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Thread: Hi... stupid question

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Well, I think he likes you and I think he told his friends that so they know too! I would be careful about being all "BUDS" with him, simply because you don't want to get stuck in the buds stage. Get out of that circle to be just two of you. But at the same time keep it light, joke a lot, and don't take things too seriously.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks GoldenNickle I went out with him and a large group of people to the Harry Potter premiere the other night and it was lots of fun. Actually him and another mutual friend of ours had a minor meltdown during the day, and we all had to 'face' each other at the premier, which was interesting. It was a stupid misunderstanding that went into something completely the opposite of what it was supposed to be, but as a result has put him and the friend on rocky terms.

    Actually this weekend we've arranged to hang out... with each other and no one else. That's a first as we normally hang out in some other stragglers. It should be interesting to see what comes of it. Actually had something funny happen at the premier- we all went to a 24 hour waffle joint after the movie to grab some 'breakfast' since it was 3 am. He chose to sit by me, as we were scattered throughout about 4 tables. Had some friends of mine sitting at the table behind me that pulled me aside after we were through eating and point out asked if we were a couple... I asked why and they couldn't give me a flat out explanation other then the fact of that we 'acted' like a couple. Considering all we were doing was sitting close to each other and talking I'm kind of confused as to why they would think that, but oh well...

    I'm getting excited about the weekend now, however

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Also wanted to add.. its his birthday on Sunday, is it too weird if I give him a present? I got a gift card to a store I know he likes, and a card (albeit a little lame but its really hard to find a card that doesn't have sentimental crap scribbled all over it!). Its nothing personal, but would that be ok and would it send the right message across?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Well, I would only give a card with something funny on it, so you can both laugh about it. Nothing sentimental. Gift card - its a bit too early and god knows, what if his fat aunt used to give him gift cards. Then there'll be an association. Be unassuming!

    Quote Originally Posted by dazzled View Post
    Also wanted to add.. its his birthday on Sunday, is it too weird if I give him a present? I got a gift card to a store I know he likes, and a card (albeit a little lame but its really hard to find a card that doesn't have sentimental crap scribbled all over it!). Its nothing personal, but would that be ok and would it send the right message across?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dazzled View Post
    Also wanted to add.. its his birthday on Sunday, is it too weird if I give him a present? I got a gift card to a store I know he likes, and a card (albeit a little lame but its really hard to find a card that doesn't have sentimental crap scribbled all over it!). Its nothing personal, but would that be ok and would it send the right message across?
    I don't see why not. After all, you're at least friends, and friends do send eachother bday, xmass and so on cards.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Well the weekend was fantastic. Had to drag him out of the house early on Saturday so his younger sister could sneak in and decorate for the surprise birthday she was throwing for him. We had a bit of 'alone' time, walking around our town and goofing off. Then parted ways, I went to pick up some of his friends and drove to his house to kick off the party. He was pleased and after the night was over sent me a text thanking me for helping out and bringing his friends and for the card. I gave him a card and a gift card to his favorite store and he insisted that I didn't need to give him anything, but I brushed it off with a 'thats what friends are for' comment.

    Then today after church we met up for lunch, and ended up hanging around town by ourselves again for 8 hours. Had lunch, walked around the mall, met some of his friends for dinner, ditched his friends (at his request) and ended up at a riverside park talking till dark. It was nice, and I was a bit surprised that he hung with me all day, considering today was his 'real' birthday.

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