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Thread: Why she wrote this on facebook ?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    @MerryH I's not monitoring her menstrual cycle. She told me earlier that she had period and going to have bad mood.

    @ratedwasabi I did like u said, I gave her chocolate at 9pm at night, 'coz I was working late. She seems like it and her mood getting better.

    You are a rebound.
    Truth is hurt!! sobs..

    @MynameisJesus Yes, she lied to me and say the status was about her haven't got a job. dang! but that's ok I'll keep silent for now 'coz it's about her feeling, everything that I said will only be bounce back to me.
    She need to overcome that feeling alone or I will leave her.

    You are a rebound, a tool to get over her ex and she is running over you in public
    I believe everybody has ex, so I'll just be understanding for now if she hasn't over her ex, but if this continue I'll take action.

    yes she got dumped and I agreed with u that she wanted someone. But well, I wanted someone too, aren't we all?
    So I understand her selfishness.

    Tell her you understand that she still has feelings for her ex. -It is completely understandable...BUT
    It isn't acceptable to you that she begin a new relationship on a foundation of feelings she still has for someone else
    While being with you.
    Should I tell her now or wait for couple months ? hmmm...

    Thanks all for the replies and supports ^^.
    And so the story goes on :

    (let's call her 'Lisa')
    So the next day she wrote this on facebook :
    "Be patient, lis..
    Everything is gonna be beautiful at the right time. Fight On!!"

    That day we chat on yahoo messenger. I think I annoyed her 'coz I got problem on work but didn't tell her (usually I talk to her about everything). So her mood become worse.
    At late night I surprise her by coming to her house after work, it's around 9pm.
    She goes "Guest can't come this late", so I replied "Well, I'm not guest, I just street cat which coincidentally in front of ur house".
    Then she explain that she's in bad mood 'coz I didn't tell her about my problem today.
    I explain that I don't want to tell her because she's in period so I don't wanna share my 'stupid' problem with her.

    "I just wanna cheer u up", I said that to her while giving her a chocolate.
    She smiled a little bit then said "no" with a cute attitude. ^^
    So I told her that I'll tell her about my problem that day.
    At the end, her expression change become better.

    I said to her to read the letter on the chocolate (this chocolate got space for us to write something).
    I wrote "To cheer u up again", she smiled than try to act like still in the bad mood. ^^

    Then she asked me to come in. We talked about 15 minutes until the topic about what she wrote on facebook arrived. She said it's about her hasn't had a job. But, seriously I can't be deceived that easilly.

    So then, I said I can't kiss her 'coz I got fungal infection problem on my lips right now. Literally.
    She said she wanted to whisper me something and asked me to put my ear in front of her, so I did.
    Then she kissed me on the lips. \[^^]/

    So how about it guys, should I talk about it once more or just let it be.
    Or just dump her???

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by f1repyro View Post
    the status was about her haven't got a job.
    So it wasn't about her ex.

    I win.

    I win this thread.

    What do I get?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Is this about winning to you??? FOr your information, this is about my story and my life ok. Can u be more considerate?
    She lied about it. I can tell. U can tell to if u saw her body language.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by f1repyro View Post
    Is this about winning to you??? FOr your information, this is about my story and my life ok. Can u be more considerate?
    She lied about it. I can tell. U can tell to if u saw her body language.
    Yes, posting on this forum is all about winning for me. And I just won. Pretty sure some kind of trophy is in order.

    She told you what that dumb FB status was about, and you still think she's lying. Why don't you believe her?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Scary woman. wkwkwk...

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    ^LOL @ MerryH.

    Ahhh but....how do you know for sure she wasn't lying about her status and just making up some excuse and to stop your mind from wandering. Not exactly gonna say, it's about her ex is she???

    Despite the FB status though, the fact she cried over her ex would have been enough to make me run.

    When you get involved with females who have exes they still have feelings for...expect nothing but 'drama'.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    My friend said she just want me to give her attention. And I think it's like what my friend said.
    My friend teach me to ask her "Is there anything that I could do to cheer u up and make u not sad anymore because of ur ex, or because of ur life back then? " and I think this one I could use.

    Thanks everyone. ^^

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yes I understand everyone after breaking up from a relationship needs to move on. But you need move on when you are ready too, crying in front of about her ex is showing she is no where near over her ex. If her ex wanted her back, she would properly go. Would you want that? you dont want be second best do you?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Well, if she's playing with me then I'm gonna playing with her heart also. I'm not afraid losing that kind of girl.
    Only time will tell now.

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