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Thread: text flirting

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    umm...me being a text person kinda guy. i tend to form a relationship whether be it friendship/intimate/more through texting first since i have nothing to say over the phone. i hate talking on the phone when you just met them. it seems like, its more easier to form a bond with them over texting because that way, when you're asked a question, you wouldnt be put on the spot unlike if you were on the phone. nameannn =) iuno thats just what i think.

    after you form that bond, then its SO much easier to talk on the phone.

    theres this girl at work, i text her but dam she just doesnt text back. that motherfooker playing hard to get or what....? everytime i work, we call each other up and joke around but it usually only last bout a min or 2 untill we get a guest who wants to check in. after that, i or her call back and we got nothing to say...the mood was so interupted. grr hate those stupid azz guest.

    she does give sign that she does like me and she does give signs that she dont..its so confusing.

    i want to call her, but i dont know what to say and im afraid to choke and have that awkward silence....

    Last edited by 12many; 11-04-09 at 06:21 PM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I personally think it's easier to contact someone face to face. Much much easier. Unfortunately people of the times are very antisocial.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brooklyn, NY
    While I think texting is convienient for alot of reasons, I don't quite understand why people use it to avoid working on their conversational skills.

    Using texts and IMs as an alternative method of communication because there is no other option is one thing. (i.e., you're at work and can't talk on the phone), but it shouldn't be your ONLY means of flirting with a potential partner. And it shouldn't take the place of a real conversation.

    If you have this girl's number, call her. To be honest, when a guy flirts with me via text, I feel like he's hiding. I have much more respect for someone who calls me outright. Or better yet, just asks me out. That's much gutsier.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    starbuck says:

    "If you have this girl's number, call her. To be honest, when a guy flirts with me via text, I feel like he's hiding. I have much more respect for someone who calls me outright. Or better yet, just asks me out. That's much gutsier."

    I'll keep this in mind when I'm dating a 40 yr old.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    To be good in texting, you have to be good at asking questions. Don't be afraid to be a little silly and tease her.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole View Post
    DO NOT call her. If you want to keep this girl interested, then text her. Girls love text messaging for some reason. Be playful and use smiley and wink faces here and there, especially when making suggestive (i.e. sexual) comments.
    Someone here seems to understand ladies. Cool, here's a smily.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    quick question....why is it everyone is ridiculing this man instead of trying to answer his question? isnt that the point of this whole schindig?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by parrot View Post
    can somebody please give me some tips to flirting via text message, im a guy and this girl (i know she wants me) began texting me... i just want some tips on what to say... i dont wanna sound boring, but idk what to say...shes gonna be on vacation for a week or so, so basically the only contact til then is texting ( i guess i could call her but i hate phone calls)
    well...i can give you advice on this.....

    the main thing about text message, rather it be on the phone or on msn or on AIM or any text based conversation is...to give the girl some space...

    the reason why, you are having problems is

    1) you dont know what to say
    2) maybe your a boring guy
    3) you just didnt do anything interesting today
    4) you hate phone calls

    now lets take this to 1st base, how much do you know about the girl? nothing? little? alot? did you just meet her? comon we need some vital information here.

    if you just met this girl, and you guys really dont know each other. You need to be asking questions, this is all about building a bond. I would start off with something like, what are you up to? maybe even say, hows the beach? you do anything fun today? ask her what she is doing. The hardest part about this is if she gives you a simple answer.

    "Im just sitting here", well wtf? what am I suppose to say to that right? well you need to be on the ball. Think of something quick to say. Like "really your just sitting there?" thats hard to believe. Then she might say something like "I am really just sitting here, or maybe she might even tell you what she is really doing. Make small comments to her, like " I wish I was there with you", and it just keeps progressing.

    Seeing how you are talking about text based flirting or chating, its really easy to let her know how you feel about her. Sweep her off her feet, throw in some very romantic words, or quotes, or anything. Like "you know, im just sitting here, and thinking about you", she might say something like "awww your so sweet".

    the thing is to know when to stop, or when to change subjects. You cant be talking about how big her boobs are all the time. Perhaps tell her something random, a little something she doesnt know.

    I myself am not a phone person, but I tell the girl im involved with out front, I tell her, "you know, even though we are just sitting here, and in silent, I want you to know I really care about you." Now, dont lie to her, she might start doubting you...

    The only thing you probably need to learn about is how to carrying a conversation, and when to stop it. If you spend too much time with her, shes going to get bored of you. Nothing left to talk about, then tell her "I love you, but i need to go?" or "as much as I would love to talk to you, I need to go". I wouldnt sound too desperate because she might use that to her advantage.

    Talk to her about things she might like, there is never enough time to completely know everything about someone. If its a romantic moment, perhaps you should be more romantic. This one time, I spent 20 mins talking to my girlfriend about a tuna sub i eat at lunch...I never expected it, but she started telling me how she didnt like tuna, but her mother use to make a nice tuna dish that she did like. All I said was why dont you like fish?

    I think your problem is more about caring too much. Like I dont know what to say? What if what I am talking about is boring? I think you should care less about what you think is boring and just talk and be yourself? when you are with your friends, im sure you have 100 things to talk about. You might have to treat her like one of the guys? Ok you dont need to be sweet all the time you know, you need to be yourself sometimes. I can be a charming guy, show a girl how lovely she is, and how important she is to me. Also though, I know she will get bored listening to me tell her I care about her every other second. You need to just talk about other things.

    Now lets talk about those boring days. I didnt do anything today, just one of those days where nothing happens. What do I talk to her about? Well your kinda SOL right? this is when you need to find something to talk about, or either take a break, and just leave her alone till she is ready to tell you something. The most important thing is, you dont want to be talking to her about nothing... then it would just be awkward..

    lizzie says: sooo..
    you say: well umm...

    ok? there we go, there is nothing to talk about. You dont need to be with her every second of the day. It is kinda like you need to give each other time to find something interesting to talk about. If you guys really are in love, I mean staying on the phone in silent just means, I need to be with you... its fine..I do it sometimes, my girlfriend just wants to be on the phone with me, talking about nothing, sometimes even 5-8 mins of silence. Its about making her feel secure.

    As far as wanting to flirt, the only way is to comment her on things that you know about her. I saw you the other day in the hallway, and I thought you were gorgeous. Texting is one of the easiest ways to flirt, just think about your words well.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by parrot View Post
    can somebody please give me some tips to flirting via text message, im a guy and this girl (i know she wants me) began texting me... i just want some tips on what to say... i dont wanna sound boring, but idk what to say...shes gonna be on vacation for a week or so, so basically the only contact til then is texting ( i guess i could call her but i hate phone calls)

    uhmmm.. I guess you just need to text her constantly. Text her some random things you see that made you remind of her while she's out for a vacation. Remind her to take care always and let her know that she's always being remembered.

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