship, you don't want to hear it and push me away. Then go on to say we don't work because you want to be with a girl who doesn't talk about serious things, who you can play video games with and talk about "sh*t that doesn't matter."

    And for all of these reasons...you don't want me back.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Everything he did or didn't do for 10 1/2 months, was a waste of time for you, what
    made you stay with him for so long? and don't tell me because of his looks.

    1) Flirting still, when he has you? why would he do that? is he an attention whore?
    2) His ex is the past, he's trying to start new, but blames it on you, that's low.
    3) I would love to try a females interest, it'll make the relationship, so much more exciting.
    4) He should respect your friends & family, they're a part of your life, so he's being ignorant.
    5) Well, the guy should technically pay, but the girl can chip in, if she wants.
    6) Communication is one of the biggest deal breakers, it's like your just there
    so that he can say that he has a girlfriend, instead of putting in an effort.

    7) Why would you criticize someone's body during sex? it's obvious on the outside how
    you'll look. Was he shallow and wanted everything perfect?

    8) When someone does something nice for me, I'd thank them and appreciate the generosity.
    9) Your there for him, so he shouldn't care about anyone else excepting it, if it works, that is all that matters.
    10) Agenda thing, he should just let it be.
    11) Maybe expressing your feelings bothers him and he just doesn't know how to talk.
    12) Well, friends & relationship can be balanced, so why the big deal?
    13) This guy seems scared to express himself and just thinks about himself.
    I do like to play video games sometimes, but why does it matter, If they do?

    P.S. I'm not in a relationship currently, but man I'd be able to handle myself better than this clown.
    Good for you for leaving him, but jeez you waited so long to do it.

    " Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
    => Auguste Rodin

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Your head is full of questions... questions you will never find answers for neither you should. What I personally see is that you are attracted to him that is why you are here. But you can't be attracted to such a prick, its just nature of things... they don't make sense in relationships. There is a common X factor which he posesses which makes millions of other girls fall for jerks, that is a fairly common trend. He is obviously not wirth a minute of your time and you know that. All the nice things you heared from that guy were said to make you feel good and that is all there is.

    Some of the things you listed are ridiculously mean. But I know that such people exist

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