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Thread: What is it women REALLY want?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    its temporary, just to get the girl.. women like the cocky type, confident.. not the guy that follows her around.. go for it man, but once you get the girl.. act like a bf

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    The only women who are attracted to players/bad boys are either suffering from a broken heart, insecure or loves drama so u dont need to change who you are to get a girl. Seriously people this is really vad advice. Tellibg him to turn into the type of man that most healthy women hate is not cool.
    Well it looks like hes not having too much luck with the current status quo. If hes such a great guy, why isnt he in a relationship? So either all women are wack or this guys a needy dweeb.

    Im disagree with you. Men who have trouble getting women aren't in that situation because they just havent found the right girl. Its ALWAYS a situation where he needs to change the way he approaches life...whether that be less clingy, getting out more , changing his appearance ect. This has always been the case since the beginning of time

    Futhermore, I think the OP is confused that these guys are assholes. they're probably just really fun and funny guys. Obviously, were talking about young girls here....all women have stories about dating the assholes....right?
    Last edited by surfhb2; 10-02-13 at 08:18 AM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    No disrespect rob- you got the girl but you said your wife has lots of insecurity/self esteem issues so that kinda prooves my point here..

    You dont need to pretend to besomething your not. Yes women do like confidence but not men who just pretend to be. We figure that crap out fairly fast. Were not stupid lol.

    And cocky, ignorant, arogant pricks are not my type. I want someone who is REAL and i respect people who dont think they have to prove anything. Much prefer a confident bloke whos not afraid to be himself, who knows what he wants and waits for the right girl to come along..

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    right on michelle, her insecurities mostly come from having her ****ing hair fall out by it self. You come on this forum posting like you're some ****ing therapist. You know jack shit. and cocky arrogant pricks may not be your type, which the OP will luck in with, as you seem way to full of yourself. Tell me what your definition of REAL is, tell me who the **** in this world is real. seriously... have you been to a bar, a club or anywhere.. or did you meet your partner at church or an arranged marriage. Op no one is telling you to pretend, but get educated on how to behave with women, since were all born not knowing anything, forget school to make something of our selves cause were not real.. Michelle is a bozo, get educated on talking to women and how to attract one. There is nothing wrong with it.. its like singing some people can do it from birth some have to learn. You have to learn to get proper women. Period.

    oh michelle, by the way no disrespect.
    Last edited by rob1984; 10-02-13 at 08:29 AM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Wanna talk about arrogance? How 'bout a "man" attempting to tell a woman what women like.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    is she all women ???? seriously.. 7 billion people in the world, and because a woman said what a woman likes, makes her every woman.. thumbs up buddy.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Lol no offence taken. I am not full of myself. I have been giving people very good advice here. I did not meet my bf in a church no and i am very laid back, go out to pubs etc regularly..

    I meant no disrespect to you or your wife. There is no need to lash out at me for having an opinion. All you seem to be doing here is tellong everyone to go out and get laid. How is that going to help anyone and jow is it gling to fix anyones problems?

    I dont agree with you so that makes me full of myself? And he asked womens advice for a reason..

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rob1984 View Post
    is she all women ???? seriously.. 7 billion people in the world, and because a woman said what a woman likes, makes her every woman.. thumbs up buddy.
    The OP made it clear that he doesnt want a women who go after men like that. Im letting him no we exist so he doesnt have to change

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb2 View Post
    Well it looks like hes not having too much luck with the current status quo. If hes such a great guy, why isnt he in a relationship? So either all women are wack or this guys a needy dweeb.

    Im disagree with you. Men who have trouble getting women aren't in that situation because they just havent found the right girl. Its ALWAYS a situation where he needs to change the way he approaches life...whether that be less clingy, getting out more , changing his appearance ect. This has always been the case since the beginning of time

    Futhermore, I think the OP is confused that these guys are assholes. they're probably just really fun and funny guys. Obviously, were talking about young girls here....all women have stories about dating the assholes....right?
    This is it....most guys who claim are nice are usually bitter ass turds, mad at the female race because they can't get a girl to like them. Well there is a reason girls don't respect you, because you are too available, and too eager to please...I don't care what you say, speaking as a woman of a lot of experience, we like some kind of mystery and challenge, and someone who isn't socially challenged. Confident, out going, funny, and bold are things women find attractive in a man, period. It's in our genetic code to be attracted to these attributes. It's no different than (most) guys are mostly attracted to women who are slim, long hair, and a pretty face (eyes mostly). That's why cosmetics are a billion dollar industry. Women will go out of their way to lose weight, pay money to color their hair etc, knowing that is how to attract men. So why would it be any different than YOU changing your game up and your attitude to attract women.

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    The OP made it clear that he doesnt want a women who go after men like that. Im letting him no we exist so he doesnt have to change
    He'd be a lonely dude for a long long time then.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    Lol no offence taken. I am not full of myself. I have been giving people very good advice here. I did not meet my bf in a church no and i am very laid back, go out to pubs etc regularly..

    I meant no disrespect to you or your wife. There is no need to lash out at me for having an opinion. All you seem to be doing here is tellong everyone to go out and get laid. How is that going to help anyone and jow is it gling to fix anyones problems?

    I dont agree with you so that makes me full of myself? And he asked womens advice for a reason..
    okay, if you show me where I told people to go out and just get laid.. show me where I said this please.
    I recommended good ready material for guys to learn how to be confident, not shy..wtf is wrong with that.. nvm OP just be nice buy them stuff, follow them around.. and maybe.. just maybe one will want a pet and you're set.
    Last edited by rob1984; 10-02-13 at 08:55 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    That is how a lot of your posts (rightly or wrongly) have come across to me. I never told him to act like some sort of sheep. I told him dont be afraid to be himself. All he needs to do is avoid getting into the friend zone by making a move earlier. Thats it

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    And i am sorry if i offended you

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    but you obviously know he's mr nice guy.. so being himself is good once he is in a relationship with a nice girl, he used to pick up while being the cocky dominate male, that women are programmed to be attracted too. He can be the guy that says, hey can I buy you a drink.. or he can be the guy who, teases the girl, by saying .. so let me guess, how many pairs of shoes did you try on before you came out today, honestly.. even things like walking up to a girl giving her your phone number, and say " if you call me, i'll tell you why I really gave you my number " she's going to be so curious, find it mysterious she'll call, and wonder what else he has. Im telling you OP this works.

    were cool michelle, i may have went to far.. but hey shows I love my wife if i stood up for her ha.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Women are not usually in the right state of mind to comment on what they really want; their brain chemicals and hormones delude them into thinking about what they want without actually knowing. Hence, Rob and I are more knowledgeable than most women about their own wants.
    Because we have to chase him. Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

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