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Thread: My relationship story.. Need genuin help!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by ansh View Post
    Cerby - there should be a way out for this thing... i don't know what but there should be...! what about those google search links - get your ex back, M3 system by Michael Griswold, The magic of making up by TW Jackson... and other e-books and material...?

    what about those true stories where guys/girls get there ex-back...?

    if some one loves you and spent a long good time with you, aren't there any chances of getting there feelings back..?
    People selling ideas on how to get an ex back are people trying to make money. Sure, some of them work sometimes, but they all sell the same idea. Go "No Contact", then write a final letter after about 3 weeks that is no longer than 1/2 a page in a simple format, then wait. I actually tried this once, and it did work. We got back together for 2 months and then the same problems came back and it was ended for good. The difference is I wasn't an a$$hole to her, it just wasn't working on the basic level.

    You should focus your energy on moving on and learning your lessons from this relationship. I don't think you'll be with her again, at least not for a long period of time.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    My friend, i know what exactly you're trying to say.. and i believe somewhere somehow maybe up to an extent you're right!!

    But i believe love is something which can't be vanish just like that... she lived the time (bad/good) i always behaved the same way for 4 years... she even cried in front of me after breakup... she did mistakes too.. it's just i didn't write those here! she literally abused me on my face, pushed me badly out of her house, called my parents and said many (bad) things about me.. i chased her and she cried with me when i was crying...!

    i don't know how to explain, but somewhere i know she loved me she love me..

    tell me why she called me on 17th june and cried and told me that she read my diary every night? why did she ask me how am i doing after this breakup? why she ask our mutual friends that if they talk to me or not? why she update her fb status like: you don't know how strong you're till the time being strong is your only option left... OR no matter how good you behave with people, they'll only be good to you according to their mood... OR why is it the one who matters the most makes you feel that you matter the least... and many other!!

    she never use to update any status on fb but started after breakup!
    she never use to drink but started after breakup!

    she said sorry about her being rude to me in all those days, and asked me not to take her as a bad bad girl!

    she is not in a relationship and i know she would not be able to!

    she asked me to give her space in the month of jan 2012 but even after that she gave me so many amazing moments, she smiled with me, she invited me, we were together and were spending a good time with eachother but it was april when she totally ignored me like i don't exist.. however she called me again n she cried again and same things.. ha ha :'( i'm not sure where is it going...!

    i just know one thing i.e. i can't be normal without her!! at all...

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dude, let it go. No amount of analyzing or arguing is going to change anything. I realize I'm talking to a brick wall here(as is everyone else trying to talk sense into your dumbass), but try to let it go.

    One more thing, you are not normal with her either.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    God forgive you for what you said about me or my behavior and by the way everyone told their opinion and trying to help me, i appriciate it but at the sametime i can't ignore my feelings.. am i doing wrong if i'm listning to my heart? am i misbehaving here? i'm broken already... i've no bad things for anyone here! neither for you. i know you're being rude to me cos it's difficult for me to take all what you people are saying but believe me trust me it's hard here at my place and being in my shoes.. all i'm asking is for prayers for me and my relation...! please, don't mind.. i don't want to heart you and not trying to prove you.. just gaining some confidence and maybe i'm feeling good talking to you people!!!

    every friend of mine is already upset with me. sorry if you're feeling upset about what i'm saying!!

    if possible, and if you believe just pray for me... thanks a lot!!!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I will not be praying for you. You do not deserve to have what you want from this situation. Instead, I hope you learn from it and apply your experience from this relationship, in your next relationship in hopes that you will appreciate your next partner more.

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