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Thread: Spirituality

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    So I just had a visit with a friend of mine tonight. She is a hardcore Christian. It was a great visit, but the one thing that really bothered me about it was that she thinks that I am going to go to hell because I don't believe in the Bible as truth and I don't believe in all of the things that she does. Also, everyone that's not a Christian is wrong and Christianity is the only possible thing that's right!

    This bothers me for several reasons....one of them being that this is so closed minded!!! Also, how can she think that of me when we are friends and the only difference is that we believe in some different things.

  2. #17
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    I was raised as a Catholic and still am one, but I think discussions about religion are pointless , they go nowhere.But whatever... IMO, every religion that gives freedom and choice what to do with your life is a good religion. Every religion that haunts the nonbelivers and punish them while they are still on this earth is a bad religion. I was raised that no matter what I do , it will be God who will judge me, after I finish my life on this earth, and noone has the right to do it. I was taught to love others like I do myself, do no harm. I think it was a good school.
    I wazzzz here

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by MetalPhoenix View Post
    You're not the only one....there were at least two other atheist posters bofore you in this topic.

    Oh...1 question: Why are you scared about the idea that after your life nothing will happen?

    You won't be aroud to witness it, so why care?
    Yeah I know, but I think even the atheists are usually raised by religious parents. The previous generation was almost 100% religious, that changed with our generation. About your question, I can't really explain you why it scares me... maybe it's the whole idea of "not being around". I can't fit my brain around it.
    Time to stop complaining when there is no reason to. Life's good, man.

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