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Thread: Sexy Inc. (documentary on the sexualization of young girls)

  1. #16
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    There are really only two ways for a child to be exposed to this stuff - accidentally and intentionally. Just make sure daddy's secret stash is hidden and locked away unfound, use some thick and strict parental controls with heavily encrypted settings, don't allow him or her to be exposed to the dirty stuff on TV and in magazines, and lastly, make sure your kid has some really good, healthy friends - one of the worst ways for kids to be exposed to this stuff is through perverted friends who have easy access to this stuff - sometimes they print out pictures and bring them to school. I've confiscated some pretty obscene things from the students I've taught. It's pretty common for boys to start talking about sex around age 11.

  2. #17
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    There is no way to keep your kids from having access to objectionable material. You'd be AMAZED at what you can find even using a computer at a public library. Sheltering them isn't the answer. Fostering critical thought is the answer. Kids today are in a completely different world than the one I grew up in. The only tool they really have is their own judgment.

    My daughter is twelve. Some of her friends are already acting like a mother's nightmare. I'm trying to limit her exposure to the kids I don't like and foster her relationships with the kids I do like. We also talk quite a lot about WHY these girls are acting the way they are, pointing out the fact that they have no sense of self-esteem and that they're looking for attention from anyone and everyone rather than the attention of a particularly attractive boy. If I see one of her friends wearing shorts so short that you can see her ass-cheeks hanging out, we'll spend the next five minutes identifying all of the people in close range that any thinking person would NOT want to expose her ass cheeks to. Fortune provides us with rich subject matter. There's usually a homeless dude or a really ugly guy nearby. Hopefully, all of this will result in my daughter thinking twice about putting on 6-inch shorts and going outside.

    I'm a really judgmental and opinionated person. I think it's rubbing off on my kid. I couldn't be happier.
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  3. #18
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    I've told you before and I'll tell you again: Giga, I love you. Wise and wonderful words.

  4. #19
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    Giga, when I have kids, I will constantly be bugging you for advice!
    Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to become lost again.

  5. #20
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    Unfortunately, my experience is limited to my own kid, who is particularly easy to deal with (so far). I wouldn't know what to do with a Problem Child, so I hope you don't have one.
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  6. #21
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    I think if you start this early you have a good chance at keeping the big problems away.

  7. #22
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    I'm also strongly encouraging my daughter to stay involved in sports, which will give her a sense of physical value beyond being sexy. She's played soccer since first grade and now she's on the cross-country team. Her rotten, slutty little friends will just get fatter and lazier while she gets regular exercise and makes friends with other kids who take better care of themselves.
    Spammer Spanker

  8. #23
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    ^^^which might make her more appealing to sleazy guys which her friends will pursuade her to have sex with....just sayin' the fatter the better when younger in regard to guaranteed not to become a slut
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  9. #24
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    hahaha you all make me laugh!!! honestly, girl68... i'm glad that you finally realize this now, but this has been going on forever, probably far longer than you have realized.

    so traveler started to talk about the point of the cell and how the internet has advanced. however, that is only part of the story. in today's world, yes, children as young and 12 and even younger are talking about sex. i'm 30 and when i was in the 6th grade, i had already been through sex education. did it help? it was very informal, but it's nothing that i haven't heard before. and why you ask? our society is now based upon sex, drugs, and all the violence that your eyes and heart could contend.

    now this isn't a new problem, this can probably date back centuries if you trace is far enough. today children sometimes in the elementary are losing their virginity, however this wasn't the same before. previous unmarried couples might wait until marriage, or only have a few partners before they were married. they probably rarely had one night stands, which today is a very common thing. now take it back to their parents and their grand parents who probably one had 3 lovers at most in their life. you want to go farther back, it when it was forbidden to have sex before you were married.

    so keep in mind, what you are surprised at is nothing new. like technology and everything else, people will learn to do things better, faster, and of course younger. it's the same with sports as well as social relationships. thailand is just taking it to the extreme, or they are better at working the market and actually making money off of this. i won't go into that talk because i also feel that they are wrong, but it's not my concern. it is a scary future, but it's the future that we must deal with. i am thankful for all the advancements that we face, but as the same time, i'm not surprised but what else we must endure.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Unfortunately, my experience is limited to my own kid, who is particularly easy to deal with (so far). I wouldn't know what to do with a Problem Child, so I hope you don't have one.
    I think "problem children" are the ones whose parents restricted them to the point that they rebelled, rather than teaching them how to think. Everyone who is hysterical about the sexualization of children should take note that these could be considered "teaching opportunities" for their kids, rather than be horrified at how "bad" society is.

    I remember lots of people being absurdly annoyed about Clinton getting a blow job in the White House, claiming that the President taught their kids about blow jobs and stole their innocence. When my son asked me about what a blow job was, I told him, and also took the opportunity to explain how it WAS sex, that it was pleasurable, common and private, and how you could contract STDs from it. We also discussed hypocrisy and public expectations of the president.

    Because I told him truthfully (and without hysteria) the truth, he continues to discuss awkward topics with me to this day. I wonder how many of the hysterical parent's kids do?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  11. #26
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    ^^^wow that is open and honest. i'm shocked but at the same time i'm admiring your courage to be straight with your kid.
    Last edited by ecojeanne; 26-08-10 at 07:43 PM.
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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    ^^^which might make her more appealing to sleazy guys which her friends will pursuade her to have sex with....just sayin' the fatter the better when younger in regard to guaranteed not to become a slut
    You're dead wrong. Sluttiness comes from having low self-esteem, not from being attractive. Sleazy guys want the easy pull, a quick blowjob in the parking lot of the mall from some fat girl who is flattered that he even asked. They don't want to do all the work of pursuing a girl who values herself.
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  13. #28
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    it depends on whether she want's to be popular...you might indeed call it low self esteem, it's true, i'm not disagreeing, but most teens are not confident at all no matter how much their parents would like to think...so if they are shagable (at least not ugly or obese) they're in with a chance of getting the best looking guy that every other girl wants...and then the pressure starts from friends and the boys...
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  14. #29
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    In a tree somwhere (I'm on the fifth leaf on the 16th branch)

    My Story - The Russian Girls of Harbin by David Richards

    I spent last year teaching English in the 'Ice City' of China, Harbin, which is close to the Russian border.

    During my stay, I spent few social evenings in mainstream Chinese society, instead gravitating to the clubs where Westerners and Russians congregated.

    A frequent sight on these evenings were beautiful Russian girls, the majority of whom were studying Chinese. Many of them looked like super models, wore revealing dresses and drank heavily, raring to go!

    A young man's dream you might think. But the reality was much different. I found these girls to have a self-destructive lifestyle of alcoholism, drug abuse and casual prostitution.

    The story I am about to relay encapsulates the experiences I had with Russian girls and provides valuable insight into the female psyche.

    One night, in the middle of a Siberian winter, I was sitting in a bar. This night was typical; a giddy concoction of electronic beats, pint after pint of lager and fractured conversation creating an endless pattern.

    And then I saw her. Across the bar was a pretty young Russian girl, a typical sight, but there was something different about her. She was a thin pale girl with black hair and a black dress, and curiously on her chest were tattooed two blue love birds facing each other in song.

    She held a fag loosely in her hand and surveyed the club with a mild sneer. She had a unique presence and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

    Now don't think this will be a bawdy tale of sexual conquest. I had been in the city long enough to observe the tricks and dangers of these girls. The Russian girls I knew gave the impression of being promiscuous but in reality they used sexual suggestion as a weapon. They can drink their own bodyweight in spirits and expected the guy to pay for the night. It was a common sight to see a man hunched over the bar in the early hours of the morning, his sexual hopes fading into a boozy blur as she casually talked to a friend.

    Many of the girls also practiced casual prostitution; they would lead guys on and ask them to make an offer. They seemed to reason it was like casual sex with a cash bonus. The willing men were usually wealthy students from Africa who were kitted out like their rap idols, wearing basketball shirts and oversized jewelry, and had an insatiable lust for white girls.

    For girls who shunned this behavior the price of dignity could be high. One girl I knew worked all week on top of her studies in a bar for only 8rmb (80p) an hour. She could have earned a month's pay in one degrading night.

    It took me a while to reconcile prostitution with these often intelligent and charming girls, but sometimes they would hint at a familiarity with the underworld and it gave me a glimpse into the degeneracy of their homeland.

    One night, two girls casually told me with utter indifference that a boy in their dormitory had been missing for a week. They had been knocking on his door and phoning him but to no avail, so eventually the Chinese security guards checked the CCTV footage of his corridor and it showed him entering his room one night with three Russian men, and the men emerging five minutes later with a body bag. He had gotten involved with drugs.

    I was not naïve enough to imagine I could tame the girl I saw at the bar. I had an English friend with a Russian lover and it was like watching a cat toying with a mouse. She would scold him for neglecting her emotions one minute, then criticize him for being clingy the next. Rare moments of warmth and affection were spread out between long Siberian wintermoods, with the smallest misdemeanor provoking a public dressing down.

    I wondered why she insisted on playing the role of a cruel mistress but the more I knew her the more I realized her persona was the tip of the iceberg. I saw a scar on her wrist, and her friend told me that she had been living with a boyfriend in Russia and had cried every day for six months upon coming to China. These girls were damaged goods and more trouble than they were worth.

    The Russian girls of Harbin were like the Sirens of ancient Greek myth who lured nearby sailors to shipwreck. But there was something unusual about this girl, so I decided to speak to her.

    I introduced myself and found her name was Daria. We immediately started laughing together. She had a quite a cruel wit but a sparkle in her eye. She was only 17 and her parents had sent her to study in China against her wishes and she loathed it.

    Over the next few months we became good friends. She was a difficult friend. She would stop contact for long periods of time and borrow money I never saw again. It was almost certainly spent on a low-grade hallucinogenic drug popular with the Russians, which took her to 'a beautiful alternative reality.' I persevered because I recognized something true in her.

    One night I saw her looking very ill and weak in a club, no doubt because she lived on booze and fags and it was taking its toll. She was asking for money from a guy and he and his friends were being abusive and laughing at her.

    I picked her up and took her to McDonald's to get something to eat. She ate and cheered up under the bright lights and gaudy childish artwork on the walls. As our conversation developed I asked what would make her happy.

    Love, she replied. I was shocked. Maybe there is a Russian boy I can be with forever. I looked at the love birds tattooed on her chest, and saw the damaged child inside. I sat with her until sunrise.

    Daria taught me that despite their sexy and dangerous veneer, the Russian girls desired what all women innately want; love, a family, a good home.

    In another life they could have been loving wives and caring mothers but like a nation hit by an atomic bomb, they grew up on ashes of Soviet destruction and were robbed of everything but their sexual desirability, which they weaponize to dupe men.

    We in the West should take warning in the fact these damaged girls are a product of cultural degeneration and a shattered economy, and wherever these circumstances arise, so will they.
    He who laughs last, thinks the slowest

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