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Thread: My ex says she misses and loves me but isnt sure about us.. Need some advice please!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterP View Post
    Idk its just a big risk, it seems like shell just say no, i don't get how it would work.. especially at the moment since she said we cant talk so im going NC for a few weeks. It would seem like i might say it if we are in contact for a few weeks and im on her good side and is still saying idk then i would say it but right now i mean..

    And true but cmon men can show feelings too, not gonna be that jock tough guy lol
    Its not a risk. Its common sense. If you want someone to notice you-you act like they don't exist. Don't send that text unless you hear from her. If she texts you again-send it. And then don't respond to her ever again unless she says "I want you back".

    I still think you are being a twat. The girl is not worth it. I'm sorry but she cheated on you and left you for someone else after 2 YEARS together and then tried to blame it all on you. Shes a f**king b**tch and you are being a fool.

    But if you want her to come running then you gotta be distant, aloof, act like you don't care, be mad at her, date other girls and if she contacts you-text her reminding her of everything she has done and y she doesn't deserve you. That will make her BEG for forgiveness.

    The first text I suggested is even too nice for her. Id say something like "okay so you cheat on me, lie to me, dump me for someone else and then think you can bounce back and forth and mess with my head? F**k you, your a cunt. Dont ever contact me again". The difference is Id MEAN it though and I would never give him the time of day again
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    JR, she didn't cheat physically and you cant assume she didn't love me, i think i would know.

    Madelinel- She did try to stop at times but he kept on trying to text her whenever she did that and she kept thinking in her mind hes just a good friend until she realized she liked him close to the end there. And when she told me that, im not 100 percent sure but i think i told her to stop talking to him and she did but then once again he did what i just said.

    And well i think its a bit of both she had some feelings for him ( But im not sure she left me for him, i think he was more of a backup plan but im not sure so idk if its a rebound in a way or not lol) and the guy also took advantage of my flaws because she told him them and she liked that so a bit of both. But either way i did reflect and i found out what they are and what i could do to make it better and am ready to do that, and also realized her problems as well.

    I didn't spam messages or calls and don't plan on it, thanks for the reply

    Michelle23- I guess ill just go NC until she messages me and see why she did message, thanks for the help.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Your making excuses for her. Making her out to be some sort of innocent victim and blaming the other guy. *shaking my head*

    how do you think the other guy became involved in he first place? F a guy came onto me, i say "no thanks, i have a bf" ina polite wag. If be pursues after that, i say "f**k off"

    The reality here is: dhe welcomed his attention, enjoyed it, then confided all her apparant "realtionship prblems" to him instead of talking to you and trying to fix it (which is what she SHOULD have done). She had an emortional affair.

    No matter how you try to dress it up, that IS cheating!

    What she did is wrong
    . Your in denial. You need to face facts
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    She did talk to me about it i just never did change those things, but i know she did i never said she didn't i don't think.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Why would you want sloppy seconds after she's been with another guy....she chose him btw and not you. All she is doing is downplay their relationship to avoid you getting all sappy on her.....she is softening the blow to avoid confrontation. This is what I tell everyone....go by their actions and not by their words....telling lies is easy to do.

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