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Thread: This doesn't feel like a normal breakup

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Lite View Post
    The 2nd most commonly used household item for stabbing attacks is a nail file. Attacks with this particular implement are not typically performed by males.
    haha thanks for that

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Haha Lite... that was good... I needed that little bit of humor, perked me up a bit ^^

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    well i'm back!! with an update and desperate for any advice!

    the ex has popped back into the picture and i really am kinda lost. he blew me off for the meeting we were planning so i kind of got fed up and have been seriously moving on the last month

    I've started seeing someone new and he's lovely, but it's never felt quite right.

    Anyways met up with the ex yesterday for the first time in months. Ofcourse it all came flooding back. I told him I was seeing someone and my ex said that he wished he was him. He told me since we've broken up he has still considered himself unavailable and hasn't really been looking at all because nothing compares. He gave the speil about how he's missed me. he says he still loves me, that he doesn't want it to be over. he's still worried about his workload and how he'd cope with a relationship (he just started med) when he's barely keeping his head above water but it's better to try than to not try at all. he bought me a christmas present while he was overseas (which is this beautiful ring). basically we're meeting up again in two weeks and i have to sort of make a decision by then.

    it's really stressing me out because i have so many concerns. 1. how can i trust him again after everything. I don't want him to think he can just walk in and out of my life so easily 2. he's barely got time for his friends atm let alone a gf. I don't want to be a burden in his life. 3. if we were to get back together i don't want it to get ruined beyond repair because of stress etc 4. i have this other guy who seems to really like me and I feel awful 5. should you really go back into a relationship with so many doubts?

    I'm so lost lol. idealy what i would like is for us to be apart for maybe another year, figure our lives out, go travelling, see other people and when we're ready get back together we will but things don't really work that way. I keep thinking he's got such a long way to go, so many years of med and we're both so young. but i do still love him and if I give up this opportunity now i might forever wonder what if?

    what do you guys think?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    leave him alone. you're much to young to commit yourself at this time.

    plus you sound like one of those girls who isn't secure in herself unless boys are interested in her. is this you?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

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