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Thread: I don't wanna make the same mistake twice....please help...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ok, LAST LAST LAST question before i Ask her:

    1. Just want to make sure, cbrider, I should ask her on MSN. Could you please explain the reason behind this? Its just that on myspace i feel more comfortable and on msn....welll.....its alright....

    2. Hey (name) we always talk online, wanna go out and have a chat so we can know each other more? What days are you available??" -- > should i say exactly that? Or should i say:

    " Hey, i know we both like each other and weve been very silent about it, lets go out and have chat? "

    To be honest, the first one sounds lots better.

    3. When we become gf/bf, when do you guys think is the best time to hold her hands/ hug her etc? I think its best to hold her hand when we are both sitting down? Well..if im on the left, and shes on the right, and both her hands are on her right hand side meaning far from me, i cant just go and grab her han can i ?

    Thanks all!
    Last edited by hyuj; 05-11-08 at 04:19 PM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Boise, Idaho (huge town USA)
    Lol, you are about to lose it with as nervous as you are.

    Alright, heres why I think you should do it over MSN. One thing that really attracts a girl is you appearing to have confidence in yourself. myspace is the easy way to do it. You don't have to see her, and try and keep your composure, plus if she declines its not as heartbreaking. Myspace requires little confidence, you will make a better impression asking her semi in person on MSN. That is my logic behind that, its generally true with women.

    Your first line sounds perfect, let her give you an answer, then you guys can talk together about when would work best.

    The holding hands thing is going to be dependent on the type of girl she is. Some girls will gladly hold hands right off the bat. Don't jump at it too soon though, she may not be comfortable letting you hold her hand in public right away. Holding hands when its just the two of you somewhere is completely fine and she will probably appreciate it tbh. Your getting to obsessed with the details of everything, it doesn't matter who sits where or who does what first. If you want to hold her hand, then reach over and gently place your hand on hers and wait for her reaction. Don't dive in with a strangle hold grip and clamp down on her hand, but be confident enough to reach out and let her know you want to.

    Chances are, your going to be really nervous, your hands may sweat and even shake a little bit. I'm almost 22 and mine will still do that with a new girl, DON'T worry about it. Nine out of ten times they don't notice, and if they do, they usually just think its cute and cuddle up to you.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Alright cbrider....Im gonna send a message to her prob tomorow....saying if she can go on msn or not....then Im gonna ask her,

    Hey (name) we always talk online, wanna go out and have a chat so we can know each other more? What days are you available??"


    " Hey, i know we both like each other and weve been very silent about it, lets go out and have chat? "

    Secondly, will she feel weird if I ask her to go on MSN? Trust me, we dont even talk at skool, so this might be ...well...weird for her? I hope not = (..so basically what should I say on myspace to tell her to go on msn?

    Thirdly, When we actually get on MSN, I need to have some kind of introduction first, like "hey we havent talked in ages" bla bla bla.....What is a good intro line? THEN im gonna say what i have to say.

    LASTLY, well..i know she is a very shy girl, what IF she is happy that i ask her out, but because she is TOOOOO shy, she will say no?

    Thats probably my last questions before i Ask her out, please help.

    Thank you!! and wish me luck haha = )
    Last edited by hyuj; 06-11-08 at 09:32 AM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Again, I apologize for another post, but there is a reason behind this. I want this post to be about dating techniques, a few only, such as:

    1. When We decide to go somewhere, should I be on time? early? Late?

    2. This is probably the hardest part, when i sit down waiting for her, then i see her, what should I do? Pretend i didnt see her and wait for her to come close to me? Or should i just approach her as soon as i see her? If i do, what do i say?

    Also, what are some good places to go to? Food court? Girls fashion stores?

    Lastly, If she wants me to buy something, should i buy it for her?

    This whole thing that you guys have been helping HEAPS.....is this called a date? or is it called Going out?

    THanks, cheers

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Boise, Idaho (huge town USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by hyuj View Post
    Again, I apologize for another post, but there is a reason behind this. I want this post to be about dating techniques, a few only, such as:

    1. When We decide to go somewhere, should I be on time? early? Late?

    2. This is probably the hardest part, when i sit down waiting for her, then i see her, what should I do? Pretend i didnt see her and wait for her to come close to me? Or should i just approach her as soon as i see her? If i do, what do i say?

    Also, what are some good places to go to? Food court? Girls fashion stores?

    Lastly, If she wants me to buy something, should i buy it for her?

    This whole thing that you guys have been helping HEAPS.....is this called a date? or is it called Going out?

    THanks, cheers

    God you sound exactly like I did when first dipped my feet into the world of dating.

    Be on time, don't be late...ever. Girls do the "fashionably late' gig, you do the "on time, lets do this" gig.

    Walk towards her when you see her, make her know you are waiting for HER. You can do the whole "don't see her" thing...it intrigues girls sometimes, but not for long.

    Keep it public, taking her to a very private place on a first date can backfire, or you might find out shes a horny sexual deviate, but I highly doubt this.

    Ask her out before your head explodes.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Cbrider View Post
    God you sound exactly like I did when first dipped my feet into the world of dating.

    Be on time, don't be late...ever. Girls do the "fashionably late' gig, you do the "on time, lets do this" gig.

    Walk towards her when you see her, make her know you are waiting for HER. You can do the whole "don't see her" thing...it intrigues girls sometimes, but not for long.

    Keep it public, taking her to a very private place on a first date can backfire, or you might find out shes a horny sexual deviate, but I highly doubt this.

    Ask her out before your head explodes.

    Ok..I can only pray that God repay you cbrider ty so much.

    Last last last question before I ask her.

    My plan is to send her a message tonight, to go on msn, so next morning i can check and know what time she will be on. From then on, we'll talk.

    the only 2 problems right now in my head are:

    1 . Lets say im waiting for her at this shopping centre. I see her entering the entrance, and she sees me, what should I do? I think I should approach her...but then wat??? God knows how nervous I am
    , i dont think i can look at her, let alone ask her something......Basically when we both see each other far distance, ( when she enters the entrance and im sitting waiting for her), i should approach her and what? rest my arm on her shoulder? be friendly? talk about what?

    2. When problem 1 is done and solved, where normally do we go? To a food court? to a place where she can buy things for her? or should i ask her to watch a movie on this first date?

    Thank you so much

    and wish me luckkk!!!! IM ASKING HER TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Seriously, cut down on the online communication and focus on the face-to-face interaction. Otherwise it will hit a dead end within weeks of an actual relationship, once you start feeling as though you've said so much that there's nothing left to really talk about.

    While you'd might no longer see eachother on a daily basis I'd actually advice that you forcibly stop, or at least greatly limit, communication online. Nowadays I only use it to speak to people overseas who I wont see for ages, and friends who are in my course for study purposes, but it will never substitute a nice conversation over a coffee.

    Oh, and chill out. Worrying is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Ive done it!! I talked to her on msnnnnn

    However i realized she still got exams so now might not be the best time to ask her out....? Coz we cant go out if she still has exams?

    whatcha think?

    So i have to wait until my exam finishes THEN ill ask her out coz theres no point asking now we both got exams?

    Last edited by hyuj; 07-11-08 at 09:59 AM.

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