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Thread: Caught In The Middle Of A Breakup/Being Used

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I talked to her for about an hour tonight, but she never steered the conversation towards the issue, so I didn't press.

    On a slightly more humorous note, I accidentally broke no contact with my ex. I removed her from my contacts list a long time ago so I couldn't drunk dial her or something. Got a text tonight from a number I didn't recognize.. "Hey, what are you up to?". I thought it was the new girl, so I started responding. Oops.. It was the ex. Once I realized I was talking to her I shut the conversation down.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Haha. How long has it been since you talked to your ex? And jeez, what the hell does she care what you're up to? Not like you're gonna meet up with her for coffee or something. Stupid exes. Glad you had the presence of mind to shut it down

  3. #18
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lahnnabell View Post
    Haha. How long has it been since you talked to your ex? And jeez, what the hell does she care what you're up to? Not like you're gonna meet up with her for coffee or something. Stupid exes. Glad you had the presence of mind to shut it down
    haha.. I'm glad I didn't say something overtly sweet before realizing who it was. It did end up pissing me off cause it's been two weeks. I've been ignoring her calls, and requests to hang out. I do work with her though.. but I pretty much ignore her.

  4. #19
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    Stay strong, man! I can imagine how tough it is since you still work with her. I wish people would just get a clue. I remember when my guy's ex was still calling and hounding him for attention last year. She was pleading with him and promising that if they hung out "Just once more!" that he'd remember why they got together in the first place. It was kind of sad in the end because her attempts just caused her further embarrassment.

  5. #20
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    Oct 2009
    It never rains it pours. Hot and cold running chicks with issues huh?

    I've been there, I had a streak where it seemed like everyone I attracted was seriously damaged. I had to fight "white knight syndrome", or "sex kitten saviour" as I used to call it.

    Honestly in the end I really had to look at my own issues, I attracted and was attracted the damaged goods for a reason, KWIM?

    Not saying that is that's the case with you, but it is worth considering.

    Sounds like you've got the picture. I don't think you can ever totally overcome the white knight thing, but you can learn to not get to deep in other people problems. Only give a hand to those who actually trying to work it out themselves. You can't save people, particularly people who want to wallow in their own shit.

    Good Luck!

  6. #21
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Heratriumphant View Post
    It never rains it pours. Hot and cold running chicks with issues huh?

    I've been there, I had a streak where it seemed like everyone I attracted was seriously damaged. I had to fight "white knight syndrome", or "sex kitten saviour" as I used to call it.

    Honestly in the end I really had to look at my own issues, I attracted and was attracted the damaged goods for a reason, KWIM?

    Not saying that is that's the case with you, but it is worth considering.

    Sounds like you've got the picture. I don't think you can ever totally overcome the white knight thing, but you can learn to not get to deep in other people problems. Only give a hand to those who actually trying to work it out themselves. You can't save people, particularly people who want to wallow in their own shit.

    Good Luck!
    Haha.. sex kitten savior.. I like that! I just need to spot damaged goods better. My ex was very outgoing, full of energy, and perky. I would have never guessed. I probably should have known something was wrong with this girl though.

    As far as white knight syndrome. I think it's one of those things that's actually a good quality when it's not taken to unhealthy levels. So I just need to reel it back a bit.

  7. #22
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    Stay away from the crazy girl. There is no police report to file if you are 21 and your step dad is hitting on you.... unless he raped her, of course. At 21, a girl should be pretty familiar with how to ward off unwanted advances.

    I wouldn't even be all that concerned about the 2 year old. Just because he is hitting on a 21 year old girl (that isn't a blood relative) doesn't mean he would do it to his own kid.

    Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would feel anything OTHER than okay walking away from this girl. It's one thing to want to help out a person in need, but quite another to invite this kind of craziness into your own life.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I think you should give it some time and be cautious. I think you should keep a tab on it but don't walk away.
    Learn how a 21 year old outcast was able to average picking up 5-6 girls per week using one secret technique. Go to http://www.datingwithwomen.com

  9. #24
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    Geez.. I didn't even get a chance to walk away from her. lol.. she came in to work on Saturday and had dinner with her "ex". Now I'm feeling doubly rejected. Maybe this is one of the reasons it's not a good idea to jump into a relationship so soon after a breakup.

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