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Thread: MAKEUP question!

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by elle View Post

    well cuz i look good without makeup too. It's just i (everyone) look better with makeup on.. they have to realize that. Almost every single girl will get less pretty in the morning
    (and if you think a girl is NOT wearing makeup you probably just don't notice it too. cuz it's "naturallook makeup" even I fail to notice it sometimes)..
    You bring up a very interesting point, elle.

    If you are assuming that all initial attraction is "looks driven" and most single women use makeup to gain an advantage ... then it must hold true that relative good looks would remain the same AFTER makeup as would be true without it. To put it another way ... a good looking girl with makeup looks better than an average girl with makeup. So y'all waste millions of dollars a year trying to gain an artificial advantage over each other, but because you all do it, you cancel each other out.

    Most men don't do that ... so we maintain the natural balance of good looks without all the wasted expense!


  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by carl1222 View Post
    Most men don't do that ... so we maintain the natural balance of good looks without all the wasted expense!
    Wrong, we (I mean guys in general, not me personally) invest in pimp mobiles and oversized houses filled with shiny things and lots of buttons and gadgets. The girls fall for it just as bad, lol, if not worse!

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Wrong, we (I mean guys in general, not me personally) invest in pimp mobiles and oversized houses filled with shiny things and lots of buttons and gadgets. The girls fall for it just as bad, lol, if not worse!
    Hahahaha ... yeah, that's what we spend our millions on INSTEAD of makeup!


  4. #19
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    Occasionally I wear make up, but I mainly wear it just to take pics or go out to dinner. I rather not wearing make up though. I only put on foundation when my face really breaks out. I dont even wear lip gloss anymore. All natural when I hit the streets . Natural beauty is the best because its just that....natural. Its me and how *I* look. But make up is best for special occasions, like dates or whatever. Not everyday for me though. I saw this woman on this infomercial that said her husband has never seen her without makeup. I was like wtf?

    Of course you're gonna look better and enhanced with make up, thats it's job! But I've realized most guys like the natural look alot more than the look with make up. It's fake.

    Sorta like fake boobs. Most guys I've spoken to prefer real boobies to fake boobies. Maybe the guys can tell me different here, but yea thats my experience with guys I've spoken to.
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  5. #20
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    Al naturale pls

  6. #21
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    So y'all waste millions of dollars a year
    nope, not millions.. like i personally spend about 150$ a year on makeup. I don't buy the most expensive makeup because i believe it's not the brand of makeup that matters but the art of applying it correctly

  7. #22
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    Just a bit of eyeliner or some other stuff if you have a scar or anything like that.
    I never go for makeup girls.

  8. #23
    vashti's Avatar
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    I wear makeup, but I go for a minimalist effect. Elle, it sounds like you wear a LOT of eye makeup, and here's a tip for when you are a grown up: black eyeshadow is best worn at night.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  9. #24
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    Elle, it sounds like you wear a LOT of eye makeup,
    But it doesn't look like i'm wearing a lot of makeup tho. i'm doing "smokey eyes"
    BTW i'm not using any kind of eyeliner anymore so now it takes 10-15 mins.

  10. #25
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    Make up is bad for the skin, that's why people that always wear makeup, always have to wear make up because they're hideous otherwise.

  11. #26
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    Make up is bad for the skin
    only if you wash it off the wrong way...

  12. #27
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    I agree with Vash about the heavy makeup and nighttime. Also, makeup for a photo is a lot different than wearing it day-to-day. I think the gal in those original photos w/o the makeup would look very good in person. The photo on the right would be very work inappropriate, unless she works as a cocktail waitress in a club.

    Anyway, I've seen some pretty incredible before/after photos w/makeup. Girls that are merely okay looking IRL can look stunning *in photos* with the right makeup. But these 'American Geishas' look too tarted up on the street.
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  13. #28
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    I don't wear makeup...

    in fact, I don't even really know *how* to put it on. I got myself a little book on it and am gonna get my girlfriends to help me though, because I want to at least be able to do it for special occasions and so on. So maybe i'll get some mascara and lipstick? though, the problem with mascara is that it goes bad, right? and seeing as I would be using it only maybe every few months might be a problem..

    Some of my classmates wear makeup to college every day and are too self conscious to come to class without it. Isn't that just kind of sad? Personally I just jump out of the shower, throw on my clothes, grab my bag and i'm ready to go.

    Plus, frankly, when I'm on a date that goes well I'd hate to not be able to make out properly or let him touch my face or whatever, in fear of smudging, etc. That's just inconvenient.

  14. #29
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    I almost always wear makeup out in public. Sort of like shaving my legs and the like, it's just a daily ritual for me. I like the way I look wearing it and it makes me feel more put-together.

    I have no problem going without but I think I've just conditioned myself to feel more polished with it on. I don't think it's sad. I enjoy these girly rituals.
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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck View Post
    I have no problem going without but I think I've just conditioned myself to feel more polished with it on. I don't think it's sad. I enjoy these girly rituals.
    well, then it would be sad if you felt you couldn't go outside without makeup. There's a difference between it being part of your ritual and not being able to do without it.
    I certainly remember my housemates doing makeup for me once or twice and doing my girlfriends eyeliner and so on. And that girly fun is great. But when it becomes something you NEED to feel 'right', when it becomes a choir you do even if you're going to be late for something, that's when it gets sad, imo.

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