Then if you have never given him any reason to mistrust you, he shouldn't be punishing you for somebody else's bad deeds. It is understandable, though, since he has been hurt in the past His reluctance to trust is understandable. That still doesn't make it okay because you have not given him reason to believe he cannot trust you.

You say he's getting better at it, though. You say things between you two have gotten better. I hope that is true. Sincerely, I do hope that. Just, don't let your guard down too much too quickly. You seem to be having a lot of issues with this relationship lately as you've posted many different threads. True, sometimes even the best of relationships can hit a particularly rough patch. I hope that is the case here and that you two will get through it. Just don't cling to something that isn't meant to be if it turns out that things don't remain "better" for long. If it is just a vicious cycle of you two getting into fights, then making up and things are fine for a while, then getting into fights all the time again.... that is no way to have a happy relationship. Good luck to you. I hope things do work out.