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Thread: Will I ever find love?

  1. #16
    RR1's Avatar
    RR1 Guest
    I know exactly how you feel mate. This year i lost the absolute love of my life, i never knew it was possible to feel that strongly about someone, she was all i thought of morning, noon and night. She was my best friend and the love of my life. We didn't speak at all for a couple of months and i was so miserable i couldn't think straight. Thankfully we have now settled our differences and we are at least friends again and we can chat and hang out and have a laugh like we used to do. That does mean an awful lot to me, to lose my soul mate and my best friend in one go was just way too much too bare. When we finally started talking again she told me she was seeing someone new, i got to admit that was a total knife in my soul but i tried not to show my disappontment too much, i wanted her to be happy even if it wasn't with me, so i tried to hide my disappointment as much as i could for her sake but also for the sake of our friendship. I had reluctantly come to the conclusion that i would rather have her in my life as my best friend than not at all. She has always been there for me through thick and thin even before we started dating, i always knew i could rely on her 100% when i needed someone and you just can't get friends like that every day. I never wanted to give up on her because she never gave up on me. I know she'll always be a totallly reliable friend and i'm so glad i could at least salvage that much.

    Some days i try and think aabout moving on and meeting someone new but like you i think i have rather come to the conclusion that maybe i was just meant to be alone. I don't think i'll ever manage to find someone who i felt like that about again. I think part of me never wants to let go of that unique feeling i had for this person {S}Perhaps i just have to accept that and try not to let it bother me too much, i don't know, i don't really have the answers. Maybe some of us weren't meant to find someone, apparently there is someone out there for everyone but i'm beginning to doubt the truth of that. At least i knew what it was like to love someone completely and with all my heart. It was a wonderful feeling while it lasted, such a shame it had to end but nothing lasts for ever i suppose. Maybe one day we'll get to try again, stranger things have happened, i would like to at least try but i know i also have to be realistic and accept that she has moved on, either way i'll have experienced a feeling for someone that made me the happiest i've ever been and that's somethig to be thankful for.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Boisdevie View Post
    Stop whining. Many of those oh so happy couples and married people you see are probably in crappy relationships but they put on their 'happy' face for the world to see. And there is nothing wrong with being sensitive. So just get out there and date. And stop feeling sorry for yourself - it's most unnatractive.
    At least they're in a relationship. Being single is horribly overrated.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2010
    First of all you said you have a heart - how do a girl can know that if she dont knows you. And line :I'd wait a lifetime for you: makes me thing that you are passive, how can someone know that you are waiting and how would you know that someone is waiting?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Only those who can't relate to women think that we all want pecs and fighting and model good looks. Those who do relate to women know that many of us do like nice guys. My own husband is a healthy weight, but certainly not buff. He's never been in a fight in his life and is kind and thoughtful. And he's got a babyface. Oh, and I'm taller than him.

    So, from here....I can only conclude that you either don't really know what women want or that you're terribly cynical. And I can promise you that we don't want either of those traits!

    For what it's worth, I don't want a man who waxes lyrical about how perfect I am. UUgh! First, no person is perfect and second, it would make me feel as if you've got me on a pedestool. Not good.

    Tell us, other than having a heart, what do you have to offer a woman? It takes a whole lot more than love to keep a woman interested.

    Why did your previous relationships go terribly wrong? And what did you learn from those relationships?

    Lastly, and I could be totally wrong....but are you one of those guys who does everything in his power to make a girl happy? I get the feeling you may be. Do you ever stand up to a woman when she's too demanding?

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