Quote Originally Posted by BackUpOrGetStng View Post
Yes, you are the idiot and it is coming from someone who was indeed gossiping with her b/f, not sure if you noticed sometime during your 2300+ posts, but for all intents and purposes this is a gossip forum. Gossip is talking about other people, not yourself. Judging from how she made reference to the "little affair" multiple times, I think there is some truth(not absolute) in what she's saying, and I've always felt that people tell the truth when no one's watching. I also did go out on a limb, and assume she's had flings before, mainly to coax the OP into action, but I also think the way she spoke(I realize, I don't have her exact words) about it makes it sound like they've done this together before. Part of it is probably me projecting myself onto this girl too, since when I talk about ****ing a hot girl I just met, it means I would **** this hot girl I just met, excuse me for taking people at their word. You sound like a typical dumb bitch, just sticking up for another dumb bitch, simply because you're both dumb bitches, whereas I was just looking at what was presented to me and gave my analysis and suggestion. I've told just as many women on here to chuck their men for the same things.

I did give him constructive advice. Use women that aren't worth your time as sex objects, until you find one that is worth your time. It keeps you in good practice sexually, stops you from putting off the "desperate to get laid" vibe so you can just have fun and hook up with girls way more easily, and it helps you to analyze the people you meet with a clearer head, since presumably, you don't care what they think of you and you won't be worried about "acting right". The effectiveness of this method cannot be denied. I went from sleeping with 5 girls in 5 years from age 17-22, I just turned 25 and I'm somewhere in the mid 20's as far as women I've slept with in the last 3 years. I'm trying to help the OP change his mindset from that of a guppy to a shark, if that's not constructive, I'm not sure what is.

P.S. I don't know you personally so I can't say whether or not you're an idiot; my direct personal attacks on this forum, stem from people not addressing my questions(which you still didn't), so it was done to grab your attention. I also don't want you to misinterpret what I said about you sounding like a dumb bitch, as me calling you a dumb bitch. That post just gave off a dumb bitch supporting dumb bitches vibe, is all.
wow haha you have some issues...seriously dude, chill out, it's just a forum with people looking for advice. you obviously have issues with women, read your post again and tell me honestly do you actually believe women should be used..maybe you have been used by pretty girls. it's not their fault. it's yours honey. try to move on