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Thread: Do you ever forget your first love?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    My luck still stays with you even if you're not gonna write a book.. I mean.. if you ever do.. You still have my luck..

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks skye

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    You're welcome

  4. #19
    Illusional's Avatar
    Illusional is offline different state of mind
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    remembering the time that you actually lost your virginity?? hrmm... i guess this is something that didn't really matter to me. i just remember who it was with, i didn't keep tract of the date. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hell, I'd have to think hard about the year.
    Because a hard man is good to find.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    I lost my virginity on Wednesday, January 28th, 2004. Not with my current bf.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    outside of your window
    as would i, all i remember is being high and drunk off maddog and asking this girl to be my girlfriend so i could hit it, then she would come to see me all the time and i would just ignore her i was a dick
    im the shit like mr.hanky


  8. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    hmmm . . . my first love? Here comes a great story guys . . . get ready . . .

    Well, my first girlfriend was when I was 17. She was 15. I was a senior in HS and she was a freshman (and a real cutie at that!) We had our first kiss on Valentine's Day (after dating for 3 months). That's kiss. Not french kiss (my first french kiss was at 20). We were then regularly making out with openmouth kissing. I was HER first real boyfriend and she was MY first girlfriend (she went on a 'date' or two before me, but I was the first 'relationship'.)

    After dating her for 7 months, I was ready to say the "L" word. So I got a card that said "I love you" (before this I never even used it to end a letter. Never even signed a letter or email or anything "Love, Alexi") It was a really nice poem. I wrote a long bunch of things of how I cared for her so much and I was so amazed at the relationship, how awesome she was, all the things I loved about her, then wrote in there something along the lines of, "I've never said it to anyone before, but now I know I'm ready. I love you." I then sealed it up in its envelope and couldn't wait for our date that night (it was an anniversary of our first kiss)

    I picked her up at her house and took her to the movies. We then stopped to get Ice-cream. We were eating on the tailgate of my jeep (you know, when you open the trunk you can sit inside?) and I said I'd be right back. Checked under the passenger seat, but the letter wasn't there! Damn. I left it at the house. So I got back, smiled, and told her, "On the way back home tonight, remind me to pick up something at my house, ok?" She said 'Sure'.

    Then she looks at me and says, "Alexi, I have a great time with you. But I think we need to break up. I have so much going for me. And I'm a freshman. And you're a senior. And you're going to Colorado in three months. I have too much time left in school and in life and I don't think I can make it. I'm so sorry, but I really did have a great time with you. Let's be friends."

    So I didn't say a word, held back the tears, and silently dropped her off at her house. Then I gassed up, and drove around for about six hours. Random spots. Just up and down roads and highways. That's what I do when I'm really really sad. I just drive without the radio and let my thoughts run amuck. Tears streaming down my face, etc. etc.

    I still have that card, sealed, never opened. And one day, when I find someone that I truly love and let loose of all my feelings for them, I'll take that letter, and burn it. Until then it serves as a reminder to never let my heart get too carried away, and it's there to keep me cautious and make sure to keep myself on the defensive. Cause I know after that experience that it can hurt so much.


  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Chico, CA
    Ive only been in love for 2 years and Ill never forget her. I want to trust me, but its not going to happen and I know it. The painful yearning eventually goes away (Im theorizing...), but you never forget someone you love. Siigghhh... unfortunetly...

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I guess your first anything is hard to forget, I remember the first girl I liked alright but I think the longer it goes on you just realize it was just a crush or whatever when you were young, you don't obsess over oppertunities missed or anything.

    Having said that no, you always remember the first person who made your heart go at bit boom boom.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sfalexi
    ...Then I gassed up, and drove around for about six hours. Random spots. Just up and down roads and highways. That's what I do when I'm really really sad. I just drive without the radio and let my thoughts run amuck. Tears streaming down my face, etc. etc....
    Those are the best times - I dont know why - but I just enjoy doing that - When I get in those moods I can put 500+ miles on my car in just a few hours.

    I do it when I am either mad as all hell or sad as all hell... My last little 'trip' like that I drove from here (Houston) to Galveston then to Corpus Christi then to San Antonio - then I got tired and wanted to go to sleep so I drove back home to Houston and went to bed.

    The only diff is I listen to my stereo as loud as it will go so that I can drown out my thoughts. Loud ass music and driving really really fast (90+mph)help me escape.

    During my lunch hour at work (if I am not at the batting cages) I will drive around with the music really loud. I can put about 100 miles on my car in my lunch hour and still get back to work on time.

    I just love to drive. The faster I drive the less I feel like I am tied to the earth. I feel free. And I listen to the music really loud because the music is like a drug to me - it makes me fly.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    For me it's like this,

    Really Mad - Jog. If I'm pissed off about something, I'll just throw on a pair of sweatpants and start running somewhere. Could be out for (record so far) 6 hours. That's a lot of running.

    Really Sad (the point of tears streaming down my face) - drive.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I dont run - for some reason - i dont know - I dont think i have really ran anywere or for anything (besides baseball) for about 8 years...

    I keep saying I am going to start running - I am going to start lifting, I am going .. I am... I will. Later.. Tomorrow... blah blah blah

    I never get around to actually doing it tho - I always end up having to do something else - or I end up sitting down and then not wanting to get back up - or someone comes over - or i forget - or i change my mind

    I change my mind about a lot of things - I really do think I should go see a doctor about it - I know its nothing serious - It just something that is effecting my everyday life... Maybe I will need some mild medication or something - Happy Pills as I call them - I have taken them before - not prescribed to me - but yeah - they seemed to work just fine on me - lol - that reminds me of another pill I took that I had no idea what it was tho - I cant even remember the name of it now - but it is a kick ass sleeping pill that pill poppers take alot of and then force themselves to stay up and then they get a really good high - I wouldn't know because I took 1 pill and passed out in 15 minutes and then slept for 28 hours. I still have 1 of those pills left. I have been saving it for almost 2 years in the box that Destine's rings were in. I dont know exactly why I am saving it - something inside me has just always told me 'one day you will need this'. so yeah - I keep it. At least I know I will get 28 hours of sleep out of it - lol

    I forgot what I was talking about now - so **** it.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    im feeling really oldy talking abt first love....that was 21 yrs ago....oh my..maybe most of u were not born yet......

    but talking abt ur first love made me smile........
    i love u lots sam....my sweet baby

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Chico, CA
    Okay, God help me if I remember my first love 19 years from now and Im not with her

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