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Thread: Complete sexual rejection/no sex again. ever.

  1. #16
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaidenMinx View Post
    If he were 19 and had trouble performing would that mean he should have no relationship?
    He should have a relationship with someone who is likewise disinterested in sex. Obviously, the original poster isn't obligated to stick around with someone who can't make her feel like a woman.

    How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Vishta, I'm 30 and no I don't mind you asking.
    Ignoring the age gap, in my current relationship (my partner and I are 15 months apart in age) I am the least interested party when it comes to sex. With my last long term relationship, I was the one being rejected all the time. I've had flings with guys that were completely compatible with me sexually but there was no mutual interest outside the bedroom. Yes sexual compatibility is important. Trying to prioritise it against all the other areas of compatibility is nearly impossible. My point here being that trying to find a partner with the same level of interest in sex as you is going to be hard to find if you also care about other factors.
    Also, because of you, I now have an overwhelming urge to go and listen to The Wall. :p

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Sounds like a deep rooted issue. From what I can infer, it could either be that his sex drive is just waning. Or it could be something more private. Erectile dysfunction? Or is he afraid that he cannot perform and that you might judge him?

    Nothing much you can do if his sex drive is going downhill. But if it's something private, you can try to talk things out. Pick the right time of course. This IS sensitive.

    PS. If it's true that he's content with the relationship even without sex, that's quite a surprising (but good) thing. But that'll stifle your sex life. Good luck.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    WOW, interesting situation.....................I am 36 and i have to say that me and my partner the other night did it at LEAST 6 times..................that night and morning of course............not to mention............to have a 19 year old girlfriend and not want to **** her is beyond my understanding...............gawd get with it pal.............!!!!

    It does sound strange to me...........i would NEVER tell my girl to get it somewhere else................thats ****ing insane!!!

    I would look elsewhere......................................or you can call me!! =)

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    West Michigan
    The guy is old enough where he maybe having erection issues, and is too embarrassed to talk about it. Maybe you can ask him about it, and reassure him that it's ok, that it happens, and there is medicine that works great for it.

    Just a possibility.

    Men are socialized to be "ever ready" when it comes to sex, and when he can't perform, it's really tough. It's even tougher when your college nickname really was "Everready".

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