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Thread: a question for the ladies

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hey look at this way-hes getting the idea of what women are looking for! OR NOT!!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    1)Money important for men.It influences them very much.When a man has enough money to be independent and can allow to him give us some adventages-it is one man,when a man has no enough money-he will be unsure of himself and i really do not like it.I am attracted by men who are sure of themselves.I do like it.But there is enough of boys,men who have no anything because they are young or for other reason and they feel quite ok and do not against girls to pay for them,they even want it .
    I would not like it at all . I like a man was a man.I do not against if a man,better to say a boy what still depends on his parents has no money,that's all right,it is suppose to be that way,but it would be bad for me if he expected me to pay for him all of the time and since he has no much money his own,he should think up something interesting how he and his girl can spend their time great without spending much money and he has to be sure of himself .I think that every girl wants to feel herself safely with her boy,man,etc.Just i have another story.My man is much older me and of course he has money,i can not say that it means something to me that he has MONEY,but he is sure of himself,he got the things in his life which he wanted and it feels clear,he is the real man for me,he will never blame me for stupid reason just because everything irritates him cos he has no what he needs.It is very-very important for men to be able to get what they need,so,maybe then i should write that i also appreciate,like,respect purposeful men.
    2)Good sence of humor .Really important.Life is difficult and having sence of humor helps us take things easier.And i just like it.
    3)Responsibility.No comments .
    4)Personality.Hmm,difficult to describe.It mostly feels.I am just quite attracted by the man i love,everything i wrote and will write in this topic will be about him . By personality i mean something what can not be seen by eyes,maybe behaviour or energy,something what differ him from others,ooohhh,it seems to be a fat chance to try to explain what i mean.
    5)An age difference because of the reason i wrote above,since "old" men have it much more and they know what they want,how to get it and ....and they are good experienced.
    It was my opinion.But i am sure if i loved an young boy I would write here how great it is to be with young boys,i just love,i love the man who older me,i love him because i love him,not because he can give me something,so,take this out of your heads and try to be how you feel.You will meet your girls who will love you because you are the way you are,what will be wrong to her(from what you have)-you can fix it together if you think that it is worth it.It is like to try to teach someone to kiss,we can talk about it endless ,but anyway,when it happens the first time..you will forget everything what you knew about.Men,boys should be the way they are and do not try to pretend to be someone else.
    So,hope you will catch my English .
    Last edited by Irina; 21-05-04 at 06:10 PM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Ok I havent said much in this thread-but MONEY is NOT always the reason for attracting a woman-if you have it. For me if youre confident and youre stable does it for me. I dont have to have someone whose got a shitload of money-thats not what attracts me to a man-its his confidence. Along with a lot of other things...which Im exhausted in trying to explain.

    But if a woman wants you just for your money-dump her. Shes a gold digger-high maintenance gal-who could keep up. I dont get impressed by 5 star hotels or 5 star restaraunts-expensive cars or wines-thats just so material-and doesnt hold a candle next to a man who knows who he truly is-(without the dollars).

    So Im gonna say for the most part here-woman like a man whose got confidence-which means for you -just be yourself!!! Let the rest fall into place.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well said Squirrley and SO true!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Money by itself-is nothing.When men think or even are sure that if they have much money-they can buy us-it makes me really very sick.I can not stand that.But if look around,there are plenty of girls who don't care about anything,but money,they can be sorry in some time that they sold themselves,but for a while they enjoy it...So,i just want to say,that money can be as additional for having something,but it should not be taken for the first place,no way.Althrough...everyone makes his own dessicion.I had a chance to stayed at expensive hotels with him,we went to expensive restaurants....but firstly i did not see anything around him,i quite did not care expensive or not,quite the contrary after i "tasted" these "great expensive places" i insisted on cheaper places but with taste and cosy,if it is expensive it does not mean that it is good,that's true,but not every time we could go to cheap places for some reason,but now i never want to stay at expensive hotels anymore,yes,it has many adventages,but i can not stand these smiles,masks on hotel's people,I am honest and wait it from people,maybe i just did not get used to it.I enjoy much more from simple places,picnics or something such,where everyone can behave himself freely(that another reason i do not like expensive places,people there are such....beeeeeeeee and they wait the same from you),just when you are in love-everything what is around is not important,really it is. If everyone was in love and that person loved him back,if people appriciated each other at once and try to be better,if they were happy-the world would be much better.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Last edited by Zekk_T_Strife; 23-05-04 at 12:50 PM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    how would you girls describe or define 'being confident'

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Someone whose comfortable with themselves, is happy with themselves, has no voids that need to be filled, carries their pride without being arrogant, someones whose independant-doesnt NEED someone, can do things for themself, self reliant, comfortable with their emotions and in expressing them, has a variety of things that they do, not some mundane couch potato, someone whose out going, isnt afraid of grabbbing life by the horns, enjoys THEIR life and their surroundings, oh hell Ive got to finish watching hockey but you get the idea!

    And this is just my opinion-there maybe other ideas of what women find confident...
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    anything else?

  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    1) Independent - I love being with someone but every now and then I need time to do my own thing and he needs to have his own thing to do as well.

    2) Caring - I am a tough chick but I am also all about meeting his needs. I need someone who is interested in meeting mine as well.

    3)Sense of Humor - I love to laugh - in high school my history teacher used to say "Life or Cry - its all the same release" I would prefer laughter to tears.

    4)Stability - I don't mind the occassional risk, but don't want someone who jumps from job to job or pursues one flight of fantasy after another

    5)Chemistry - someone's looks are extremely subjective (Beauty is in the eye of a beholder.) He's just got to be able to make my heart do flip-flops every now and then.

    and I needed a number 6 . . .

    6)Family Man - growing up my Dad was never around - my ideal man would put his family ahead of his job most of the time and would be there for all the important events.


    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    lmao - you just described me. except for #5 - that is a bit on the iffy side. I aint hot, but I aint ugly...

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGalbreath
    except for #5 - that is a bit on the iffy side. I aint hot, but I aint ugly...
    I also said looks are subjective - who knows I might think you are hot.

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hehe go look in the gallery - I am in there somewhere.. I think...

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGalbreath
    hehe go look in the gallery - I am in there somewhere.. I think...

    Hmm, I tired to look in the gallery but it said I had to be registered to look in the gallery! (And at the top of the page it says Welcome, jslaughter) So I thought maybe I had logged out but when I clicked the link - it said I was registered!

    So sadly I will never know how hot you really are

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    heh - on the gallery you have to log into it also. i believe the is a link at the bottom right, or maybe top right... it is a small link compared to the normal login for the whole site. yeah - try that I guess. I am curious to what you'll think if me now.

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