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Thread: shave your wang?

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    By the way, I've always wondered how men can resist comparing themselves in a public restroom...
    Whatever anybody else says, we don't. Trust me. We just stand there staring forcefully at a blank wall to avoid doing it.

    Best urinal I've ever used, BTW: Red Brickhouse Mall (I think it's called), a converted warehouse in St. Paul-Minneapolis. I go in the men's room to do my business, sidle up to the urinal, whip it out and let loose, fully expecting to see a blank, tile wall when I look up to adopt my "don't look at anything!" stare. Instead, I see the whole concourse of the mall, and a woman RIGHT in FRONT of me putting on lipstick. I flinch and hop-step to a toilet stall, spraying pee everywhere as I go.

    They'd put one-way mirrors up around the men's room urinals. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 01-08-05 at 11:40 AM.
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  2. #17
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  3. #18
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    Eww! That is creepy, whaywardj.

  4. #19
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    My GF doesnt like it fully shaved.

    But... I keep it trimmed and neat, I dont worry about the "dick-tog" (pantyline) shave either.

    I find it very amusing that you do this and yet are self concious about having bald balls. Thats wierd. Why do something that you try to hide?


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  5. #20
    lilwing89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Whatever anybody else says, we don't. Trust me. We just stand there staring forcefully at a blank wall to avoid doing it.

    Best urinal I've ever used, BTW: Red Brickhouse Mall (I think it's called), a converted warehouse in St. Paul-Minneapolis. I go in the men's room to do my business, sidle up to the urinal, whip it out and let loose, fully expecting to see a blank, tile wall when I look up to adopt my "don't look at anything!" stare. Instead, I see the whole concourse of the mall, and a woman RIGHT in FRONT of me putting on lipstick. I flinch and hop-step to a toilet stall, spraying pee everywhere as I go.

    They'd put one-way mirrors up around the men's room urinals. Don't ask me why. I don't know.

    and im sorry but its true guys do check eachother out in the bathrooms..but not all of them, i can tell through my peripheral vision.

  6. #21
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    Lessee, have to top whaywardj's story...hummmm.

    Ok, got it.

    So some years ago, I discovered I had two very small hard growths on the head of the Ole Manly Turgid Tool of Destruction. It turned out they were just small scabs. How they got there I haven't a clue, but at the time I was positive they were veneral warts. So I go to see my Dr. After he has a look at them and re-assures me that I won't be a sexual cripple for the rest of my life, he mentions that he has several medical students in his office and would I mind if he sent them in to "observe" my one-eyed-wonder-worm, scabs and all. Well, I was so relieved at NOT having veneral warts( ) I just said "sure". So there I stood, in the exam room, with my arms crossed over my chest, and my pants around my ankles. 6 guys came into the room, one by one and each had a good long look. I was starting to feel that I should be charging admission when in comes a girl. OH...MY...GOD!

    Ya know, it might have not been so bad if she had some really ugly nerdy type. Hell, I probably might not have minded an ORDINARY girl. But this hottie was STUNNING!! When you are 24 years old (this was some time ago) and still full of hormones, it doesn't take much for certain parts of one's anatomy to.......ummmm.......ASSERT themselves. Yes, I started to get a woody.

    Thank God for baseball!! Its amazing how one can short-circuit a natural biological function by thinking about something else. Whew! Disaster averted.

    This story would be bad enough if it ended there, but it doesn't.

    All the guys that came in just had a look and walked out. Miss mini-skirt-and-heels-in-a-lab-jacket pulls out some rubber gloves!

    Baseball! Shortstops, catchers, runs, drives, errors! Take me out to the baaaall game!!

    She pulled up a stool. I started to sweat. She stared at my crank. I stared at the wall.

    2nd base! Outfield! Bluejays! Cardinals! Redsocks! I was just going over the batting average of the Yankee's when she broke the spell.....

    ......she pulled out a MAGNIFING GLASS!!

    A tip for the ladies: If you ever see a guy's yahoo and say or do ANYTHING that hints that it is NOT a veritable ICBM in his pants, he will be crushed.

    I know I was.

    Anyway, there isn't any punch line. I got ticked-off, pulled my pants up, stormed out. I never went back to that Dr again. This happened over 20 years ago and I'm sure the Nurses are STILL laughing.

    Oh, by the way. Shaving looks good in a porno film, but if you cut yourself, and it gets infected......well, it won't be pretty.

  7. #22
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    I don't shave mine completely bald, thats only for porn stars.
    My girlfriend likes it when its just neatly trimmed. I can't imagine many girls liking a huge furry bush down there, it just gets in the way.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Instead, I see the whole concourse of the mall, and a woman RIGHT in FRONT of me putting on lipstick. I flinch and hop-step to a toilet stall, spraying pee everywhere as I go.

    They'd put one-way mirrors up around the men's room urinals. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
    I actually bust out laughin' when reading this.

    Here are some of the men's bathroom rules.

    - always take the urinal farthest from those already occupied

    - if all unoccupied, take those on either end

    - uneven number of urinal work best, for instance 5, so that the end two and the middle are available leaving room for personal space

    - do not use the urinal between two occupied unless absolutely necessary

    - avoid eye contact

    - never engage conversation with fellow urinators

    - nods and grunts acknowledging another male's presence is tolerable


    - if there are no dividers keep eyes either straight ahead or down

    - stalls best out the "middle man" position any day

    rules are open to changes so feel free to add, agree or disagree

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Trust me - keep it half shaved. Girls complain when it's too bushy, but think it looks like a kiddie... uh... wang when you shave it.

  10. #25
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    I keep the pelvic area neatly trimmed, but shave the rest/ What did he call that webbos? Weebles...lol. Anyway its more enjoyable for my other half, who by the way shaves around hers too. We did the total shave once, and re-growth sucks!

    The story of the students cracked me up. It reminded me of when I had my
    vasectomy. In comes this lady who pulls the cover off me, grabs my tool and
    starts shaving me. She was not ugly at all, and I tried thinking of everything
    I could, but soon I was starting to grow...lol. I tried not to make eye contact,
    and was glad when she walked out. But here's the next problem. She took my cover with her, so now I'm laying on this table fully erect and no cover. She also left the door 1/4 open. Next thing I know there are a few women peeking in at me. LOL..I saw them blushing and giggling, so I felt much better about laying there like that. Then of course the doctor comes in with this totally hot looking assistant. I saw her peeking with her peripheral vision.

    When I walked out..there was whispering, and giggling going on. I made eye contact with one woman, who did all kinds of blushing. My other half has always told me that I am quite big, although I never really thought so. But that day I kind of figured I was. That was an awesome feeling...embarressing at first but awesome afterwards.
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  11. #26
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    ROFL Nurseman you had me rollin here at work..

    Quote Originally Posted by Nurseman
    2nd base! Outfield! Bluejays! Cardinals! Redsocks! I was just going over the batting average of the Yankee's when she broke the spell.....

    ......she pulled out a MAGNIFING GLASS!!
    lololol that is too funny!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    I agree with Fras, and shame on you Lilwing for letting these guys look at you in the bathroom. That shit would never fly with me.

  12. #27
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    ROFL Nurseman you had me rollin here at work..

    lololol that is too funny!

    I agree with Fras, and shame on you Lilwing for letting these guys look at you in the bathroom. That shit would never fly with me.
    GAHH! what the hell am i to do?? kick ass and chew bubble gum?

    i cant help it, its a lot to look at..i have a powerful spray, maybe when i piss it sprays off the urinal and hits my "urinal accompaniment" or what have you, so they look to see what the hell just hit them?

  13. #28
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    hahaha Lilwing!

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    clean shaven is the only way to go.

  15. #30
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    smoother than a baby's butt.

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