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Thread: Ex Boyfriend Troubles

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    yea i sent you a message if you wanna talk with me real fast your situation is so close to mine it is unbeleivable to finaly meet somone going threw the same crap

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mysterylover View Post
    yea i sent you a message if you wanna talk with me real fast your situation is so close to mine it is unbeleivable to finaly meet somone going threw the same crap
    Hi, I was away from my comp. for 15, yes I want to talk, but I only have about 10 more minutes.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    o thats cool just message me another time i just got a few minor questions and persnal things i wanta talk about and get your opinion on

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I'm new to this so I'm trying to figure out this message system. Do want to ask me here?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    well i was gonna ask like when you see him talking about having a another girlfreind or when you see him smile does it bother you, like i always wondered if those things bothered my ex (shes in my first hour and i flirt with like 5 girls in that class and im always having a good time)

  6. #21
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    Yes, it kinda bothers me but then I think, oh, he's just trying to make me jealous. Let me ask you a question. New update on my ex. He stared at me continuously in class today, got up and got a drink of water. Also, everyone passes their papers over to my side of the class and he intentionally walked over and put them in the bin himself. Now is this weird, I really think he's confused and doesn't know what to do. What do you think? And, ask me some more questions?
    Last edited by blondy2; 24-02-10 at 10:26 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    if he loved you trust me he is trying to be around you and just to see you it well only be for a little more longer soon he well stop looking so much if u happen to catch his eye just once it well should freeze him inside (thats what it did to me). if he did love you he misses you alot or is trying to do something to make you jealous/hurt hes trying to get some reaction out of you or maybe he was just putting papers away but if hes looking at you alot he and he loved you he is deffinetly missing you. i got one question for you ? my ex is getting a new boyfreind this is her 2nd one after me this next one is sort of my freind and i dont think she knows that she keeps getting new boyfreinds (me and my ex never talk i barely look at her anymore mainly cause she accused me of statory rape after we broke up and ive sort of moved on but not completley obivousily im here i know she loved me but ive been told its easier for women to move on so i dont thnk shes trying to make me jealous) ive been told shes a whore but im not sure why is she getting so many new boyfreinds i just dont understand why shes doing it

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Okay, so I had 2 boyfriends (One 3 weeks after my love and I broke up - lasted 1 1/2 weeks and then 2 weeks after that I had another that lasted for 2 1/2 weeks). I wanted to get over my love asap, but it was just rebound, I compared them and there was no comparison. She's doing the rebound thing, but she doesn't know it yet. By the way my love accidentally im'd me on myspace last night 5 minutes after I signed on. He said um wrong person, not that I didn't want to talk to you though. I don't think it was an accident. I know it wasn't, and I didn't respond. Anyway, you guys should talk somehow, these games aren't worth it, I need to do the same thing.

  9. #24
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    how does the ex still control your life?? OR are you emotionally bonded to him because you're not wiling to forget about him yet?

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  10. #25
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    He's in control of me because I made a huge mistake and ended our relationship when I was still sooo in love with him.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    i did the same thing and it hurts alot and you blame yourself but you cant go back the minute you do he well control you even more if he loves you he well come for you eventaully if he doesent deserve you and as for talking
    problem with talking to her is i cant she accused me of statory rape and if i even approached her it would be like hell on earth for the rest of my natraul born life i can tell today she wanted to say something to me but coudent she looked at me alot and she even looked a little sad , i talked to her new boyfreind and told him that if he was ever to talk to me about her again i will slit his throat and i also told him he better take damn good care of her cause she ment alot to me and she was my first love and first in that way she is a good person and a good women and needs to be respected he agreed and we parted ways (altho he did tell me alot after we broke up he just wanted to have sex with her nothing more). i wish there was a way i could talk to her but the games and things that have been said back and forth have been so great that they have destroyed any chance of reviving any part of this relationship i said things after we broke up that were nasty and horrible (we had sex) and i told everyone about it how nasty it was and how horrible she was at it, she told everyone i have a small dick and that i raped her, we pitted our freinds against each other and know we have ruined each other. i wish there was a way to turn back the hands of time but wishing well NEVER work we both need to move on blondy its the smartest thing trust me in 3 months past my break up with this girl and we only went out for 2 months she was my everything and know thats she gone it well take time but im finaly starting to become my old self and flirt with other girls and stuff its a HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD thing to get over your first love TRUST ME but it wont be the last im finaly getting over her and i know you want to be that one couple who made there love work on the there first love but every single failed relationship you learn something just struggle with me haha eventaully he well fade into a memory and you well become happy again

  12. #27
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    I hope this helps, we went out for 7 months but didn't have sex. We're still both virgins, but that still didn't stop the bad things we said to each other and to our friends. I believe there is a reason for everything and I'm glad you feel you have learned a lesson because I know I've learned a lot from this experience. We are all human and we all make mistakes, it's whether we can forgive ourselves and others for theirs. I think I'm about ready to just lay it all out on the line and just take what I get, at least I'll know. Have you apologized to her, that would be a great start, even if things don't work out, at least you would feel better.
    Last edited by blondy2; 26-02-10 at 04:29 AM.

  13. #28
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    i want to so bad i wish i could but the whole rape thing makes it so hard she even filed a report with the police but her dad dident press charges (he knows me and knows i dident do something like that) i am literaly scared shitless to even talk to her you situation isnt as bad as mine. , story on mine is we broke up because of some myspace photos she had a photo saying booty licous and danger on it so i got mad at her because it was her in booty shorts and i was like wt f? so we got into a fight i said sorry alot and she got really mad at me i tried to say sorry alot (which i dident even know why she was mad at the moment) i found out later that i was to controlling and to touchy feely all the time and she was sick of it i said i could change and i would do anything for her she was the reason i woke up in the mourning i loved her more then life itself and even with that all said and done she dident want to have anything to do with it so we dident talk for 2 days and i checked her myspace and it said (im done with it all) so i called her up and broke up with her (i was so heart broken it hurt like ive never hurt before) i texted her asking if we dident talk shit about each other at school she promised not to and so did i but i remmebered the promise she made to me saying she would stay with me no matter what and i decided to break the promise i made i went to school telling everyone about her, everyone thought she was a whore they came up with horrible nicknames for her like queefer, and crack poof they called her a whore and she lost alot of freinds so all of sudden she comes up with this rape shit and starts telling people i have a small dick i was scared for my life this could **** up my entire life i could goto jail for life. after that we would take candy and wip it at the back of her head and shit my freinds i had in my 1st hour class all of sudden out of no were all betrayed me and started talking to her (only 2 girls so not a big deal out of my huge amount of freinds thats nothing) it only got worse she told the office on me and my freinds and we coudent throw anything anymore , so far everything has cooled down to a whisper and im trying to just move on the feelings i have are almost gone whispered away i feel much better moving on but i miss her alot

  14. #29
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    till this day i love her and care for her and i wish i could say something to her but i realize that shes 14 and im 16 and our relation ship is just to uneven shes young immature and well have many more boyfreinds after me im to much ready to settle for one girl and try to make a serous relationship. i know she loved me and i loved her but were young and this love well most likely never last long i stopped saying and doing nasty things and im moving on much better know i feel if i apologized i would most likely get a laugh in the face or just a what ever or okay and thats not worth it to me it would just delay me getting over her.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Well, sounds like you know what to do. Have any advice for me?

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