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Thread: I dont know what to do - i feel like the biggest asshole.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Just do what your heart says.. dont complicate your thoughts for a girl whom you dont love.
    I'm a whore for signature violations.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    you know what, for some people, the important thing is getting who you want, after that, whatever, just flow with the time..

    but for me, after i get who i want, i will keep her, make everyday different, so you'll not get bored, give some surprise sometimes..

    becoz, you'll have some similiar condition no matter with who you have a relationship

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    United Kingdom
    Unless you really love her, can't go on without her, don't wanna' end this, etc, then you should break up. I believe that you can "settle down" and be in a serious relationship at any teenage age, but if you don't want this, don't have it.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    This is a 4 month old thread!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    i know...

    hey bud, anthony here. I am going through a confusing time myself right now and for whatever reason we all turn to the internet to see what other people are thinking and ya know, an easy way out. To be honest you sound like me and you either already fixed your problem...or just not gonna check this again. anywho i thought i would give it a shot seeing how i know what you are going through.

    I can tell you 1 thing. Yes you are a selfish and jealous person. But no you are not wrong. I dated a girl myself for 2 years. She got boring as hell...but me being who i am couldn't bring myself to break up with her, not because i didn't want to. But because i felt bad. Which brings me to my next point, ur a good kid. I/You don't wanna hurt them. Want to end it but don't want to make them cry or feel bad and you can't cold shoulder them or stop showing them a good time cause thats just who you are. Now you still like her a little because you don't want to see her with another guy. Which is why when you break up, you don't remain friends no matter how much you want to.

    Remaining friends only drags drama out, cause put it this way...break ups are never mutual.

    Now then for the solution. First thing, now this is important you need to tell her (you can say what i say here) I am not happy with what is going on right now and i am telling you because i don't want it to end but at the moment it seems like it will. (you do this because you can not just shoot out of no where, its over, the girl is gonna b like wtf[happened to me] and it ends quicker but makes em cry which in turn had me come back 1 month later out of guilt apologize anddd get back together,[**** me]). anyway, she is going to say well what can i do to make it better, or what do you mean?

    Now this question blows ass, and you can be honest and say you have changed but believe me when you say that line all your gonna hear is wtf wtf wtf and its annoying. So say this over the phone or in a text and when she ask, just say (Name) i don't know what it is but its not like the beginning and i don't know what to do right now but i want to try and work it out(cause u do). Hang up let some tiem pass. Now hang out with her a good 2 or 3 times, and she is GOING to try and change and who knows she may change in a way you like or she will get angry(its possible) or you gave it a shot but its not working out and you break up.

    to stop the crying you just need to give forewarning. At that point you just avoid doing or syaing anything like " we can still be friends". you dated the girl for 1.8years if you wanted her around still you wouldn't be reading this. And its over.

    Anyway million other little things you can throw in there or say or do. But truth is, you live once, making someone else happy is good, but sadness last for so long and you have once life. If you are not happy, you will both move on there are no ties, no rings, no children, just memories. Again i know what your going through and your not an ass, you are selfish tho =P but hey again i was too. all the luck to you, you probably figured the problem out already anyway, you can email me at [email]lovehatehero44@yahoo.com[/email] and let me know how it went or if u wanna talk about it. Good luck mate

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    good things

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