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Thread: Sensative guys...ladies??

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nomas
    For the most part, I think we as humans are naturally more attracted to the flashy, flamboyant personalities..maybe remnants of the evolution and natural selection...but I know I sure as hell am less attracted to the girl who keeps her head down and hair covering her face. On the other hand, the girl who looks at me in the eyes and challenges my theories when she has contradicting ones of her own, I'm more attracted to.
    Its all relative. I prefer girls who keep their head down with hair covering their eyes. I am not afraid to show a girl that I love her any more either. How she takes it is up to her even if she decides to take advantage of me.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    GA, USA
    I think all you really can do when it comes down to it, is be as kind as you can be with whomever you decide you want to be with. If they screw you over, which of course is common these days, then you deal with it, learn from it, and move on.
    There are good people out there though you just have to love yourself enough to want it, and not settle for less

  3. #18
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Apache
    Do women really want an emotional man? It sometimes seems like
    they prefer the mindless neanderthals wandering the planet.

    I'm sort of unique....a mixture of being extremely virle, but also very emotional. I've never met a woman yet that I haven't left totally in
    the clouds after sex, but they could never handle my strong emotional side.
    It's not that I walk around weepy...not like that. But I am very deep, and very serious. They seem to run from this...why is that?
    Most women do not know how to deal with emotional intensity from a man. They lack self-confidence & don't know how to accept the emotion w/o internalizing it. Females (generally) have never had to learn to mask their emotions, they feel free to EXPRESS it to males (e.g. harping, crying, etc.), and males (again generally) have learned enough self control to not act directly on emotional intensity (historically, males would kill each other if they did). So I think that, generally, women have a little catching-up to do in this regard. But there are some out there that understand this.

    And yes, I think "emotional men" are catching up the neanderthals. Look at the popular "metrosexuals", for example.
    Last edited by indigosoul; 12-05-05 at 03:48 PM.

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