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Thread: Being Secret/Fabebook Double Standard

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks to everyone for your opinions. As I mentioned several posts up, I did unfriend her on FB several days ago. Given the unfairness and semi-hypocrisy on her part, and the anger on mine, this should have been something I did a long time ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mona_B View Post
    Maybe you are all taking Facebook too serious. Actually I talk the least to people I am close to on facebook, because we communicate different. What you do is a total ego-thing, you want the whole world to know she is "yours" and make your mark on her page, so to say on her. I mean, the woman is not even divorced, hello? If you want this relationship to last you should stop getting on her nerves with pity stuff and look at the good sides in your friendship.
    Mona, please carefully read my posts above. I didn't necessarily want her to plaster pictures of her and I all over her wall, and I don't have any egotistical attitude of wanting to make my "mark" on her. It's the fact that it's okay for her to be in photos snuggling with other guys (whom she says are platonic friends and old high school friends) but anything with me and her (even when someone is standing in between us in photos) is totally off-limits and she goes ballistic whenever I brought up the topic. Seems like a double standard & hypocrisy and it hurt me.

    Facebook is different for everyone. For some, it's their world and how they communicate with everyone. For others, they barely post on it and keep things fairly private. For me and my girlfriend, we are somewhere in the middle of those extremes. She and I talk about kids, family and friends on FB in a semi-public way. I understand the touchy situation of her divorce, but since she won't respect my wishes to untag or remove pics of her cozying up to male friends, I had to unfriend her to keep the relationship from having a wedge shoved into it.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
    It's really not. This is about your insecurity. Blaming Facebook and then making rules for everyone based on that isn't going to work.
    Hardly a 'rule' more like a suggestion I'd say.

    Further: I don't think it's about insecurity. His gf does lots to make him resent her by ignoring him on a public networking site and apparently doesn't give him any reason for leaving him out of her flirt fest. Thats rather disrespectful and most women would be pissed if their bf posted picks of other women sitting on their guys lap and wouldn't acknowledge them in the same manner. This is more about human nature than it is about op being insecure.

    It makes me LOLzzz when people label the complainer as insecure when the facts plainly state that insecurity has very little to do with why they complain.

    It's the fact that it's okay for her to be in photos snuggling with other guys (whom she says are platonic friends and old high school friends) but anything with me and her (even when someone is standing in between us in photos) is totally off-limits and she goes ballistic whenever I brought up the topic.
    Red Flag, IMO...
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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