Quote Originally Posted by habubbles View Post
except that she called me last night, crying over the phone telling me that she hates the way she looks. she tells me that all her friends are skinny and they dont have to work to get a good looking body. on the other hand my gf goes to the gym religiosly, and she still hates the way shee looks. i tell her shes beautiful and she looks gorgeous. she told me that she cant believe me when i tell her that she looks beautiful. i dont now what else to do... i'm stumped. fyi.. this has been goin on for probab ly most of our relationship.
people, keywords are MOST OF OUR RELATIONSHIP. she doesn't need his support, since she's been getting it and took it for granted. I think she is craving attention and he needs to put a stop to that. Next time she complains, he needs to tell her that he is concerned about her mental state and since it's been going on for quiet a while, she needs therapy. Let's see how quickly she changes her behavior.